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Honestly, 2 or 3 more mission with each of those characters would have been nice. You got to know the 2 chicks from inFamous 2 way longer, though they were way more bland. So I guess its a trade off.

As for the map, Id add at least two or 3 more "areas". Thats about it. I hate big maps for the sake of being big. Ive always been more of a Vice City fan than a San Andreas fan.


By the way, someone had to point out some stuff that was missing from the old games. Besides the grinding on the powerline, I forgot about stuff like lifting cars or having a shield. To me it just shows how much those things werent necessary in this one. All the new stuff Second Son does is way better than either of the past games. I wouldnt say it's "less."


I also feel that this is the game that cements Sucker Punch as someone Ill be highly anticipating each new game they make  from now on. Some people may have felt that way already since theyve made a lot of good games(Infamous 2 is one of my favorite games from the PS3), but I think Second Son is really something else. Theyve set themselves apart. I wouldnt put them up with Naughty Dog or Kojima, but Id put them up there with Rocksteady and Platinum. Thats just my opinion of course. I know tons of people would put Platinum above everyone else I mentioned.

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I've always been convinced that the inFAMOUS games could've done with better controls/power integration. It seems Sucker Punch still haven't figured it out. Have they even discovered the existence of radial menus, yet? That ease of 'doing things' is what I felt made Prototype a better action game.


Like how in 2, you had to choose between whatever L2 or R2 did, except they were all handy things to have. Take the 'ice jump' that boosted you higher. Why not just make that a quick double-tap of jump, or a charge up thing where you hold the button first (like the Spider-Man games for higher jumps)? Instead it occupied the same button as the electric tether and, I think, the shield.

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Other than the fact that you can't switch between your various power flavors without going and charging the one you want to switch to, they don't seem to have any issues with that kind of thing this time around, and honestly the power switching seems more like a game design/balance decision than a control issue.

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You can have diversity with balance. That's what smart design is. From what I hear, most of the power stuff is fairly inconsequential; just pick a power and shoot the bad men.


But like I said, I'd need to play the game to make a proper assessment. I'm only going off some discussion here and a bunch of reviews I've read.

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The basics are the same, as far as you have a shooty attack and a range attack and a heavy attack etc, but they all have different specials and whatnot.  Like neon lets you slow down time to target weakpoints, smoke lets you get a power that automatically subdues enemies (with a good-karma subdue) if you get a headshot, that kind of stuff.  They also all have very different dash-type abilities (doesn't sound like much, but each power does play pretty differently if you're putting any effort into it).

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Alright!  Got the platinum!  It's actually not that hard to get, you just have to put in some time.  This makes my third platinum this month, after South Park and Danganronpa.  Funny, really.  I usually don't go to the trouble.  Up until now I think I had maybe 7 or 8 platinum trophies tops.

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According to my play percentage I'm just over halfway done which is pretty cool. Absolutely loving the game so far. My only complaint would be the bosses have way too much health and quickly become a chore. Compared to how quickly you can take out regular enemies, the bosses are massive sponges. Other than, no complaints at all.

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I wasnt a big fan of all the bosses being in small closed off places. That was a bit weird considering the other inFAMOUS games had bosses out in the middle of the city. I dont think it was done completely on purpose though since this Seattle has almost no open places where these gigantic bosses would fit.

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All the bosses were awesome in SS.

And honestly, bosses are dying out as a result of games trying so hard to be more "real." Id be pissed if a superhero game didnt have bosses in it. Its practically a requirement.

And I didnt find the bosses any more difficult than any other bosses from any other game. Itd be like if the Batman games didnt have bosses in them.

Which reminds me, aside from Freeze and Scarecrow, that trilogy did not have great bosses either. Just long drawn out patterns.

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Yeah, I thought the bosses were good. They weren't frustrating, and if you failed it didn't make you redo the whole thing, there were mid-fight checkpoints. The game would have felt like it was missing something without bosses.

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They're adding some features to Second Son.  Notable to me is the ability to lock the framerate at 30.  Obviously I prefer higher framerates if they're stable, but a framerate that fluctuates a lot is distracting to me, so this will be nice, especially since according to Digital Foundry the game averages about 35 fps, so it's not like you're getting a huge benefit from the unlocked rate anyway.  ETA on the patch is at least two weeks.

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I never noticed any frame dipping either.


I beat Second Son a few hours ago and I gotta say, I never used the Video power unless I was obligated to.  Once I got Neon, I was basically set for the whole game.  Its Dash ability was the best (albeit not as fast when it came to vertical movement), SloMo made takedowns easy and Radiant Sweep pretty much trounces Orbital Drop and Heaven, Hell and Delsin.

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