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Your mum made you get your ear pierced? That's weird for a boy. How old were you?


If I ever got a piercing (a big if) it would be my bird drawing.


I'd struggle to decide whether to have it coloured in or not though...


I do think about it every now and again.

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When I was like..maybe 5-6 or so. I know it'll be have been when I was young, though after parents got divorced. Apparently I agreed to it, but at that age what consent can be given? Started "forgetting" to put it in while I started secondary school. And it wasn't overly weird there was a few lads with pierced ears but yeah not a great thing to have.

Annoyingly my youngest sister on my mum's side has also recently had her ears pierced despite my step-dads insistence neither of them would get ear piercings until 16.

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I didn't mean it was weird a boy would have a piercing - but I would imagine him asking a parent, not the other way around. I'd imagine a parent would normally only think to have a girl's ears pierced as it's more likely she'll want/have earrings the rest of her life.


Is the hole noticeable? The only piercing I've removed is covered by stubble, I guess you're more aware of it than other people would be. Hell, lots of people don't even notice mine with the jewellery in! My ear piercings are through cartlidge so I'm guessing they (especially the orbital) are going to leave pretty obvious marks behind.

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Being a tad snobby, I do tend to be a bit judgemental of parents who have the ears of their children pierced. Especially when they are not even able to stand, let alone walk, or you know, express an opinion about it.


EDIT: I mean the children are unable to stand, as they are 6mths old. Not the parents because they are drinking special brew at 8 in the morning.

Edited by Thursday Next
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And just to be clear, I'm not passing judgement on Dean or any of his family, beyond echoing his feelings that parents should not accessorise their children until they are able to give full and informed consent. Especially where those accessories are permanent.

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