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Games you like that everyone else seems to hate

Mister Jack

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  On 1/12/2011 at 8:53 PM, Mister Jack said:

Bioshock 2. Yeah the story isn't as good, but does it really have to be? It wasn't terrible either.

Hug me my brother!


BioShock 2 actually had improvements from the original, but it seems like everyone brought it down because, "But BioShock didn't need a sequel, BAAAW!" The one thing I would change more than anything is

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Other games people be hatin' on, but I love/like...


Prince of Persia '08

Sonic and the Secret Rings


I might have said Shadow the Hedgehog as well, but truth be told I wasn't going to sit through the game 16 times to receive the secret ending. The branching paths existed through taking different paths in the levels, so I can't say I particularly cared for the method.

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  On 1/19/2011 at 11:05 PM, Pirandello said:

Still, though, decent game, and I know they can make the second one a lot better if the project wasn't scrapped by Sega.


Sega was just the publisher. Obsidian holds the right to the game, so they could theoretically still create a sequel.


It's a faint hope, but I'm holding on to it B)

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  On 1/20/2011 at 12:10 AM, RadiantViper said:
  On 1/19/2011 at 11:05 PM, Pirandello said:

Still, though, decent game, and I know they can make the second one a lot better if the project wasn't scrapped by Sega.


Sega was just the publisher. Obsidian holds the right to the game, so they could theoretically still create a sequel.


It's a faint hope, but I'm holding on to it B)



Awesome. I hope they do make a sequel (and with a different publisher that doesn't push 'em to release). I suppose they could always have Bethesda publish the sequel since they're already worked with New Vegas for them.


Also, they need to change around the customization options. I found it a bit lacking. Although, having a Thorton with a beard that totally does not match his voice, is still pretty hilarious.


I noticed that Sis is in your sig. G22 are my preferred faction in the game (and they're cool).

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  On 1/20/2011 at 12:26 AM, Pirandello said:
  On 1/20/2011 at 12:10 AM, RadiantViper said:
  On 1/19/2011 at 11:05 PM, Pirandello said:

Still, though, decent game, and I know they can make the second one a lot better if the project wasn't scrapped by Sega.


Sega was just the publisher. Obsidian holds the right to the game, so they could theoretically still create a sequel.


It's a faint hope, but I'm holding on to it B)



Awesome. I hope they do make a sequel (and with a different publisher that doesn't push 'em to release). I suppose they could always have Bethesda publish the sequel since they're already worked with New Vegas for them.


Also, they need to change around the customization options. I found it a bit lacking. Although, having a Thorton with a beard that totally does not match his voice, is still pretty hilarious.


I noticed that Sis is in your sig. G22 are my preferred faction in the game (and they're cool).


Lol, I didn't think it was that big of a mismatch, I think I gave him a beard on all my characters ^_^


G22 is nice and all ... but I kinda only sided with them since Sis is so cute/awesome. It's criminal she's not a romance option. Of course, a sequel could always fix that!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dante's Inferno.


Whenever I hear about it it's people calling it pure shit, and I just don't get that.


Sure, it ripped off God of War big time and was nowhere near as good. But it's not complete garbage!


I originally made the mistake of starting it right after 2 weeks spent platinuming God of War III.

I was done with GOW 3 I but felt like playing something similar and had bought Dante's Inferno a few weeks before, so I put it in.

I played for 2-3 hours and realized I was bored out of my mind, so I stopped.


Picked up from where I had left off a few months later and suddenly I was enjoying the hell out of it... no pun intended.

It was far from perfect and is nowhere near as good as other similar games, but I enjoyed it enough to play through it a second time for the platinum.


Also, I love me some Greek mythology as much as anyone else, but I think Visceral Games really knocked it out of the park with their setting.

The artistic design in some of the circles was just amazing. Plus, I thought it was nice to play something very much like God of War but in a different setting. I'm definitely looking forward to the sequel.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/3/2011 at 8:55 PM, Zuzela said:

I've never tested the waters for this, because I'm too scared of the possible backlash that could occur, but...Eternal Sonata.


But only for Chopin's character, his voice and the interesting excerpts of his music along with details of his life between chapters.

I agree completely, and for the same reasons. I'd just add the reason that it's a good old-fashioned JRPG, which seems to have become pretty rare in recent years. I had a great time with it, and might even give it another spin some time.


  On 1/4/2011 at 3:27 AM, docsfox said:

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

I liked Mystic Quest back when I was a kid, it's hard to say how it would hold up if I tried it now.


  On 1/4/2011 at 4:09 PM, Strangelove said:

Final Fantasy XIII. I liked it a lot actually. Got 91% of all the trophies.


Also Final Fantasy X-2. For my money it still has the greatest rpg battle system ever.

I loved XIII, and I was totally prepared to be let down going in due to all the news that was leaking about it leading up to release. It's possibly my favorite FF combat system of all-time, I had so much fun fighting even minor enemies at times, and the tougher mission fights were a blast.



My contribution is: White Knight Chronicles. I couldn't even say why to be honest. It was bland going for the most part during 1P, but somehow it wound up growing on me by the time it was over, and I had a good time with it online when I started doing that. It was sort of like a mini MMO that you could just pick up and play a quick mission or two in. I hope they haven't scrapped the sequel, and if they haven't I hope it makes it to the US.

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So many...


For 360 the main ones would be the hack-n-slash games I've bought:


Dante's Inferno


Oneechanbara vorteX


I beat and enjoyed them all...maybe I'm not picky?


Also, I loved World at War. I loved co-op single player, zombies and the multiplayer...and some COD4 fanatics would lead you to believe that saying that was a great COD game makes me a heretic.

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  On 2/11/2011 at 7:45 AM, peteer02 said:

Also, I loved World at War. I loved co-op single player, zombies and the multiplayer...and some COD4 fanatics would lead you to believe that saying that was a great COD game makes me a heretic.

Treyarch is the collective Anti-Christ. ;)


Black Ops was pretty good, I'll give them that, but it was the first Treyarch CoD game that actually felt like a CoD game to me. I probably would have liked CoD 3 and W@W if they'd been marketed under a different brand.

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Final Fantasy XII and Divinity II: Ego Draconis.


There's probably a lot more that I can't think of at the moment. Final Fantasy XII wasn't that bad, guys. I know people complain about the gambit system, but you can just turn your gambit off if you don't like it. I thought it was a really fun game.


And Divinity II: Ego Draconis is an AMAZING game! I don't care what other people say about this game, haha. I had a ton of fun playing it and my only complaint would be how hard it is to level up because the monsters don't re-spawn. But seriously, it was super fun to play.


Edit: Hm, I wasn't aware that people didn't like Prototype. I guess I'll add that game to my list, too.

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I actually quite enjoyed Ninja Blade (because I went in expected a rubbish story and mindless action). It wasn't a DMC or anything and had QTEs but definitely quite enjoyable.

I enjoyed The Saboteur despite some if its flaws. Accents were terrible but the game was actually enjoyable.

I know the internet sort of likes Nier despite sales and reviews so there's little point mentioning it. The game was really mostly a shmup disguised as an action adventure game. However the banter was really memorable as well as the stupid shit it puts up on your status when you play it on the PS3 (haven't played it on the PS3 as yet, though I did play the 360 version last year - which I sold to get the PS3 version for this reason).




I know there's not much hate for these games but I love the old roguelike games starting with Rogue of course all the way to ADOM (mostly because I loved the randomised character creation and then the synopsis of the character when you die).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dynasty/Samurai/gundam Warriors, reading Sam Kok (Romance of the Three Kingdom) over and over again since I was little boy make me enjoyed the game more, some say it's repetitive, I'll say nothing more satisfying when I mow those lowly soldiers with Lu Bu (greatest fighter in the three kingdom, absolute moron in governing a country/harnessing loyalty/diplomacy) or burning down the whole T'sao T'sao (Cao Cao) armada and humiliate him during his escape.


I hope the new DS/SW/GW will create new innovations, like commandeering a big group of soldiers in a large landscapes, utilizing various strategies, like fire arrows, boulders, wood ox, etc etc.

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  On 2/24/2011 at 10:32 PM, Gigawings said:
Dynasty/Samurai/gundam Warriors, reading Sam Kok (Romance of the Three Kingdom) over and over again since I was little boy make me enjoyed the game more, some say it's repetitive, I'll say nothing more satisfying when I mow those lowly soldiers with Lu Bu (greatest fighter in the three kingdom, absolute moron in governing a country/harnessing loyalty/diplomacy) or burning down the whole T'sao T'sao (Cao Cao) armada and humiliate him during his escape.


Have you seen Red Cliff?


I thought it was OK, but if you enjoy that stuff you might like it.

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I know the game sold 5 mil, but the general consensus is the Medal of Honor reboot sucked.


I actually had a ton of fun with it. It's SP was sublime, nothing too grandiose and was quite believable. MP had a ton of bugs but I actually had more fun with it than Black Ops. Yeah. I had more fun with an "average" game than Crecente's GOTY pick.


The game felt rushed. That's its main problem. SP had game-breaking bugs. MP severely lacked weapon/map variety...


I am honestly excited to see what MoH 2 brings to the table. :)

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