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Any fans here?
Especially ones looking forward to the sequel?

Personally I really liked the game. Felt it was pretty polished, love the moving around (though going back n realising you have to work a fair bit to get the ziplines n gliding stings)
The options were very black n white, but one of the first games where I felt being bad was good. Also it wasn't just a change to the ending but gives you nearly a completely different playstyle too. Other games with a morality system how you play the game is largely going to remain the same, but with Infamous it changes between the good defensive styles, to a very offensive playstyle that requires you to be killing the enemy ASAP n taking as few hits as possible (whereas Good almost encourages it), Very much a game that knows most folks don't play evil til the second go around.

I'm hoping some kind of save moves on, though there's been very little word on stuff like that. So don't know if I'll start the game all glowing blue or red with black tints in my skin. I won't mind too much but it'd be a nice touch. Also hope that the addition of new powers means we won't have to relearn all the other stuff.

btw any owners of this game:
Play the evil mode some point before Infamous 2. You'll love it.

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Second one's a day one purchase for me. Thoroughly enjoyed the first, and the new setting seems good, especially since I partially grew up in New Orleans. The production values look to have increased, too, and they got rid of that ridiculous redesign, so all signs point to awesome.

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It was good. Combat was OK, but it could've done with being more interesting and less like a third-person-shooter. Liked the exploring and some of the missions. Think I expected too much of the story which, although it had a great setup and some interesting twists, was pretty disappointing. It just got a bit repetitive and boring at some points, and I did not give a damn about Cole or anyone.


Despite all the problems, I think Sucker Punch know what needs improving and I'm still looking forward to the sequel.

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Like Hot Heart, I think it was a good first try, but repetitive as hell, and story that failed to deliver on its promise. I'm interested in the sequel, but honestly, I'm looking forward to Prototype 2 more. Why? Because inFamous was a very polished game that wasn't all that fun, and Prototype was a completely unpolished game that was tons of fun. Ergo, in my mind, Prototype 2 has more potential.

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Yeah I question how InFamous is repetivie, but Prototpye isn't? All the missions were pretty much the same sequence of find lowly soldier, sneak into base, take over field commander, go inside, assimilate....everyone, then leave n maybe fly a helicopter for a bit or beat up some beasties.

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Yeah I question how InFamous is repetivie, but Prototpye isn't? All the missions were pretty much the same sequence of find lowly soldier, sneak into base, take over field commander, go inside, assimilate....everyone, then leave n maybe fly a helicopter for a bit or beat up some beasties.


Never said it wasn't repetitive- of course it was. It was just fundamentally more FUN. Given the choice to shoot lightning at yet another hobo who takes some thirty shots to kill, or ripping a guy in half, stealing his identity, and then accusing his best friend of being YOU so that he gets gunned down by his fellow soldiers is just pure, concentrated entertainment.





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I played InFamous last year, finished with good karma. I went evil after that but only finished the first three missions or so.


I won't be in a hurry to get InFamous 2, but I do want to get it. After seeing the gameplay trailers they released a while ago it seemed like they really spiced things up. Like most of you I'm hoping for the new game to be less repetitive. There seemed to be more scripted moments (some people compared it to moments in Uncharted), so I'm pretty curious about how that will turn out to be. Also, I'm waiting for this game so I have an excuse to use the Move


OH, and I'm so glad they decided to stick with the old (but renewed) Cole, and not some Nathan Drake look-a-like.

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  • 1 month later...

Really looking forward to this. It's definitely on my top 5 most expected PS3 games.


Bought the first one at launch and never regretted it.

My first run was good and I finished it in only a few days.

Then I went and did an evil run right after.

Was one of my first Platinum trophy. Think the only one I had prior was Uncharted 1.

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It was good. Combat was OK, but it could've done with being more interesting and less like a third-person-shooter. Liked the exploring and some of the missions. Think I expected too much of the story which, although it had a great setup and some interesting twists, was pretty disappointing. It just got a bit repetitive and boring at some points, and I did not give a damn about Cole or anyone.


Despite all the problems, I think Sucker Punch know what needs improving and I'm still looking forward to the sequel.

That was one of my biggest gripes with the game.


I had a few issues with Infamous 1, still enjoyed it despite it's flaws though. I2 seems like it's gonna have some more creative powers compared the first game, and I'm also glad Sucker Punch is making the super-powered free-running/parkour a lot more fast and fluid too.


I hated that there was no real forward momentum for moving from building-to-building, transitioning from climbing to gliding.


I guess it's kinda the opposite of AC games where moving from one building to another was great, but actually climbing up a building took time.

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Interest in Infamous 2 for me just skyrocketed now. Creating your own levels in a game like this is awesome


Same here. I NEED to play the first one now, because I know for a fact that I WILL get 2 down the line after reading that little bit of news.

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Interest in Infamous 2 for me just skyrocketed now. Creating your own levels in a game like this is awesome


Same here. I NEED to play the first one now, because I know for a fact that I WILL get 2 down the line after reading that little bit of news.


I never played the first either D: AGH I enjoyed the demo though....that's enough!.....no its not

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Interest in Infamous 2 for me just skyrocketed now. Creating your own levels in a game like this is awesome


Same here. I NEED to play the first one now, because I know for a fact that I WILL get 2 down the line after reading that little bit of news.


I never played the first either D: AGH I enjoyed the demo though....that's enough!.....no its not


I got to play it for about 4 hours. It didn't blow me away, but it's the kind of game you want to finish.

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It looks like they're upping the gameplay ante a lot in the sequel.


The first one was great, but it always got boring when you were used to all your powers, and it was sometimes completely retardedly designed. Cover shooter mechanics with platforming and enemies sprawled everywhere leads to some pretty fucked up scenarios where you really can't win unless you're totally on the ball.


Still, good superhero game. Sequel is looking much better.

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