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IIRC if you want in on things like SAS you can't have a Tattoo at all. And certainly not anything like a union jack across your arm.

Tattoos have a tendency of being nationally identifiable and the SAS don't exactly want that.

I'd imagine it's similar for the army (I can't much think on why 'Mtoher' would be unacceptable to the army)


As for tattoos in general, not too keen on them. Some can be pretty, striking n stylish. Most aren't.

My mum is a fan. She's got a blue rose on her ankle and some chinese thing on her back that's supposed to say.. Happiness I think. It probably doesn't (Yeah Chinese/foreign ones are the worst, alongside "Jenny Amanda Betty Laura").

Oh and on the spur of the moment pop culture/fad things. Like getting Edward Cullen tattooed on your back.

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Air Force, I don't think they are going to care. I won't be doing anything dangerous, at all. I couldn't really do anything because of my vision being terrible, and because I am colourblind.


I'm not a fan of pop culture tattoos either, I think everyone should be drawing their own, or at least have it mean something. I would hate to have Edwards face on my back when I die.

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I've had a design for an Alice tattoo, myself. Pretty similar to what you had. I have a thing for dragons, so I designed one on my leg--actually it's based off my dad's D&D monster manual. I liked that monster out of his book since I was a kid, so it was my first tattoo. This is an old pic taken on a phone I no longer have--pardon the pixel-ness and small-ness.




I also have the Kanji for 'Dream' on my neck. Since I'm a lucid dreamer. I feel tattoos should have meaning. Otherwise it's just graffiti.

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  On 1/4/2011 at 12:23 AM, LittlePirate said:

Advice: NEVER get your nipples pierced. I knew a gal who did once... got herself in a cat fight. ...Her boobies aren't that pretty anymore.




I'm not even female and that hurts.


I was at some crappy nu-metal concert in high school once, and I remember some dude standing there without his shirt on, bobbing his head to the music, and he's got blood gushing from his eyebrow, where it's pretty obvious he's just gotten an eyebrow piercing ripped off his face.


Gwuhh. Kind of glad I took mine out sometimes.


This is the same thought that goes through my head when I see women wearing massive hoop earrings.

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I don't have any. I have like three or four designs I would like to get, but haven't nutted up to get one yet.


on the topic of piercings: friend of mine got his nipples pierced, removed them after his first kid. She'd use them to get his attention.


"Daddy... daddy... DADDY" *grab*

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I hope you can get a refund - it's upside down!!


And why does the subtitle say Bryan H has the best tattoo? I'd say it's NeoStarr with the black light TriForce on his hand.


Then again, I'm not sure what kind of ink Bryan has.

Edited by Showmeyomoves!
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  • 2 years later...

*casts Revive*
So my wife drew a rough draft with a sharpie for me of a tattoo I'm considering getting (yes I know it's Dr. Manhattan's symbol, no that's not why I want it).
hi6q0C4.jpg yJcyNw9.jpg
My hair looks awful because we were at the pool earlier and I haven't showered since.
The tattoo would be on my left arm, but I was too lazy to reverse the mirror shot.
Another location I'm considering:
This one got distorted because of the way I was sitting when she was drawing it, which would obviously be corrected for the final thing.  The height is about right, and it would just be an actual circle (rather than an oval) in that location.  So it would be wider than it is in this picture.  I'm not 100% thrilled with the placement, it would probably be slightly higher on my arm.
This one has the advantage of being covered even when I'm wearing short sleeves, so I could still wear those even if I were going somewhere that I didn't want it showing.  The forearm one has the advantage that I would be able to see it most of the time, which appeals to me.


*Edit* - Actually, I would probably move the forearm one up a little bit too, to be closer to my elbow.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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