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Platform Fanboys



33 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Platforms are you a fanboy of?

    • PC
    • Xbox
    • Playstation
    • Nintendo
    • Sega
    • Other
    • All consoles are equal (but some are more equal than others)

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I guess you missed Ethans comment that we can also use controllers too.

And my desk at the moment is pretty huge. My dads is a small thing in the corner. It's all up to taste.

My current desk is actually more of a table, it's about 2.5 feet deep n 4 feet wide. Pretty big. And also to taste is my current monitor size. Which is also the TV I play consoles on.

Sofas are good for party games n the like, but single player gaming end up fidgeting too much. Also TV's are too small.

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Double post. Reported.


I voted (surprise, surprise) Nintendo. I understand they're not very popular amongst the "hardcore" crowd nowadays, but they still have the best (and most) exclusive franchises. I think people still associate games like MGS and Final Fantasy with Sony, but they haven't been exclusive to Sony consoles in a while now. They have some good exclusives, though. MotorStorm, Uncharted... LittleBigPlanet has potential too. But when compared to Nintendo's line-up of first-party titles, there's really no competition.




Super Mario

Mario Kart

Legend of Zelda


Donkey Kong

Golden Sun

Advance Wars

Fire Emblem



Kid Icarus

Smash Bros.


Sin & Punishment


Animal Crossing

Brain Training

Wii Sports




Those last three might not get me particularly excited, but they show the diversity in their line-up. They have pretty much every genre covered.


For me, the possibility of seeing a new Metroid or F-Zero game is reason enough to buy the next Nintendo console, whatever it may be.


This has been: My Opinion.

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I would say both PC and Xbox (I guess you could technically, technically put them under the same umbrella company of Microsoft, although I guess with programmes like WINE for other Operating Systems it's not quite the case).


PC, because most of the games I want to play are PC-based anyway (Warcraft, WoW, a lot of Steam games), but also because it was my introduction to video games. I used to watch my brother play the PS all the time, but to actually set up that first ever Diablo II LAN connection on our slow-as-muck computers was certainly something else. And the PC is so bloody versatile in it's gaming.


But I like the Xbox too, for it's exclusives and the way it plays - I like the feel of the controller, the ease of Xbox Live (apart from those damn Microsoft points) and the exclusives too.


I voted for all consoles are equal in the end, if only because of the belief that there should be more Animal Farm references in the world. :3

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I'm a diehard Nintendo fanboy, but my console of choice is my Xbox 360. I would play more PC games if my rig wasn't my primary video editing computer. I also do enjoy the PS3 as hardware, but don't find myself particularly fond of any game that doesn't have the words "Metal" and "Gear" in the title. I don't fault Sony for that though. I actually might pick up LittleBigPlanet 2. I really enjoyed the first one.

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I was a hardcore Nintendo fanboy up until the days of the Gamecube. I bought the Gamecube and was super excited about Perfect Dark Zero and Zelda and a few other games. What happened was a series of delays, cancellations and letdowns. I bought an Xbox just to play Halo and ended up getting a bunch of other games for it and it quickly filled the hole that Nintendo had left. When Nintendo released the Wii I decided to wait until there were some good games for it. I eventually bought one off a friend for $100 but I still never play it. I spend about 90% of my gaming time on my Xbox because that's where most all of the good games are and most of my friends have Xbox.

Edited by Yantelope
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As for the pc talk, I like consoles because I know when I put in a game its going to work. I also prefer buying a new console every 5-6 years instead of buying upgrades every 2 or 3 years. I like simplicity.


Plus, couch. Sorry I know about the 360 remote and whatever, but yeah. Sorry. I cant imagine balancing a keyboard and mouse on my knees from my couch. Isn't that the appeal of the pc in the first place? Better control? Not having to deal with a simple controller?

Dont you pc guys hate that games are simplified for consoles and you guys lose your awesome pc sweetness? Come on.

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I was a hardcore Nintendo fanboy up until the days of the Gamecube. I bought the Gamecube and was super excited about Perfect Dark Zero and Zelda and a few other games. What happened was a series of delays, cancellations and letdowns.


I still hold firm that the Gamecube is one of the best systems ever. It has so many amazing titles that no one ever played, or played somewhere else after they got ported.


- Windwaker

- Metroid Prime series

- Mario Sunshine (was still good!)

- Viewtiful Joe

- Killer 7

- Resident Evil 4

- Eternal Darkness

- Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes

- Smash Bros. (the best one)

- Pikmin

- The amazing Resident Evil remakes

- F-Zero GX

- Super Monkey Ball

- Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door

- Tales of Symphonia


Seriously. I freaking love the Gamecube, despite Nintendo trying their hardest to make people hate it...

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I really hated MGS: The Twin Snakes.


It was like John Woo remaking a classic James Cameron film.


You say that like a John Woo remake of Titanic wouldn't be the greatest thing ever...


Seriously though, Twin Snakes was awesome. It doesn't in any way replace the original, but it was a wonderful companion piece.

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I gotta say, if I didn't already have a 360 and shitload of XBL friends, I would consider getting a high powered PC, hook it up to my living room TV, buy a 360-PC controller and Steam the crap out of some games. Steam has had hella great prices lately.

I don't understand the appeal of hooking a PC up to a TV. 23 inch monitor that I sit 2.5 feet away from beats out a 50 inch TV that I sit 10-15 feet from. I even have my 360 and PS3 hooked up to a monitor instead of a TV, though that is partly so I'm not always hogging the TV.





What's eye strain got to do with a couch? Surrounds sound is equally easy to set up between the two as well. In fact cos PC gaming is primarily single player it can be set up perfectly for PC use, no need to try n balance it between a room of folks sitting about.

As for a decent chair, you're upright n focused on the game. You're in..the zone.


I've played PC games heavily on my PC, and I've played 360 games heavily on my couch. I prefer the couch.


See, in the old days when I was confined to one room PC gaming was a more viable option. Now I live in a house, so the PC is in the office and the game systems are in the living room. One is for work, the other is for entertainment. I don't mix those two.

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Twin Snakes had mostly bad controls because of the GCN's horrible button layout.


And it's funny to dislike Twin Snakes because it has over-the-top cutscenes because that's the Metal Gear franchise in a nutshell -- on the surface it seems like a serious, realistic game, but then out comes the bisexual vampires and obese villains on roller skates.


I liked the original PS Metal Gear Solid because the music was cooler, the controls were better suited to the old PS controller, and ultimately MGS on the PS had style.


Seriously. I hate on the MG series quite a bit nowadays, but the original MGS was so awesome during it's day. I was a N64 owner at the time, and MGS really made me want a Playstation.

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I've never actually played Twin Snakes, but just from watching the cutscenes on youtube... they go TOO far with it whereas the rest of the series has just enough restraint. A fat guy with bombs strapped to him rollerblading isn't as weird as your stealthy protagonist doing a backflip onto a missile.

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I feel bad about Sega. I mean, they were a huge part of my childhood and they don't even get one vote? Sure, I didn't vote for them because nowadays it goes against my platform-less preference mentality, but at the same time it would be good to see them getting a little more recognition.

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While I've had some entertainment at times putting together e-z-chair oriented PC setups, (and to live up to the title), PC games tend to demand the sort of attention, thoughtfulness, and care that flopping about on the couch is not conducive to, unlike your typical console game that primarily requires twitchy reflexes and ability to use ones thumbs.

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I've never actually played Twin Snakes, but just from watching the cutscenes on youtube... they go TOO far with it whereas the rest of the series has just enough restraint. A fat guy with bombs strapped to him rollerblading isn't as weird as your stealthy protagonist doing a backflip onto a missile.



Yeah, a large part of it was it just made no sense at all. They at least pretend to explain why some characters have over the top abilities but in MGS TTS it was just a random smattering of stupid cliche's thrown in for no reason. There's a difference between Mission Impossible where Tom Cruise jumps off the helicopter in the tunnel onto a speeding train vs. MI:2 Tom Cruise sliding down a motorcycle shooting the side of cars and watching absolutely everything explode. There's cool unbelievable and stupid unbelievable.

Edited by Yantelope
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Honestly, I find sitting in a good office-type chair more comfortable than sitting on a couch. But that's just me.


Also, I'm always sitting upright (well, slouch) when I play games. I never lay down or anything like that. I just can't play effectively from that kind of a position.

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As much as I would like to say Sony or Nintendo thanks to their franchises and the time I've spent playing their consoles I have to go with PC.


I started gaming on my consoles, but when we bought a PC I would just stay there playing Age of Empires or Motocross Madness, I also had Fifa '98 for the PC, really fun game. However, due to lack of budget, no good places to buy parts from here, and the fact that my parents had the "PC is for work and study not games" mentality I played mostly on consoles until last year, when I got a lot of games during the Steam sales and other stuff (thanks guys! \m/).

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