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Mass Effect



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Yeah well it's not like i'm just giving money to everyone. I'm forcing a change on everyone and I don't really see the benefit. It feels like a change like that should be a personal choice and I can't make that call just to make some synthetic feel alive. As I mentioned I believe we can already do those things so I can't justify forcing that change to everyone.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
Added spoiler tags, it's still a fairly new game
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As HH said, there's no perfect ending and it is up to personal inclination. It's right that...


Synthesis does feel Borg-like with how organics have synthetic attributes. Human (or organic) nature has changed into something not selfish or biased, which to our reality is this surrealist viewpoint. You know, if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.


Oh wait, it's a synthesized being that has undergone an evolutionary intergalactic fusion.


As I said before, Control is a tad omnious The Reapers are still this external force that is now being lead by a Shepard conscious rather than the Catalyst. How much of his emotions are kept in this new being? What will it perceive as a threat to organic life? It speaks on power, enemies, and guardians. Lest we forget that the creators of the Reapers themselves fell to the directive of maintaining balance in the galaxy. How do the Reapers perceive organics causing chaos? They in turn would be a threat to themselves. Forget synthetics, how do Reapers protect and eliminate what is essentially the same target?


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My apologies for the spoilers earlier!


Long post, but it's probably my last post on why I like the ending I like and why I think it's great.




I think you have to view the Control ending from your own viewpoint, not from somebody else. After all, it's your consciousness controlling the Reapers. This is why I can ignore questions like what Atomsk (and others) put above. What will it perceive as a threat to organic life? It's whatever you think it should, because "it" is you. Some people may not agree with what you're doing, but who knows which is the right decision? As far as you're concerned, you're doing what is right to the best of your knowledge.


Shepard's epilogue speech invokes a mix of emotions, but the context is positive. The speech she gave at the end not only shows that she's kinda omnipotent, it also shows that she still has a human side. She's not just another starchild, incapable of hearing out "her people".


But the important part is, you are given Control. You can actually do anything you want with it. Your story doesn't end as you sacrifice yourself. It continues as long as the Reapers are alive (we don't really know what'll happen if the reapers all die, will shepard be alone forever?). You can be a dictator and shape the universe however you see fit. You can stay out of everyone's way unless you really, really have to step in. You can go crazy and crush everyone just for the hell of it. Or you can just let the reapers kill each other and leave the universe alone. Do you think you'll be a jerk given that enough power? I'd like to think I wouldn't be.


You aren't constrained to anything. You are in control. That's why I like it so much.


Compared to other endings, your story ultimately ends with the sacrifice. Would the universe magically be at peace for all time if you destroy the Reapers? What if another race creates new reapers? Who's to stop them? I know I can if I choose Control.


To clarify, I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion on this. Just posting my interpretation of the ending and why I like it waaay better than any of the alternatives.



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My 2 cents on the matter:



I chose the synthesis ending, because it seemed to fall in line with what my Shepard was all about: Saving everyone.


To be honest, it seemed to be the best of the endings... no one else dies, everyone works together to rebuild, and now people and robots won't go out and slaughter each other for no apparent reason.


Destroy had too much loss involved... I didn't go through all the trouble of getting everyone in the damn galaxy to sit down and sing camp-fire songs just to have a chunk of them die off due to my next choice.


Control just sounded... sketchy to me. My first thought was "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". While I didn't think my Shepard would do a bad job, I could see her getting a bit heavy handed after a couple thousand years of people being people (self destructive).


And the rejection ending was just kind of cool, but ultimately sad. It's like my Shepard just sat down and said either "Dur, choices hard!" or "Fuck it, I refuse to play your game, and thus everything I've done up to now was pointless."



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More MP DLC. At least if I haven't unlocked a krogan vanguard, there's a higher chance for an interesting new human class. And new maps, yay!

Looks like the rumor ended up being true - again. Really digging the Paladin, I always did think the omnishield in Lair of the Shadow Broker was stupidly awesome. Also think it's awesome that the Slayer (who I assume is the Phantom lookalike) might be able to go toe-to-toe with a Phantom now. NINJA FIGHTS AAAGGGGHH.

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Managed to unlock the N7 Shadow with some credits I had stockpiled. This is quite possibly the most fun I've ever had in multiplayer - I'm essentially cloaking and killing things with shadow strike, then recloaking just a few seconds later. Very aggressive playstyle, but very fun.

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