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The great Wii games that no one mentions


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We all know that Zack and Wiki rocks even though no one (besides me) bought it. We also know that Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime Collection and Smash Brothers are awesome but what about the games that were great but no one really talks much about?


I'll start:


Super Paper Mario - I'm up to world 2-2 and loving every minute. The humor is great and the gameplay is a lot of fun.


Trauma Center games: I personally think these are fun if not a little over the top at times.


MLB Power Pros: The best Baseball game on the Wii, in my opinion.


Ultimate Shooting Collection: If you like shmups this is a must own


Octomania: This would be so much more fun if someone would play with me. :-(

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I found House of the Dead: Overkill quite enjoyable (although, I wouldn't pay full price)


The Rabbid games have a certain charm to them, as well, and it seems clear that Ubisoft put a lot of thought into the actual design.


The Wii version of Ghostbusters also seemed alright from the hour of seeing it played mixed with having a quick go.

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I bought Zack and Wiki! It's great.


Also, I submit Muramasa: The Demon Blade. It's gorgeous, fun, has two awesome plots, great music, six endings, 108 weapons to collect, tons of items, and a combat system that seems simple but forces you to master every twitchy detail (especially if you play on hard...which you should do). It's so, so great.

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  On 1/6/2011 at 4:33 PM, diedan said:

Also, I submit Muramasa: The Demon Blade. It's gorgeous, fun, has two awesome plots, great music, six endings, 108 weapons to collect, tons of items, and a combat system that seems simple but forces you to master every twitchy detail (especially if you play on hard...which you should do). It's so, so great.


Blah Blah Blah ... Giant Boobs! Sign me up for that!

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  On 1/6/2011 at 4:22 PM, Yantelope said:

I've been wanting to get Trauma Center for the DS but haven't had the chance yet. I heard the difficulty spikes pretty quickly though.



Trauma Center was one of the first Wii games I got. Really enjoyed it; up until the difficulty just shot up astronomically (to me anyway). I haven't played the other Trauma Center games yet.


I went ahead and picked up the DS game later on. I didn't realise it was the exact same game, and I did better on the Wii. Barely touched it; got rid of it.

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Here's a great Wii game I'll bet everyone here missed: Speed Racer - The Video Game. The Wii version of the licensed game that came out along with the movie a while back is actually a ton of fun. I can only imagine it would be better if I knew anything at all about the franchise.


Trauma Team is really great too. Better than either of the previous Trauma offerings. The co-op is extremely well done. If you have someone who plays games with you only occasionally, try this one. The idea of playing the board game "operation" is non threatening enough, but I guarantee they will end up asking about the story and insisting that you play the full movie sequences for them.

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Okay here are some games that no one liked or bought:




Blast Works was fun and had an online community sprung up around it; it could've been epic for ages!


Contra: Rebirth: It's not bad. Seriously, it's just as much fun as the original.


Castle of Shikigami 3: Excellent Shmup


Heavenly Guardian: I'm the only person in the world who likes this game. :(

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Contra: Rebirth is tons of fun! Challenging (as per usual), cool levels, neat bosses, I think it's great. I still love Contra III a bit more though, probs something to do with the whole nostalgia thing.


If we're hitting up WiiWare games, I don't think the BIT.TRIP games get enough praise, same with lilt line. Cave Story wasn't really underrated, but I don't think enough people played it.


Oh, and I thought Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Dark Lord was a great tower defense time waster. It got repetitive, but I had fun playing it.

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  On 1/7/2011 at 3:35 PM, Strangelove said:

Muramasa was nowhere as good as odin sphere, it really does feel like wii owners pass if off as great because its an exclusive. Its not a bad game and id definitely recommend it, but great or one of the best it is not.


Yeah I was going to respond with something about Odin Sphere, too. I share these same thoughts.

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  On 1/7/2011 at 3:35 PM, Strangelove said:

Muramasa was nowhere as good as odin sphere, it really does feel like wii owners pass if off as great because its an exclusive. Its not a bad game and id definitely recommend it, but great or one of the best it is not.


I don't think anyone is putting it up against Super Mario Galaxy or the Metroid Prime Collection, but as far as the more obscure Wii titles go, it's easily one of the better titles... in my opinion.

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Muramasa was the shit, stop hatin', yo. Saying "well, it's no Odin Sphere" is like saying Chrono Cross was bad because "well, it's no FFVI". One of the best games on the Wii.


Rayman: Raving Rabbis 2 is, alarmly, actually an incredibly fun game. I know, another mini game collection. Hear me out. Let me describe my favorite minigame.


You're in a movie theater, as are the other players. The movie is playing, and the theater's usher is patrolling around. Your goal is to talk on your cell phone as much as possible during the movie, without getting caught. If the usher catches you, you're fucked. Also, the controls for this minigame require no buttons- you simply hold the wiimote up to your ear like a cell phone to talk, and lower it to put it away. And the whole time the wiimote is up to your ear, the Rabbid on the other line is droning through the wiimote's speaker, "Daah dah, dah dah dah, dahhh, dah dah...."


It is amazing.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I'll have to agree with Battra on Blast Works. I tried to get people excited for that game, but no one, for some reason or another, gave a crap about the game. Really, look it up!


As for Trauma Center... Second Opinion was alright, but damn did the difficulty spike! I could never pass the speed run to heal five patients. Like, I get to the last one and I have maybe 10 seconds at most. :(

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Yeah, Little King's Story is my cause. I need to sing its praises whenever possible.


I also forgot to mention Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon. That game is horribly archaic in some aspects, but just brilliant in almost everything else. It all comes together into a package that is far more than the sum of its parts.

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BAH! I can't believe that Little Kings Story hasn't been mentioned more, a sweet little game with a great sense of humour.

I have a soft spot for Battalion Wars, very silly and at the time it was released one of the better attempts at using the wii controls.

Edited by weirdwolf
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