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Freaky things around your home

Little Pirate

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I don't mind spiders, but I had earwigs at some point and they landed in my bath. I thought I felt something crawling up my back and lo and behold. I flipped out and first thing I did was spray the bugger face-on with Raid.


Earwigs and any kind of blood-suckers should stay out of my home. I am a vengeful person on intruders.

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Back in first year we had a nurse student join us mid-way through.

Dude was like 25 or something, had spent the intervening years going around the world.

So for the later end of the year our kitchen sported the talking piece of the block.

A snake eating a scorpion in a bottle of Vietnamese whiskey.

I may or may not have a photo of it somewhere.

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In my current house, we have House Centipedes. They're disgusting.



My ex-wife and I rented a place about 5 years ago that had a mouse problem. Every winter we'd go through like 12 mice. There were at least 2 bat incidents as well (the first of which happened at like 3 am and I freaked out and ran to my bedroom with the TV and lights on and everything.) We never found the bat.


Then we found a dead bird in the basement and a rat jumped out of the drop ceilings in the basement two feet in front of me. We moved immediately. Funny thing was the place was actually pretty nice, it was just old so all these animals managed to sneak inside somehow.

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In my current apartment we have localized roaches and waterbugs. It's an old building, and they live in the drain system, so they'll crawl up out of the sink. Our food and garbage are tightly sealed, so they don't spread. I just wish the landlord would wipe them out once and for all. Then again, as soon as one apartment unit attracts them, they'd spread throughout the whole building again.


The freakiest thing in any place I'd ever lived was a family of raccoons living in the walls of the house I lived in during my senior year of college. They'd fight and fuck, making horrible and strange noises all night long sometimes. After a month, we were able to trap them, clean out the wall they lived in and seal it off.


That same apartment also had a veritable army of roaches until we nuked the place with bug bombs and trapped the shit out of it over Christmas break.

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When I lived with my sister in her basement apartment, we would get all kinds of bugs down there. Earwigs prefer damp environments, so you might get some in the bath tub or maybe on your towels. No matter how many times you drown them, they'll crawl back up the drain hole.


I visit my sis every now and then. There was one night where a wolf spider darted across the living room carpet. I gave it a good hit right before it touched my leg. See, I'm not so much freaked out by bugs, it's the squishing and crushing that gets to me.


Well, actually, flying insects freak me out a bit too. It's the sound that makes my spine crawl.


Other than her place, I once lived in a town house that had a few hobo spiders. By the time I got hobo spider traps, we never saw another one. Once had a sowbug killer when I was packing up, but those are harmless.

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Potato Bugs - I hate these little bastards.




In my home back at the mountains, there was a period where they were always getting in the house - so you really wouldn't want to walk around bear foot at night.


There was one time where I was playing WoW late at night over summer and my parents were gone, and my cat kept brushing against my leg.


Not paying attention, I'd just sort of nudge him away.


And then one of the times I feel it and notice my cat isn't around. Look down and ONE IS CRAWLING ON MY LEG so I jump around like a maniac screeching and kick it off, fling it outside...


And then somehow, I get suspicious later, look at the ground and it's heading for me again.


I forget what I did. I think I took it as a sign to stop playing and shut myself in my room and went to sleep after that.


Things I don't miss about the mountains...

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I just remembered the one time I flipped out over a spider. Like I said, I don't really freak out over bugs, but there are scenarios where I'm screaming like a murder victim.


It was at my grandparents' home, and keep note that they have a large garden in the backyard. This will usually attract all kinds of wildlife, but mostly insects. They don't always stay out in the backyard, but will make the home their habitat. One morning I was walking outside the front walkway and there was a tug on the palm of my hand. I didn't think much of it at first, that is until something filled the palm of my hand. I looked down and there was a giant red spider, and as I was caught off guard, I began to drop F-Bombs ferociously.


I threw it to the ground and stomped on it. I swear, it was like I stepped on a packet of 1000 Island dressing as pink goo splatted everywhere. I'm still swearing, and I'm saying a lot of colorful words. I mean... the whole neighborhood could hear me. My mother is embarrassed, but for the most part my grandparents wanted me to stop acting like a pansy and hose off their walkway.

Edited by Atomsk88
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I came out of the shower once and there was a Black Widow on my underwear.


I threw my sister's InStyle magazine on top of it and jumped on it several times.


Then I threw the underwear out.





She can be on my underwear any time.


Edited by Showmeyomoves!
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Stupid hair aside, I rescued a spider from my cat the other day. After having slapped it around for a bit, she was about to eat it, so I rushed over, pushed the balled up sorry excuse of a spider on my hand and walked towards the door. He then quickly unfolded and started running across my arm towards my head. Quickly nabbed it when it was going for my ear, put it outside on the table, got back in only to turn around and see my cat eating it in the yard.


Eh, I tried..


I am fascinated by bugs, so complex in terms of biochemistry and anatomy. If they were any bigger, we would not dominate this planet.


I'm gonna watch starship troopers again.

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I think the spider's in my house are big enough to have their own health bar.


Do you live on Spider Island by any chance?






This is what I found crawling on me during my bath. He paid the price.


We had an earwig problem when we first moved into the apartment. What you can do to stop them is put boric acid (or just plain old 20 Mule Team Borax) around the foundation of the house and they won't be able to get through it to get in.


Earwigs are gross, ugly, creepy looking and just flat out disgusting. They are also 100% harmless and don't bite (well anything with a mouth bites but not a poisonous or even painful bite) but once they enter my domain they die. Ladybugs I will turn loose outside; everything else must die.

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That reminds me, I used to have a ladybug infestation in my old apartment. That was the point where I stopped making an exception for them (really, they're just the same as any other bug when you look at them closely) and started killing them. I am now an equal opportunity exterminator.

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That reminds me, I used to have a ladybug infestation in my old apartment. That was the point where I stopped making an exception for them (really, they're just the same as any other bug when you look at them closely) and started killing them. I am now an equal opportunity exterminator.


I think the difference with lady bugs is that they eat the more harmful bugs. You can vacuum them up and release them outside.

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