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Dunno, I have seen in one of the videos Anderson saying you're reinstated as Commander in the Alliance military though.


In the opening of ME3? Because you could get Anderson to reinstate the status in ME2, but it was such a minor thing. It was like a big conversation and then all of a sudden "btw do you want your Spectre status back? Ok let's keep talking" I didn't accept it as part of the story... I mean Shepard had gone rogue and disliked the Alliance somewhat at that point in the story, why would he answer to the council again?


Being reinstated as an Alliance Commander is entirely unrelated to being reinstated as a Spectre. The video I'm talking about is from the beginning of ME3. I'll try to find it.

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In the opening of ME3? Because you could get Anderson to reinstate the status in ME2, but it was such a minor thing. It was like a big conversation and then all of a sudden "btw do you want your Spectre status back? Ok let's keep talking" I didn't accept it as part of the story... I mean Shepard had gone rogue and disliked the Alliance somewhat at that point in the story, why would he answer to the council again?


I don't recall the Commander stuff in ME2 (but I guess that makes sense "I'm Commander Shepard and this is...") but, and I could be wrong, I believe... (DLC spoilers follow)


...the reason he is on Earth in the first place is because he is on trial over the events of Arrival, and has been stripped of his status


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Okay, couldn't find the video, but I distinctly remember a shot as Shepard was getting on the Normandy with Anderson saying "You've just been reinstated, Commander" or something like that. A google search didn't turn up the video but it did turn up this article which mentions the same thing near the bottom (just above the last screenshot).


@HH: There was never anything to reinstate Commander status in ME2, he's confusing Commander rank with Spectre status. But that's correct as to why Shepard's on Earth.

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I'm not confusing as much as generalizing my reasoning as to why I didn't accept the status of Spectre back in ME2. But at the end of the day all I want is for Shepard to command the ship and fuck Ashley I don't care if she outranks me and ends up being a Spectre while I'm not. Motherfucking ship is mine. I don't hear people talking about Ashley when discussing "the last hope of humanity."


I guess what I'm trying to say, is that I hate having that bitch back. She ditched me in ME2.

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Well, I'm not sure if he's a Commander or not during ME2. I don't recall him ever being kicked out of the Alliance military, so it's possible that he was temporarily relieved of duty during his "stay" on Earth, and that's what Anderson is referring to when he says Shepard's reinstated.

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Just read the wiki, it said that a certain Admiral told Shepard he still is under the power of the Alliance in ME1, hence why they keep calling him Commander [even if the Spectre status is more prestigious].


I don't think we had much contact with the Alliance in ME2 besides the initial confrontation with Ashley/Kaidan and when we talk to Anderson. Unless Anderson said otherwise during that conversation and I don't remember, Shepard was always a Commander. I didn't see anything about his status of Commander being stripped away as much as him just being put under trial.


I know what happens in the Arrival DLC, but I wonder how Bioware is expecting to address the fact that many didn't play the DLC. My guess is that they'll mention it throughout the trial and have a dilaogue option similar to "could you repeat me to exactly what happened?"

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I wouldn't be surprised if it's not even a dialog option, and at the beginning of the trial someone just reads off the charges, thus describing the events of Arrival.


*Edit* - And yeah, I knew that in ME1 he was still a Commander in the Alliance, but you'll notice that every time anyone from the Alliance asks you to do anything it's a request rather than an order. My understanding is that even though he's still in the Alliance his Spectre status trumps that when it comes to his Spectre activities.

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Yeah in ME2 it was more of a formality by the the crew and the rest of the planets as he will always be "Commander Shepard, savior of the Citadel"


And Ethan, that probably has to do more with the fact the high commanding officers in the Alliance can be sort of dicks. I remember in Mass Effect 1, one guy wanted to enter the Normandy to inspect it. I told him I am a Spectre and don't have to deal with his bullshit, but he kept on saying something like he would do the impossible to get all bureocratic on my ass. My Shepard fought the Alliance at every turn. I remember a side mission where an Alliance guy contacts you and asks you to do something and you tell him that as a Spectre you are not obligated to follow orders. He asks you a favor. If they asked me a favor I would help. Orders on the other hand I would deny unless I HAD to do them.

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Don't worry, this IS a new video.

You just made my day! :D


Seriously, if they were like "You can have this game right now if you add another 50% to the price" I would totally do that.




The actual content of the video is pretty 'meh' (DIALOGUE CHOICES, OH BOY), but the other snippets were far more interesting. SPACE BATTLESSSSSSS.

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The actual content of the video is pretty 'meh' (DIALOGUE CHOICES, OH BOY), but the other snippets were far more interesting. SPACE BATTLESSSSSSS.


I actually found the dialog choice shown to be extremely interesting. Assuming that's representative (I know, big assumption) it makes it seem like what you say will have a larger effect, and you won't just be using paragon or renegade options to get to the same ultimate outcome. That's very exciting indeed.


I'm with FDS regarding characters. I love seeing explanations of mechanics, but I want nothing to ruin any part of the story (I was actually a little sad when I accidentally read that Ashley is a Spectre now, that's more spoiler than I want).


*Edit* - That customized arsenal video is very exciting too.


I wish I had the willpower to go on a media blackout for this game, I really do, but I'm just too damned excited about it.

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