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Games You've Beat in 2011


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It's possible. Steam isn't an option for you? I can't imagine it requires anything too crazy in terms of specs.

Oh, Steam is an option. I just prefer getting those kinds of games on my PS3. It's really just a personal preference.

Same reason I held off on buying Braid until it came out on PSN and also why I bought Limbo on PS3 even though it was 5 bucks cheaper on Steam.

Besides, if in a year or so it still isn't on PS3, then I'll just get it on Steam for like 2$ during a sale. No big loss.

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Wow. Just... wow.


I already mentioned how it was much better than I expected it to be, but now that it's over, what an amazing game. It's even more mind-boggling when you realize that it's nothing more than a 5 hours escort mission.

I'm really glad I decided to play it first instead of jumping straight into Shadow of the Colossus.


The only complaint I have is that it can get a bit annoying waiting around because of how slow Yorda is when you need her to climb ladders.

I finished at about 3 hours and 51 minutes, so I got that "under 4 hours" trophy. Truthfully, it probably took me nearly 6 hours given how the last section is one continuous survival trial until the boss. That and the stupid water tower section. <_<


I can't imagine how one can complete the game in under two hours.

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Prince of Persia The Sands of Time

Prince of Persia The Warrior Within


How was the transition for you between SoT and Warrior Within? I beat SoT and Forgotten Sands but, couldn't get into Warrior Within.


Wow I'm sorry I didn't return to this thread for three months to answer you!


The transition from SoT to Warrior Within is a tough one because Warrior Within doesn't make it's improvements apparent right away. It's a step sideways for the franchise. Warrior Within makes the narrative worse and the music worse. It does improve some key things though.


It took me a while to wrap my head around the new combat system so I didn't start enjoying it really until halfway through the game. Once I figured out the proper ebb and flow though it was really fun. It's cool how the combat is so much more integrated into the world this time around. Pro tip: Any enemy in the first two thirds of the game can be thrown off a ledge for a quick kill. Abuse this power whenever you find yourself at a tactical disadvantage. I also enjoyed combat more after I found the toggle to turn of the blood spatter.


The level design is also vastly improved but again this isn't apparent right away. The Sands of Time was a sequence of almost entirely linear platforming challenges. Very very rarely would you backtrack in any way at all. Warrior Within relies far less on things miraculously crumbling just after you walk on them and actually makes the entire game an open world platforming/puzzle solving labyrinth that can be reverse navigated if you're very clever. Add in that there's a past and future version of the island with different paths through each and about halfway through the game you realize just how much work went into designing this death trap of a video game.


So if you're having trouble with the transition just have some faith. Yes, the story is wretched now. Yes, the butt metal music sucks. Yes, the combat is different and unforgiving. If you can soldier through though, there's a really well designed action/platformer to play here. Give it another shot :)

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Hey you guys! I Just beat Twilight Princess!


4 years late to the party


Ready for Skyward Sword :>


What did you think of it - It's interesting that you played it for the first time after the intitial hype and rage died down.

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Wow. Just... wow.


I already mentioned how it was much better than I expected it to be, but now that it's over, what an amazing game. It's even more mind-boggling when you realize that it's nothing more than a 5 hours escort mission.

I'm really glad I decided to play it first instead of jumping straight into Shadow of the Colossus.


The only complaint I have is that it can get a bit annoying waiting around because of how slow Yorda is when you need her to climb ladders.

I finished at about 3 hours and 51 minutes, so I got that "under 4 hours" trophy. Truthfully, it probably took me nearly 6 hours given how the last section is one continuous survival trial until the boss. That and the stupid water tower section. <_<


I can't imagine how one can complete the game in under two hours.

Yeah, I probably played it for closer to 8 hours when accounting for the times I got stuck and quit the game without saving since I'd made no progress in some time


Then again, it probably would've been under 4 hours if I'd simply returned to the main menu instead of picking continue whenever I died.


Under 2 hours, though? That is crazy.

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What did you think of it - It's interesting that you played it for the first time after the intitial hype and rage died down.


Well it's actually my first Legend of Zelda game, I've mostly always seen my friends play the games, but for whatever reason I never played one before. Also worth mentioning, although I never did play any other games, I always found LoZ's story pretty dang interesting, from time to time I'd read summaries and personal re-tellings of the stories. With that out of the way I now understand everyone's fascination with the series, there's just so much to do and interesting puzzles to solve and for a protagonist who does not speak, there's a surprising feeling of immersion. Unfortunately I do have my qualms with it, not major ones, but still threw me off. I just mentioned that immersion was good, buuuut at some points it was hard for me to care about certain things, I'm the type of guy who, if not rushed or under a time limit, I actually take my time to use first person view and look at the scenery, Twilight Princess is a real pretty lookin' game, found myself doing menial things sometimes. Any who, I lost interest in detail after taking on the task of hunting for the twilight mirror shards, I just rushed through as fast as I could so I could see the next event in the story. The Mansion in the snow mountains was slightly annoying and puzzles weren't exactly fun. The temple of time also kind of bothered me, it was fun after I had to go through the whole ordeal of finding the Dominion Rod. Sky temple felt shorter, but the puzzles and rewards felt satisfying, after that I just had a blast in the Twilight Realm and Hyrule Castle, I felt like I was the Hero Chosen by the Gods once again. Another personal annoyance of mine that shouldn't be taken seriously, is the limits of my wallet, I was able to expand it to 600 Rupees and I'm fine with not being able to carry more (until I find more golden bugs!), but I would always rage and throw a few fffff bombs whenever I went through a tedious task of getting to a chest and what is it? An orange rupee. That I CAN'T CARRY. It's weird to some, but seeing that there is a chest I have not opened in the map bothers me more than it probably should. Later I found myself just donning the Magic armor and waiting for my rupees to deplete.


My other qualm were some of the controls, I have a pretty tough time doing Shield Attacks, I often find myself doing a charged spin instead. The other is any action that requires a precise spot and the use of the A button. I constantly rammed link into doors or wall or chest, but that could also be blamed on me, I'd like to think that it was a bit tedious having to stand right in front of the chest to open it. Camera control felt allright too, sometimes annoying when I was trying to turn the camera and ended up Locking on to an enemy.


Clocking in almost 50 hours (about 47-48 hours) I didn't finish a couple of sidequests, many chests were left "unopened" (lies!) and I have not gone very deep in the Cave of Ordeals, a challenge I plan on taking on soon. I thoroughly enjoyed Twilight Princess and I have been thinking of playing other entries in the series (Mainly A Link to the Past, WindWaker, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.)

but as of right now I'm mostly looking forward to Skyward Sword, I'm keeping myself spoiler free and not watching many trailers, so it should be a really fun adventure.

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I agree that executing the shield attacks with the nunchuck is hit and miss. Honestly, I think the Gamecube version is better than the Wii version, mostly because of the controls (and the fact that Hyrule isn't mirror-imaged). Too bad there's no GC version of Skyward Sword. :(


Finally beat AC: B. Another "WTF" ending. I hope Revelations is better than Brotherhood. With a shorter dev cycle while adding new features (multiplayer) I felt the quality of the game really suffered.

Huh, I thought AC:B was significantly better than 2, didn't think it suffered at all.

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I didn't mind the real-world ending, though I agree that the last 10 minutes or so of animus time was lame as hell. It's like they went "I know! Let's take all the fun out of the game for the last bit! People will enjoy that, I'm sure!"

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I thought it was only Eagle Vision that was the magical Assassin power, and that the reason Desmond could climb and jump so well was because of the bleeding effect and him spending so much time doing it as Altair and Ezio.

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lol, that makes sense. I just thought it was a puzzle that didn't really have a rational reason for existing, beyond the fact that it's a video game.


I'm too willing to just accept things in games without explanation.

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AC: B was buggier, with a worse story, half-assed mechanics and usage of them, some incredibly terrible character models, even more cookie-cutter combat than before (I'm really hoping Revelations actually has some sort of difficulty to the combat), and in general seemed to be about filler content (aka crossing off checklists) rather than stuff to do that was actually interesting. The game was made in a year and it shows. Also, not only was the "real world" ending "WTF" worthy it also made no sense once the story jumped to 1507. They really couldn't have figured out a better way to end it? I think that while a cliffhanger Desmond ending is expected... the Ezio ending was just plain bad.

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Said AC: I'm looking into trying some of the other Zelda games.


Says I: You should try one of the 2D top-down view Zelda games. The other 3D Zelda games you're interested in are all fine games, but there will be a certain amount of familiarity with the mechanics and processes now that you've cleared Twilight Princess. The 2D entries really come across as a different beast. The 2D entries easily available are:


Link to the past: Wii Virtual Console ($8) and Game Boy Advance

Minish Cap: Game Boy Advance (Highly recommended!)

Link's Awakening: 3DS eShop ($6)

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AC: B...in general seemed to be about filler content (aka crossing off checklists) rather than stuff to do that was actually interesting.


That's probably my biggest problem with it. Occasionally it is fun and rewarding (getting to some of the Borgia Captains actually requires some stealth) though. Look at the default map, it is crammed with icons for all sorts. Just too much!


It's clear that the intention was to wring as much out of the game as they could. Barely any extra thought really went into the bonus objectives.

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