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Games You've Beat in 2011


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Haha, yeah, I was borderline trolling by calling it God's controller.


I'll just say that I find the 360 controller much more comfortable, and I like the feel of the sticks and triggers better, but I don't think you're wrong for liking the DS3 better. :P

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*ignores imminent shitstorm argument*



... Modern Warfare 3


I actually tried starting it last week and the very first mission gave me this overwhelming feeling of "Ugh, I played this fucking game multiple times before!!" and promptly quit.


Then yesterday I didn't feel like playing Skyrim, so I fired it up to give it another shot. This time I somehow managed to get into it a bit more and finished the first mission. I kept playing and about five missions in something unexpected happened: I realized I was having a blast.


Maybe my expectations were simply too low because of Modern Warfare 2, but I think the game is a shitload of fun. They really cranked up the "crazy thrill ride" factor, and that's what I like most about the series. It seemed like every other mission made me giggle and grin like an idiot because of how ridiculously insane, over-the-top and downright fucking badass it all was.


It probably also helped that they replaced the "regular soldier" part of the campaign with a fucking Delta Force squad. I'm easy to please when it comes to this: put me in the role of a special ops guy and make me go through missions that make me feel like a complete badass and I'll have fun simply getting into character. ...unless the game is too easy and kinda boring... *cough* Medal of Honor *cough*


It's by no means a perfect game nor does it breathe new life into the series. It's not as good as COD4 (which I don't think the series is ever going to top anyway) and they break new ground in the art of having a ridiculously short campaign (main menu says I completed it in 5h12mins! ). But it's nowhere near as stupid as MW2 and I thought it was a lot of fun.


Really glad I didn't buy it, though. I'm probably the last person on earth who still plays COD for the single-player, so with no interest in MP, there's really no way to justify paying 60 bucks for this.

Only way I'll be buying this is the same way I bought MW2: two years later, for 15 bucks on Steam. :P


And now, just because holy shit




At first I laughed when I saw I was playing yet another new protagonist. I figured I'd get yet another first-person POV death scene and revert to Soap for the final few missions. But then they fucking killed Soap right before my fucking eyes!! Did NOT expect that.


Also, I actually gasped when I realized I was playing the last level as Price. That was just awesome.

Other than that, I loved how it neatly ties all three games together.




Oh, and the Dualshock is the best controller, period. :P

Edited by FLD
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they break new ground in the art of having a ridiculously short campaign (main menu says I completed it in 5h12mins! ).

I completed Homefront in slightly less than 4 hours. ;)

Yeah...well...your mum!



Wasn't there also an old video of someone completing Morrowind in like..15 minutes, or something?

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Haha, yeah, I was borderline trolling by calling it God's controller.


I'll just say that I find the 360 controller much more comfortable, and I like the feel of the sticks and triggers better, but I don't think you're wrong for liking the DS3 better. :P

I cut you!


Just kidding. Anyways, let's all agree that nintendo-snes-controller.png is the best controller ever.

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Now I can't decide whether to go back to Skyrim or to start in on Arkham City. :/


You will now go play Wind Waker ... and fucking LOVE it! ;)


As for me, well I can add Pikmin 2 (New Play Control version) to the list. Wow! the Wii controls made a great game even better! Where's my Pikmin 3, Nintendo?!


My current quandary is whether to go back to Sonic Colors, start Skyward Sword or actually start Atelier Rorona. I really wish I had more time ...


2011 Beaten so far:

(Mike Tyson's) Punch-Out


Thunder and Lightning

Gunstar Super Heroes


Kirby's Dream Land

Kirby's Dream Land 2

Otomedius Excellent

Sexy Parodius


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