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Games you like that everyone else seems to hate

Mister Jack

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You know, from a non-gamer standpoint seeing this, I would have assumed he was either 'special' and excited to wear a costume or just some random kid running around. That father has ISSUES, man. Oh yeah, you threatened a guy waving to you in front of you kids. You're SOOOOO hardcore. Lay off the crack, douche. It's bad for you and your kids.

Edited by LittlePirate
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Yeah Balthier was meant to be the main dude, cos most the FF team that started making these games in their 20's are now in their 40s/50s n appreciate that kind of character.

Till the realised the market is teens so they made the main character Vaan.Thankfully he was easy enough to ignore as Slithy said.


FFXII I'm unsure should even go here, it's weird because while it appears the general sentiment was it was a bad game, it's one of the highest rated and everywhere you bring the game up you get fans popping out the woodwork in droves, more so than many of the other FF games too.

I think folks just disliked the change to the real time battles, but in retrospect have realised it was pulled off pretty niftily. You didn't get a Game Over if one of your characters died at least :P

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I liked Super Mario Sunshine. It was pretty fun and really not all that different from Mario 64 or Galaxy. I don't really understand all the hate for it. What were you expecting?

I agree. I don't really like FLUDD all that much, but really it was just as much fun as any other 3D Mario.

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I actually kind of liked Sunshine better than Mario 64; but I was never the biggest Mario connoisseur. I thought there were some really neat mechanics with the water gun though and I would love to see it used again; either as a full game mechanic or even as some kind of temporary power-up.


I'm playing through The Path right now and, like any other art game, it gets its fair share of criticism. It's absolutely fucking brilliant though. I checked out the other Tale of Tales games around the same time I got the Path and they're kind of hit or miss (the Graveyard in particular is the most pretentious piece of bullshit I've ever seen; the only difference between playing the game and watching somebody play it on Youtube is whether or not you're holding the key to move forward). The Path is a real masterpiece though. With its surrealist imagery, feminist themes, and interpretive story, it really takes no shame in alienating 99.9999999999% of gamers right out the gate, but if you give it a chance you'll quickly find that whatever tedium there appears to be turns to curiosity and any confusion that might arise only helps to better understand things later on.

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I also liked FFX-2 and FFXII. With the same Vaan, jpop caveats.


I liked...


Army of TWO. Yes it was dumb, yes it was a jock bromance, but it was a fun 2 player co-op where co-op mode was more than just re-skinning a character and upping the enemy count. The co-op was local as well, which is a huge bonus because I have real life friends.

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Anyone ever play Culdcept for 360?


I freaking loved that game.


Too bad there was something wrong with the disc and it caused my 360 to overheat and red-ring twice.


It was like Magic the Gathering meets a Board Game with the laziest graphics ever. Oh, and the most atrocious story and voice acting possibly put to disc.


I wish they would make more games like that.



Minus the suck factor, that is.

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Everblue 2. I'm lead to believe that this game is more popular than that, but it's pretty much number one on the list whenever friends want to make fun of my taste in games.


Fallout: Tactics. It's overambitious (it's funny seeing something like a multi-currency system used in FO:NV and thinking "yep, still didn't make it work right"), they clearly ran out of time at the end, and it gets some of the canon wrong (then again, so did 3). But it's a good game with some neat ideas in its gameplay. And come on, it's R. Lee Emery fighting a politician hive mind.


Startopia. Red Dwarf inspired starport micromangement.

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I liked AC1. I mean it was tedious, but you could climb anything, and the first time you climb to a vantage point, you are awestruck,. The combat was fluid too.

Same, I forget to mention AC1 and also Dead Rising 1 when I posted, they were both games where people tended to overlook the positives and concentrate on the flaws.

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Alpha Protocol.


The gameplay and premise of the game is something that really tickled my fancy. I was a field agent, so I was all silenced pistols and stealthy takedowns (which I had a lot of fun doing).


However, the game does suffer when it comes to the AI (if they're in "search" mode, they always run towards wherever you're hiding), and the gunplay could use a bit of touching up as well. Another problem I had was that the game constantly threw my camera all over the place (usually accompanied with stuttering), so that was pretty annoying as well.


Still, though, decent game, and I know they can make the second one a lot better if the project wasn't scrapped by Sega.

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