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Are neon/smoke powers tied to specific moral alignments?

It's my understanding that he steals powers from other conduits, so the first one you steal is smoke, and then neon (we saw him stealing neon in a trailer awhile ago.. I'd dig it up but I'm mad lazy, yo) and supposedly there's other powers too. 



And yeah, these days it's probably a good idea to just assume any voice you hear in a game is Troy Baker. The dude is everywhere. Second Son is kind of cool because if you look at his face and at Delson's face, it's totally his likeness. 

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  • 2 months later...

Seattle: The Poor Man's Vancouver.

Still, this game looks great. The water effects are impressive. I need this game, right now, inside me. I just want to put this game in a spoon, heat it up with a lighter, put it in a syringe, and shoot it up in the back of a dingy alley somewhere. Or maybe in Seattle somewhere, Cobain style.

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  • 3 weeks later...




Delsin can assume the powers of other Conduits, apparently, and the current demo offers neon and smoke flavours, which you can switch between by charging up at certain hotspots. (Storefront signage gives you the former, chimneys and wrecked car engines provide the latter.)



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That's pretty much how it worked in the first two: you had an electricity meter that you had to fill up at transformers or whatever, the only difference was electricity was the only kind of power.  I really don't see the problem.

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I guess if it was made passive (in the electric games) it might be improved, but I don't think there's anything inherently bad with the recharging. It allowed the designers to vary difficulty throughout in key placement of charge points, knocking out power, giving you a bus with infinite charge to ride around on etc.

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I wouldn't mind it so much if it were passive. If it supposed to be like shooter reload mechanics, it should work more like that. Better yet, make a proper superpower action game and forget all that.


I don't think it adds any appreciable difficulty that shouldn't already come from the enemies, nor am I in favour of the same old 'you have to go and activate the things so you can go to this part of the map' stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Charging powers up makes sense to me, what with energy being finite and all. It also adds a degree of strategy to how you play, kiting enemies to areas with numerous power sources or having to be conservative where power is scarce.


From what I could tell he's more Peter Pitrelli than Sylar. I don't think he'll be poking around in people's skulls for powers. :)


First PS4 game I've been really excited about. Can't wait for it to come out.

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