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DRM, Online Pass, Project Ten Dollar and the like


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I know it's rather apples to oranges, but if Call of Duty c.~2 years ago had microtransactions for something or other that would give them an obvious competitive edge on multiplayer (like a 3rd perk slot or something), I'm sure that would attract all sorts of scum and villainy too.


That's the kind of microtransactions I can't stand.

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I think the main thing Microsoft needs to improve in terms of preventing the low-life scum from abusing powers is the telephone line. I mean social engineering to get what you want is not unheard of in other companies but the amount of stories about people doing it for the xbox is ridiculously scary. I don't think I had ever been as scared online as when I got a message from like two people asking me if I could sell either of them my name. I politely told them I had only recently changed it and pointed them in another direction but shit I thought I was going to get haxxed for sure.

Edited by Waldorf And Statler
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I see it as a vicious circle that all originated over how easily they give away information. There are far better uses of social engineering, like banks and/or stuff with credit cards associated with it, but MS's is mainly used to sell accounts with cool names, high achievement points or a high year counter. Aka superficial crap, but is is overdone because of how easy it is.

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  • 2 months later...

apparently EA are getting rid of their online pass. I'm assuming the only reason they would get rid of it is if it didn't make them money, rather than actually listening to customer feedback. Since they spearheaded online passes do you think that this will also lead to the practice becoming obsolete industry-wide?

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  • 2 weeks later...

While I was looking for a video to put in the Dragon's Crown topic I made I found an interesting piece of info about the game.


Why do online passes and project 10 dollar exist?  To fight used games.  Nobody likes them.  What Dragon's Crown is doing is offering the first batch of DLC free to everyone who buys the game within the first month.  Now, does this completely thwart used games?  No.  However, most new copies of a game are going to be sold within the first couple of months.  Unless the game sucks, used copies usually won't be in abundance during those first few weeks.  


So, using a hypothetical (probably unlikely) PS4 example, if Sony were to reveal that most PS4 games would offer the same deal by giving early buyers a piece of free DLC that couldn't be downloaded directly from the PSN store without the game, and that was their way of trying to spur the sale of new games, would you be okay with that?  Or would that still feel like you're being cheated?

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Makes me think of how the 360 and PS3 Suits for the original Dead Space were free for a few weeks before or after release (I don't remember which) then switched over to being paid DLC.  I'd be pretty alright with this so long as they stuck with things that wouldn't break the game or provide any sort of unfair advantage in the case of multiplayer.

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I pretty much never buy a game in the first month it's released so I would feel like I'm missing out but I would hardly complain as I know full well that is when they want me to buy the game. It may make me more likely to wait for a GOTY edition depending on what sort of DLC they were offering.

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It can be an incentive to get in early. Then again, there's always a niche who game the system. I always download or at least activate temporarily free DLC for games I might want in the future.


Also, it's not so much about "hating" used games. It's more about a) making games depreciate so that new is differentiated from (and better than) used and b) monetising the used game sale by offering the 2nd hand purchaser an opportunity to new-up their purchase.

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