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Killing Floor


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So how many forum folks have this, now?


I know both I and MaliciousH do (as we just played a game together).


The full pack is on the last, 'Last Chance' Steam daily deal today.


If you haven't played the game before, think somewhere between Nazi Zombies and Left 4 Dead, with some light leveling components.


I bought the game a year ago on the last Xmas sale, but never really got into it. It seems far improved now and there's quite a few maps.


Anyone interested in getting a KF event going, among forum folks?

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I love this game. I'm ready.




Steam IDs if you'd like to enter yours add folks.


Actually that's not a massive necessity since Tali tweaked the profiles yesterday it handles Steam ID's n the like great.


Ohh yeah, I spose that makes sense. I'll have to go ahead and update my profile.

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Same here. Pretty fun. Kinda weird the cheaper Bullpup was a better gun than the AK-47. I think next time I'll not upgrade n wait to get the more expensive one.

Also the lag wasn't too bad (I've had some horrible matches on L4D with US folks, pretty much only weapon I can use is katana cos guns fire too slow)


I'll be up for it again, though unsure how often I'll be waking up at 6am to participate :P

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I was waiting for a slot to open up to join you guys. Got tired of waiting so... eh~


At least I got a group that finally killed Santa. I don't want to imagine hard mode...


Also, I sticking with sharpshooter. Level 3 with that and well... 1's and 0's with the others.

Edited by MaliciousH
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