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I think chicks love Garrus as much as guys love Tali.

I only like Tali because she was the only (forgive the pun) down-to-earth love interest in ME2. My "canon" Shepard stayed faithful to Ashley (who I still prefer over Tali).


I thought they were all okay. The only one that irked me was Jack. It was like they were trying to cash in on Morrigan's bitchiness - except Morrigan disguised her bitchiness as dark humor. Jack was just a bitch.


NOTE: My viewpoints on Thane and Garrus are only from female friends who also played and romanced them. I don't even consider Jacob in all of this because of how terribly bland he is (not to mention how quickly you replace him in ME2. Pick up a single squadmate in the beginning, doesn't matter who, and they're better than Jacob.

Miranda is no better. Her whole "I'm perfect, look at my perfect ass, etc." demeanor is uninteresting. Plus there's that whole bit where she agrees 100% with Cerberus's goals and wanting to install a mind-controlling chip into you as well.


Tali is the only "human" female romance option in ME2 tbh.

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Plus there's that whole bit where she agrees 100% with Cerberus's goals and wanting to install a mind-controlling chip into you as well.


She turns against that in the end, and flat-out tells The Illusive Man that she's leaving Cerberus if you take her with you to fight the human reaper.

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Plus there's that whole bit where she agrees 100% with Cerberus's goals and wanting to install a mind-controlling chip into you as well.


She turns against that in the end, and flat-out tells The Illusive Man that she's leaving Cerberus if you take her with you to fight the human reaper.

I never take her, so that's probably why I don't know that. Does she do this if you don't have her loyalty?


I can't believe you guys care about this this much. crying.gif


It's a shitty half assed dating simmed section of an action-heavy RPG.

Actually, some of these characters are designed pretty well. Ashley and Tali happen to be a couple of those characters.


Bioware is no stranger to being able to actually muster up a good piece of writing every now and then. Case in point: Aribeth de Tylmerande.

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I never take her, so that's probably why I don't know that. Does she do this if you don't have her loyalty?


Not sure. Non-loyal squadmates die anyways, so it's not like it would matter much. All I know is that she has to be in the squad for her to physically say she's quitting, but it wouldn't surprise me if she did it anyways (even if you don't take her along).

Edited by Vargras
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If she's in ME3, then that's probably going to be the canon reaction.


Might also explain why Cerberus wants you dead too.


"I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite stolen ship and rogue crew in the galaxy."


EDIT: Derp, completely forgot to mention it. She says that if you decide to destroy the Collector base, I'm not sure if she says it if you keep it.

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I always thought it was stupid that you were working for Cerberus in the first place. I'm going to really enjoy killing them again in ME3.


Edit: Well, even if you keep it it seems they're still out for your blood. Makes me feel all the better all the things I did to screw up Cerberus's operations (i.e. sending the Cerberus info to Alliance, shutting down Overlord, etc.).

Edited by AgamemnonV2
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Plus there's that whole bit where she agrees 100% with Cerberus's goals and wanting to install a mind-controlling chip into you as well.


She turns against that in the end, and flat-out tells The Illusive Man that she's leaving Cerberus if you take her with you to fight the human reaper.

I never take her, so that's probably why I don't know that. Does she do this if you don't have her loyalty?


I can't believe you guys care about this this much. crying.gif


It's a shitty half assed dating simmed section of an action-heavy RPG.

Actually, some of these characters are designed pretty well. Ashley and Tali happen to be a couple of those characters.


Bioware is no stranger to being able to actually muster up a good piece of writing every now and then. Case in point: Aribeth de Tylmerande.


It's okay writing but not full of chock and cheesiness. Videogames still have a lot of ground to go and Bioware isn't exactly a shining example of how to do relationships and sex scenes well. It's certainly an improvement over what's been done in the past though.

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I always thought it was stupid that you were working for Cerberus in the first place. I'm going to really enjoy killing them again in ME3.


Edit: Well, even if you keep it it seems they're still out for your blood. Makes me feel all the better all the things I did to screw up Cerberus's operations (i.e. sending the Cerberus info to Alliance, shutting down Overlord, etc.).


The whole reason as to WHY Cerberus wants you dead (regardless of what choice you made in ME2) is apparently a really big Bioware secret. Won't know until ME3 comes out, or until it gets leaked.

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*scratches head*


I can't remember what I did at the end of ME2. Then again, I'm planning to replay the whole series so whatevs. I'll probably make "pro cerberus" and "anti cerberus" files to see if there's any big changes. Based on how that worked with ME1 stuff porting to ME2... likely not. But hey they're putting an assload of effort (or at least money) into this so who knows they might surprise me.

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It's okay writing but not full of chock and cheesiness. Videogames still have a lot of ground to go and Bioware isn't exactly a shining example of how to do relationships and sex scenes well. It's certainly an improvement over what's been done in the past though.

Yeah, that's why I said "every now and then." For every one good bit of writing Bioware puts out I probably have ten criticisms. They somehow went from tasteful sex scenes in ME1 to two mailboxes clanging together in ME2. In DA2, everyone is bisexual.


I always thought it was stupid that you were working for Cerberus in the first place. I'm going to really enjoy killing them again in ME3.


Edit: Well, even if you keep it it seems they're still out for your blood. Makes me feel all the better all the things I did to screw up Cerberus's operations (i.e. sending the Cerberus info to Alliance, shutting down Overlord, etc.).


The whole reason as to WHY Cerberus wants you dead (regardless of what choice you made in ME2) is apparently a really big Bioware secret. Won't know until ME3 comes out, or until it gets leaked.

"Big Bioware secret" probably means, "Cerberus is in league/is being controlled by Reapers." That's just my guess, but I totally believe implant eyes are a precursor to the Big Bad in the Mass Effect universe. Saren had then, TIM has them. I just wonder who's going to have a set in ME3. Whoever it is they'll probably betray you in some way.

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"Big Bioware secret" probably means, "Cerberus is in league/is being controlled by Reapers." That's just my guess, but I totally believe implant eyes are a precursor to the Big Bad in the Mass Effect universe. Saren had then, TIM has them. I just wonder who's going to have a set in ME3. Whoever it is they'll probably betray you in some way.


Keep in mind that Shepard has them too, they just don't show up at all (if you're Paragon).


I think the biggest issue was that Bioware put tasteful sex scenes into ME1, and the media freaked the fuck out. As a society (in America), we still can't take nudity in media well. While others may see the body as art, Americans still feel the need to censor everything - but violence is okay.


Was it a step in the right direction? Yes. Were people ready for it? Hell no.

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Wait, did people really freak out? I don't remember that besides some fox news esque sort of article but I'm not going to say that everyone freaked out based on some dumb shit like that.


It was pretty widespread, from what I remember.


Best part was, no one really cared too much about the sex scene with Ashley. All the hoopla was over the one with Liara - because it wasn't even a human.


EDIT: Oh neat, I'm a Shyguy now. Grats me.

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Bullshit! I demand an Elcor squadmate!

"This one is ready to tear the Reapers a new one."

BZZZZZT! You got Elcor and Hanar mixed.


They also said in the interview that they want to show what the quarians look like, but they have to be very careful with it - the fans want one thing, the art team wants another, and the story team wants another. It's a very fine balancing act to keep all of them happy.

I would be disappointed if Tali's face was shown. The fact that you don't see her face is one of the things that draws so many people to her, I think. I'm not sure its something they can do and please everybody, so I think its better left to the imagination.

Edited by SanaEquiesterer
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I would be disappointed if Tali's face was shown. The fact that you don't see her face is one of the things that draws so many people to her, I think. I'm not sure its something they can do and please everybody, so I think its better left to the imagination.


Personally, what draws ME to her is that she is funny, believable, charming, and not overtly sexualized. You never seen an INCH of her skin. Seeing her face after I've invested time in a relationship with her, however, would be appreciated. I know it's hard if not impossible to please everyone... but you could say that about ME3 as a whole. That doesn't mean the game shouldn't be made, that doesn't mean they shouldn't try.

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I would be disappointed if Tali's face was shown. The fact that you don't see her face is one of the things that draws so many people to her, I think. I'm not sure its something they can do and please everybody, so I think its better left to the imagination.


Personally, what draws ME to her is that she is funny, believable, charming, and not overtly sexualized. You never seen an INCH of her skin. Seeing her face after I've invested time in a relationship with her, however, would be appreciated. I know it's hard if not impossible to please everyone... but you could say that about ME3 as a whole. That doesn't mean the game shouldn't be made, that doesn't mean they shouldn't try.



You may not see an inch of skin, Six, but , oh, those hips.



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I'm reading the submitted comments/questions for GI's Mass Effect podcast. Seriously -- not to be mean -- but 75% of these people are fucking idiots.


- "Will there be a Rachni companion?"

Of course not. Rachni, Elcor, Hanar, ect can't be companions because they don't conform to a human skeletal structure.


- "Will there be a Mass Effect 4"

For fuck's sake. We've known for years that ME was a planned trilogy.


- "Will there still be load screens?"



Ugh. I'm simply not in the mood for this shit today.


By the way, interview with Casey Hudson: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2011/04/26/casey-hudson-interview-how-mass-effect-began.aspx


and tomorrow they'll have a Q&A with them on their podcast using submitted questions. Hopefully they'll pick one of mine and not one of the retarded ones.

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- "Will there still be load screens?"


That's not such a stupid question. Mass Effect 1 avoided loadscreens as much as possible, especially within the Normandy or on planets. A lot of people (myself included) didn't like the addition of loadscreens in ME2.


Though personally I'm not opposed to the idea so much as the execution. I found the loadscreens in ME2 to be very jarring.

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There's a time when if you have both Garrus and Tali in your party Garrus will say something like "You remember all those conversations we used to have during the long elevator rides? Good times."


And like I said, I don't actually dislike the loadscreens themselves, I just find the execution jarring. Same with the Illusive Man end-of-mission screens. If they would just do something like have Shepard look at a nearby display or at his omni-tool, then zoom in on it and have whatever's on the display be the load screen, that would fix the issue.


I thought the same thing about Portal 2 though, as compared to Portal. In Portal the screen would just freeze with a semi-transparent box in the middle that said "loading", then after a bit the game would resume right from there. In Portal 2, however, it actually goes to a separate loading screen, even though like the first one you always start at the exact point you left off. I prefer the Portal 1 method, it makes everything seem much more continuous.

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