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Games You've Beat in 2011


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I didn't think this lived up to its potential. Your choices had basically no effect until the ending cutscene. Lead to some pretty serious ludonarrative dissonance.



Basically the whole game I was telling Catherine how hot her pictures were, and wanting to see her and stuff, and blowing off Katherine the whole time, but whenever I didn't have control Vincent was saying how he wanted to stop seeing Catherine and how he really loved Katherine and she was the most important thing to him and everything. Totally did not jive with his actions when I was in control.


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Finished Batman on Thursday, Infamous: Festival of Blood on Friday, and just finished Ico (HD) just moments ago. I want to platinum Ico but I can't imagine playing that game in 2 hours. I played it, for the first time ever, in five hours, now granted that was with a bunch of exploring/farting around (and a few unsuccessful puzzle solving attempts).

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I didn't think this lived up to its potential. Your choices had basically no effect until the ending cutscene. Lead to some pretty serious ludonarrative dissonance.

Except the meter determines Catherine, Freedom, or Katherine. The Stage 9 questions determine Bad, Good, or Perfect. You could technically go all out for Catherine, but when you begin to answer in the final stage that your actions are truly more in relation to Katherine, you're going to end up with the Bad ending for Katherine due to you near instant "revelation."


Vincent will always be in conflict, kinda the point of the story as he is cheating. He'll never be 100% for one girl or the other until the end when he realizes what he wants for his future. That's kinda the point of the questions near the end: to affirm what kind of person you are (or who you want Vincent to be).


At least, that's the way I perceived it.


EDIT: Alright, this will sound strange, but I had this nagging feeling ever since logging off. Basically, before the edit, I had the meter and questions mixed, so my explanation was completely screwed up. Now everything is accurate!

Edited by Atomsk88
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I didn't think this lived up to its potential. Your choices had basically no effect until the ending cutscene. Lead to some pretty serious ludonarrative dissonance.

Except the meter determines Catherine, Freedom, or Katherine. The Stage 9 questions determine Bad, Good, or Perfect. You could technically go all out for Catherine, but when you begin to answer in the final stage that your actions are truly more in relation to Katherine, you're going to end up with the Bad ending for Katherine due to you near instant "revelation."

Right, that's what I'm saying, there was no effect until the end cutscene. I'm not saying the method for determining which ending you get is a bad one, I just think player actions should have had a greater affect on the story development before that point.


I didn't like it that the whole game I was blowing off Katherine and hitting on Catherine, but then every single time I lost direct control Vincent was all "gtfo Catherine, I love Katherine forever and want to be with her". That's not being conflicted, that's being schizophrenic. The dissonance between cutscene-Vincent and player-Vincent really destroyed my immersion, because the whole time I was pissed at the game because "I" (Vincent) was doing things I totally did not want to be doing. It took almost all the enjoyment out of the game.

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This thread got me thinking, looks like I didn't have enough time for video games this year.


I finished Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.

Also finally gotten around to finishing Persona 4.


I almost beat Dragon Age, but ultimately got bored and switched to another game.


Will be finishing Uncharted 3 next. And Skyrim.




Well, not Skyrim, who am I kidding? That's gonna take me forever to complete with all the restarts I'll be doing as is the usual with TES games.

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I didn't think this lived up to its potential. Your choices had basically no effect until the ending cutscene. Lead to some pretty serious ludonarrative dissonance.

Except the meter determines Catherine, Freedom, or Katherine. The Stage 9 questions determine Bad, Good, or Perfect. You could technically go all out for Catherine, but when you begin to answer in the final stage that your actions are truly more in relation to Katherine, you're going to end up with the Bad ending for Katherine due to you near instant "revelation."

Right, that's what I'm saying, there was no effect until the end cutscene. I'm not saying the method for determining which ending you get is a bad one, I just think player actions should have had a greater affect on the story development before that point.


I didn't like it that the whole game I was blowing off Katherine and hitting on Catherine, but then every single time I lost direct control Vincent was all "gtfo Catherine, I love Katherine forever and want to be with her". That's not being conflicted, that's being schizophrenic. The dissonance between cutscene-Vincent and player-Vincent really destroyed my immersion, because the whole time I was pissed at the game because "I" (Vincent) was doing things I totally did not want to be doing. It took almost all the enjoyment out of the game.

I guess that might be when you play for Catherine because it never really felt that off-character when I was gunning for Katherine.


Truth be told, yeah, your actions only alter the internal monologue Vincent will have once he's put in a jam. Stage 8 will always be Stage 8 (for those who've played, you'll get this), and Catherine is always going to be a problem until you finally cut it off (if you so choose so). Still, I think the game is a great example of taking the "choice" mechanic further along in gaming. Most of the time it is, "Will you go with Obvious Good, or Obvious Bad?"

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Still, I think the game is a great example of taking the "choice" mechanic further along in gaming. Most of the time it is, "Will you go with Obvious Good, or Obvious Bad?"

See, I feel the opposite. Yes, the choices themselves are more interesting than the standard choices, but the fact that the only thing they affect is the end cutscene means that the whole time you're playing you feel like your choices are having no effect whatsoever.


The whole time I was going "why is Vincent doing/saying this? That's not what my Vincent would do/want."

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Uncharted 3. Overall pretty amazing game. It's better on a technical level and gameplay-wise (melee combat is an absolute blast), but I think I still find Uncharted 2 to be more entertaining.


I think I'll let it sink in for a couple of days and post a more in-depth impression in the Uncharted thread.

Edited by FLD
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If they had given Vincent a direct choice as to whether to cheat or not, there would be no game to play. Itd be no point to it if Vincent as a character didnt move the character in a neutral ground. Vincent does a lot of shit and its up to you to deal with it. Thats basically to me how the game went. I think most people would be complete pussies and wouldnt cheat so theyd just tell Catherine to fuck off and the game would be over in 5 minutes(at least according to the online polls in the game). Thats just no fun. It would have made a really boring game. If anything, it felt like the player took on the role of either the angel or the devil on Vincent's shoulders, not Vincent himself. Youre talking in his ear, youre never really him. Making the game that way made it possible for people to explore that kind of relationship when most would just have nothing to do with it.

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No, I understand that, I'm not saying you should be able to just end it with one or the other. But if you're favoring Catherine then Vincent shouldn't spend the last half of the game saying how Katherine is his one true love and he knows that now so he's going to marry her and be happy with her forever. Rather they should have had him saying that he doesn't think he wants to be with Katherine, but he still cares about her and doesn't want to hurt her, etc etc. They could have had his words and actions conform more to player actions without doing away with the central conflict of the story.

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Finally beat DKCR after about 20 attempts on the final boss. Still need to unlock the Golden Temple, but pretty awesome game nonetheless.

Oh man, I love that game... I love platformers in general, but I am terrible at them. I am still stuck in one of the third level words. Maybe after I get through all the 2011 fall releases I'll give it a second shot.

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