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Games You've Beat in 2011


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That's been the general consensus. I wonder why that is. The pig-tails, maybe? Neptune is such a bubbly-sweet little hoodie-kitten, though!


Because real men like breasts. ;)


Pretty sure "real men" wouldn't be playing the game at all by their standards. x: Not enough manshoots and explosions.


I went back and beat The Witcher 2 again...

just replayed the last decision. Initially, I let Lethos go. This time I killed him... different was minimal.



@TheCowboyPoet: Interlude was claimed to be around 15 hours long. I haven't looked into it since release.

Edited by Saturnine Tenshi
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Finished Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2.


Eh. Mediocre sequel. I'd wager about 80% of the content was shamelessly recycled from the first game, and even the stuff that was new was pretty damn underwhelming. The new art style was also something I never got used to, and the soundtrack I felt was better in the first. I can't actually think of anything that I felt was better than the first.

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I still haven't finished the first. It was when it initially came out. I was having trouble with the bomb. No longer have a DS now.

Never finished the first one either. Some of the later levels are just fucking impossible :(


Like the one that has you removing blood clots and cleaning and suturing lesions all at once? Even when you do the pentagram time-slowing thingy it is nigh impossible.

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I still haven't finished the first. It was when it initially came out. I was having trouble with the bomb. No longer have a DS now.

Never finished the first one either. Some of the later levels are just fucking impossible :(


Like the one that has you removing blood clots and cleaning and suturing lesions all at once? Even when you do the pentagram time-slowing thingy it is nigh impossible.

Oh man, it's been so long. I barely remember the level I was stuck on or what the procedure was even like.


I vaguely recall something involving triangles and cutting? All I know is it was time-sensitive, so if I was too slow, stuff I had removed would grow back.

I remember I'd always come close but it would inevitably just go to hell at the last second.

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No one is ever the only one. Ever. Liked it better the second time around, just crashed through everything up to Chapter 11. Spent ages on Pulse, then had a quick dash through the end-game so I could finish levelling and complete all the hunts. Still never managed to get my hands on a Trapazohedron thing though... stupid Adamnatoises.

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So you can return to Pulse at the end of the game? I'm in Orphan's Cradle but still have some Pulse missions I never completed.

No hockey tonight (Go Canucks!) maybe I'll try to push through the rest of XIII... but something tells me I have some long ass boss battles ahead.

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Forgot to post it but I got around to completing Enslaved earlier this week.


Overall it was pretty great. Story was decent and the ending was very satisfying. It was an interesting take on Journey to the West. I wouldn't mind a sequel.


The combat seemed a bit unforgiving sometimes, but that might be only because I played it on hard on my first run. Once I figured out how to deal with groups of enemies it was much more manageable.

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So I "finished" the Shivering Isles expansion for Oblivion (at least the main's quest, which I guess is the closest thing you can get to in terms of "finishing" the game other than 100%-ing it).


Holee shit. Such an awesome everything. Setting, characters, quests, events, etc. Really freaking good. Got back into my Oblivion mojo too, so I totally had a blast and reminded me very well why I was so excited for Skyrim in the first place (I was beginning to forget :P)



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I can add Gunstar Super Heroes. The game got super cheap at the end but with enough continues I finally beat it today. :D


What's sad is I have a half dozen games on my "almost complete" list but I never seem to get around to finishing.


2011 Beaten so far:

(Mike Tyson's) Punch-Out


Thunder and Lightning


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inFamous (1) on an eeeeeeebil playthrough. Need to go through it again as a goody two shoes.


One thing that annoyed me... no, two.


1. When you're done clearing all the side missions before the last boss three areas remain uncleared. Because around this time I had to do a hard reset, (accidentally climbed the wrong building and did a good thing) I thought I had corrupted the save, leading me to replay a couple of hours needlessly.


2. Blast shards. I've got 97 out of 350 to collect. three. hundred. and. fifty. Why the hell are there so many? They could at least have the decency to have them persist on the map once I've pinged them so that now that I am travelling about I could collect ones that I may not have bothered with at the time. Or, perhaps, they could have done that thing that Criterion did where you could amend your save file on their site to find the last few crash gates and jumps.

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L.A. Noire (Platinum) + DLC.


I'm really trying to finish my backlog one step at a time. Because I was so busy at work and not at home - my partner managed to finish Yakuza 4, Ar Tonelico, Red Johnson, Broken Sword 1-3, Grey matter and so many others. Man I really wish I had time for gaming.

Witcher 2 beckons but I've barely managed to finish more than 4hrs of the game. And this week I'm getting Alice (already paid for) and next week Shadows of the Damned while I'm still trying to finish Infamous 2 -.-


WTB more time.

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Not bad at all, I think I may as well snag the second one while I have my month of PS+ active.



Oh, and it was a pleasant surprise to learn that it's one of the few titles that take advantage of in-game music from the XMB. The music in tha game is actually pretty good, but nothing is better than my music, not even yours ^^

Edited by FredEffinChopin
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