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It disables the fleet management system in the singleplayer campaign.  That system though is a social one, where if you discover a ship or treasure or whatever it shows up for all your friends, and various other online functions.  So while the content it locks out is in the singleplayer campaign, it also has an online component to it.

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I believe so.  You use your fleets to send ships around to other ports to trade goods and make more money, etc.  The social aspect expands it, but from what I understand there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to do the underlying trade empire management offline.


I could be wrong though, I'm waiting for the PS4 version so I haven't actually played it myself.

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It let me re-install Deadpool after I deleted the local files.


I'm guessing all the shenanigans with Marvel games is all licensing issues.  It'd explain why Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3's DLC and Marvel vs. Capcom: Origins were delisted too.

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Yeah, I think it's Disney shutting down all the stuff that wasn't made by them.


*Edit* - If they were removed to the extent you couldn't redownload it even if you'd already purchased it, then I'd say that's free license to pirate it with a clean conscience.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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Yeah, Disney have their own studios and they're reigning things in. If it weren't for Deadpool going down at the time of being community choice at the time they were pulled I've a feeling it would have taken a bit longer to notice.


On the piracy side, with them being taken down there's now no actual legal method to acquire the game anyway. Which means there's a service problem.

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Yeah, I agree for me personally that they're fair game for piracy now, but I could at least entertain an argument that it would be wrong, it's a very light shade of grey.  For people who paid money for it though, if they were cut off from their purchase then I would say there's not even a slightly grey tinge to them pirating it.

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SimCity is getting an offline mode.  If they'd done this at launch, or within a month or two then I'd definitely have bought it, but at this point I just don't care anymore.  Plus I've heard so much about how terrible the simulation is.

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Sadly, I bet the most salient lesson EA has taken from the whole SimCIty debacle is that it's just better to develop shitty free-to-play mobile games. I fear we will never see a real SimCity again.


As far as Disney shutting down online digital sales of Marvel games, why would it be ethical to pirate them just because the digital sales are temporarily halted? Or are there no physical copies for sale?


Also: I do not encourage anyone to break any laws, including copyright laws. Your personal liability for copyright infringement could be potentially high.

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You know, I hadn't thought about it, I just kind of assumed that they halted physical sales too.


A quick check shows Deadpool at least is still available for physical purchase from Amazon, and even a PS3 download code, though the PC version is unavailable.

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