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Mass Effect



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  1. 1. Do you plan to get Mass Effect Andromeda?

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  2. 2. If you are getting Andromeda, what system will you play it on?

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    • I'm delusional and think I'll be able to get it on Switch

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Mass Effect 3 is using the same engine that the 2nd one used. It might perform better but thats probably about it. I mean they have to use the same one to be able to make it in so small of a time frame.

A year and a half? They could have developed a new version of the engine in that time, especially since they've known they were going to be making ME3 ever since ME1 was a success.

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Do you see what I am saying/Why I made the comparison now?


Perhaps my last post wasn't clear. I was trying to say "my mistake" without outright saying it so as to protect my pride. I masked it a little too well, though, I guess, so here it is: my mistake. I made assumptions about how you played that were incorrect, and I apologize.


@FLD: I love Vanguard too, my friend. Biotic Charge is a blast, and shotguns kick ass. Deadly one-two (three if you melee as well!).


@Everyone Else: The PS3 version does look better, yeah. It's also gonna be nice to have that Backstory Comic- I loved Mass Effect 1, of course, but it feels pretty dated now, and it'll be cool to be able to play through ME2 without having to go through ME1 to make a character. (Of course, you don't have to go through ME1, but I don't want the game deciding for me what I did about the Council and all that stuff. That's the best part of ME2.)


And the Kasumi thing... I'm not saying you're wrong, Talizorah, but if you can find your source about Kasumi, that would be great- I spent a while on Google, but I can't find it =(

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That made me remember how easy they were to deal with in ME2 thanks to Biotic Throw. Once maxed out they rarely, if ever, reached me. B)


I found Shockwave the most useful


Hmm maybe that's what I meant? I dunno, it's been a while, so I don't really remember the abilities in detail.

I just googled "vanguard abilities" and picked the name that sounded most like it would send people flying :lol:

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I think Vanguard got 'Pull' but I never really used that; which is what I assumed you meant. And I believe they took 'Throw' away from the Vanguard. Shockwave is the 'make everyone in its path fall or flip over' power. :P


Pull wasn't quite as good as Throw- you couldn't blast people off of ledges- but it was still pretty good, you could pull people closer for a melee. It's quite powerful when used right, a great compliment to the Vanguard's up close style. I stopped using it when I picked up Miranda's Slam as my advanced training, though- holy crap that move is overpowered.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, Mass Effect 3 is more than likely going to have a multiplayer component. Myself, I'm hoping it's limited to co-op. But I want to know: how do TAYers think multiplayer (co-op or otherwise) should be implemented into the game?


I was thinking about this a few days ago. And it occurred to me that it could be an unequal co-op system. You could get the choice to play your Shepard in single player mode or co-op host mode, where an online friend(s) could join in and play as a squad mate only during battles, offering no input during conversations, decisions, etc. They can still talk to you through chat, but all decisions are made by the host, including stats progression for all squad mates and the like. This way, your Shepard is still your Shepard and you don't have to compromise just because you're playing with a friend.


What do you guys think?

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I think it may be just regular old competitive play. Little skirmish map, one plays as reaper foot soldiers, the others Spectres/whatever.


I don't think co-op in the sense you're suggesting would work too well. There could be maybe Uncharted 2 style co-op where it's a separate mode, specifically tweaked shooting corridors. ME2 had a few of those, so I can't imagine ME3 being much different. Not needing much chatting either.

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I was thinking about this a few days ago. And it occurred to me that it could be an unequal co-op system. You could get the choice to play your Shepard in single player mode or co-op host mode, where an online friend(s) could join in and play as a squad mate only during battles, offering no input during conversations, decisions, etc. They can still talk to you through chat, but all decisions are made by the host, including stats progression for all squad mates and the like. This way, your Shepard is still your Shepard and you don't have to compromise just because you're playing with a friend.


What do you guys think?


Actually sounds a bit like what BioWare are doing with the KOTOR MMO. Except, there, the game would decide whose conversation option to follow.

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reaper foot soldiers


That's actually what I'm afraid of. The first game had geth, the second had Collectors. These were sentient enemies that could use weapons. Both games had "Reaper" enemies, but they were limited to husks (and then praetorians and scions). I know it's a necessity to have sentient enemy troops for gameplay (a whole game with nothing but husks and scions would drive me crazy), but if they're sentient enough that people can play as them on level ground against Spectres... I feel like it goes against the precedent BioWare has set in the previous games for Reaper technology.




Actually sounds a bit like what BioWare are doing with the KOTOR MMO. Except, there, the game would decide whose conversation option to follow.


That's why I have hopes they'll do something similar for Mass Effect 3.

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Ok, full-on, unreasonable rant follows:


Why I don't like the fact that Mass Effect 2 got released on the Playstation 3


First of all, let me state that I am happy that more people get to enjoy this marvelous game. Even though without the first one, it's a neutered version at best; which brings me to my first bullet point:


- Without Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 2 is a regular AAA game


Mass Effect 2 is a game free of most technical flaws that "plagued" the first game. I write that with quotation marks because I do not believe they were that bad. Maybe I'll get into more detail about that later. The main point is that Mass Effect 2 is without a doubt the superior of the two games on a technical level. However, what made Mass Effect 2 so great is that you got to continue your Shepard from the first game.


Mass Effect 1 introduced the player to the universe, and it did so at whatever pace the player chose to do it. The story was intriguing and little bits of plot points were handed out on a regular basis unless Shepard went on a side quest frenzy (which still handed out their fair share of plot). By the time Mass Effect 2 came out, we were all accustomed to the universe and were ready for more character development, thus the dossier and loyalty missions.


I can't imagine what it would be like to jump into Mass Effect 2 without knowing anything about the universe or the gritty details about the first game (I'll get to Genesis in a sec), but I have 2 friends that experienced something similar. Friend #1 jumped on the bandwagon after the second game was out, and being the action FPS player that he is, my friends and I decided it best not to make him play the first one beforehand (we tried that with another FPSer friend who got bored before finishing Eden Prime). He played the game, with no proper introduction to the series, and enjoyed the combat, but cared little for the story. Friend #1 represents one extreme of the spectrum of Mass Effect 2 PS3 players, the ones who won't even play Genesis, and move on to the next AAA title. Friend #2 however, represents the one who maybe played the original on Xbox or PC years ago.


Friend #2 played, and loved, Mass Effect 1 on his Xbox 360 a few months after it came out. Being the achievement... I'll use the word "hunter" that he is, he quickly played through it a few more times and hasn't touched it since then. After the sequel released, he found himself with a copy to play, but not having a good idea of what his decisions were, he foolishly chose default Shepard to begin his fight against the Collectors. Now, I have not played all the way through a default Shepard campaign on Mass Effect 2, but only because the default choices are beyond ridiculous:




- Wrex is dead

- Wreav is Urdnot's (stupid) leader

- You fucked Ashley

- You let Kaidan die

- Rachni queen is killed

- Council is dead

- Shepard did none of the side quests





You don't get any e-mails from anyone you met in Mass Effect 1, and you don't get news referring to events from Mass Effect 1. All those little (and big) things that made you think "Oh yeah! I remember that!" are taken out of the game. And what you're left with is a game that my friend, who adored Mass Effect 1, felt indifferent about. I think that speaks volumes about the importance of playing the first game and importing your save file, and it supports the idea that Mass Effect 2 is only great(as opposed to very good) because of Mass Effect 1.


"Yeah, but that's what Genesis is for... right?"


- Mass Effect: Genesis was a bad decision


Earlier today, I saw a video on Joystiq that showed you how a full run through Genesis looked like. First of all, the artwork was pretty bad. I don't think the Redemption or any of the other comics look all that great (and I'm the farthest from being a graphic novel connoisseur), but at least they didn't mess up the proportions to make angles look unnatural. Wrex is the biggest disappointment for me in those panels, and anytime he was shown, I could barely focus on what was going on, I just kept staring at him:




I understand that from a quantitative perspective, Genesis is better than nothing, but if quality is of any concern, Genesis may be the single worst piece of Mass Effect available (haven't played Galaxy, can't know for sure).


And just to add insult to injury, you only get to make 6 choices:


- Who Shepard bangs

- Rachni's destiny

- Wrex's fate

- Human sacrifice on Virmire

- Council's survival

- Shepard's Council nomination


The last of which you had to make in any version anyways since Mass Effect 1 never saved that.


Of note here is that Feros gets completely ignored, as well as the fact that there are multiple inconsistencies (necessary to cut time, but still, wtf?). You never meet Gianna Parasini, you only know who you banged (not really who they are), and a bunch of other things that get left out.


Obviously, you can't fit a 30-hour space opera into a 12 minute comic, but I'm a firm believer in "if you're gonna do something, do it right"; and I feel like Genesis is an insult to what Mass Effect 1 represents: a deep and fantastic introduction to the almost incredible universe of Mass Effect.


"What about the Codex?"


GTFO, I've read both of them multiple times, but I'm not naïve enough to believe that most people who play Mass Effect read all of it.


- Mass Effect 2 on PS3 delayed Mass Effect 2 DLC


Mass Effect 2 had a slow but steady stream of DLC coming out ever since the game's release. Some of it was worthwhile, and others not so much (looking at you, Alternate Appearance Pack). However, it was constant, and the worthwhile ones were some of the best DLC I've ever played. Unexpectedly though, the releases stopped. BioWare kept saying they had more DLC on the way, but kept quiet after Lair of the Shadow Broker. The PS3 version got announced, then Mass Effect 3 got announced, then the PS3 version got released, and it's been 4 and a half months since a DLC release with no further DLC announcements.


It doesn't take a genius to figure out that they wanted the next couple (maybe more?) packs to come out at the same time for all versions to rake in more money. After all, any further important DLC would have had no reason to not be included in the PS3 version. Keep in mind, I don't think having Mass Effect 2 available for PS3 owners was a bad decision in itself, but it is directly responsible for keeping more Mass Effect 2 DLC from being released, and that peeves me.


Last, and probably least:


- My special content isn't special anymore


I preordered Mass Effect 2: Collectors' Edition from Amazon and was looking forward to having the non-GameStop bonus as well as the Collectors' bonus and the Dragon Age armor (even though I didn't like Dragon Age all that much). The night of the release though, news reached my ears that due to a glitch in the system, all downloadable Mass Effect 2 content was free to download through the Xbox Marketplace on the internet. Quick as a fox, I jumped on the opportunity and got the rest of the DLC, including the Dr. Pepper specials and the GameStop preorder bonus. Feeling satisfied with myself, I gloated in the fact that only the most hardcore of Mass Effect fans and/or people who were awake at the right time, had the complete Mass Effect 2 special content, and I was one of them.


Months went by, and little by little, BioWare decided to release most of the bonus content in paid DLC format. It bummed me out a bit, but not too much, because the sacred Collectors' bonus were still locked to Collectors' and Deluxe Digital Edition owners (and late night prowlers). I never even use the armor, although the rifle came in handy for a while, but I enjoyed knowing I was one in a relative few.


Then the PS3 version comes out, and I find out that anyone can simply buy any and all DLC for Mass Effect 2 ever released, including my beloved Collectors' equipment.


Call me childish if you wish, but I felt betrayed and a bit angry (thus, the rant). Why bother releasing super special content if you're only going to offer it to anyone willing to pay later on?


My only consolation is that no one can take the physical specialty from my Collectors' Edition away from me. The poorly printed DVD's, the grey-scale booklet (whose cover is mangled a bit by the case itself), and the default Shepard on the tin can will always remain the difference between a standard edition owner and myself.




tl;dr: Sad is he who measures his happiness with possessions.


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Ok, full-on, unreasonable rant follows:



Why I don't like the fact that Mass Effect 2 got released on the Playstation 3


First of all, let me state that I am happy that more people get to enjoy this marvelous game. Even though without the first one, it's a neutered version at best; which brings me to my first bullet point:


- Without Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 2 is a regular AAA game


Mass Effect 2 is a game free of most technical flaws that "plagued" the first game. I write that with quotation marks because I do not believe they were that bad. Maybe I'll get into more detail about that later. The main point is that Mass Effect 2 is without a doubt the superior of the two games on a technical level. However, what made Mass Effect 2 so great is that you got to continue your Shepard from the first game.


Mass Effect 1 introduced the player to the universe, and it did so at whatever pace the player chose to do it. The story was intriguing and little bits of plot points were handed out on a regular basis unless Shepard went on a side quest frenzy (which still handed out their fair share of plot). By the time Mass Effect 2 came out, we were all accustomed to the universe and were ready for more character development, thus the dossier and loyalty missions.


I can't imagine what it would be like to jump into Mass Effect 2 without knowing anything about the universe or the gritty details about the first game (I'll get to Genesis in a sec), but I have 2 friends that experienced something similar. Friend #1 jumped on the bandwagon after the second game was out, and being the action FPS player that he is, my friends and I decided it best not to make him play the first one beforehand (we tried that with another FPSer friend who got bored before finishing Eden Prime). He played the game, with no proper introduction to the series, and enjoyed the combat, but cared little for the story. Friend #1 represents one extreme of the spectrum of Mass Effect 2 PS3 players, the ones who won't even play Genesis, and move on to the next AAA title. Friend #2 however, represents the one who maybe played the original on Xbox or PC years ago.


Friend #2 played, and loved, Mass Effect 1 on his Xbox 360 a few months after it came out. Being the achievement... I'll use the word "hunter" that he is, he quickly played through it a few more times and hasn't touched it since then. After the sequel released, he found himself with a copy to play, but not having a good idea of what his decisions were, he foolishly chose default Shepard to begin his fight against the Collectors. Now, I have not played all the way through a default Shepard campaign on Mass Effect 2, but only because the default choices are beyond ridiculous:




- Wrex is dead

- Wreav is Urdnot's (stupid) leader

- You fucked Ashley

- You let Kaidan die

- Rachni queen is killed

- Council is dead

- Shepard did none of the side quests





You don't get any e-mails from anyone you met in Mass Effect 1, and you don't get news referring to events from Mass Effect 1. All those little (and big) things that made you think "Oh yeah! I remember that!" are taken out of the game. And what you're left with is a game that my friend, who adored Mass Effect 1, felt indifferent about. I think that speaks volumes about the importance of playing the first game and importing your save file, and it supports the idea that Mass Effect 2 is only great(as opposed to very good) because of Mass Effect 1.


"Yeah, but that's what Genesis is for... right?"


- Mass Effect: Genesis was a bad decision


Earlier today, I saw a video on Joystiq that showed you how a full run through Genesis looked like. First of all, the artwork was pretty bad. I don't think the Redemption or any of the other comics look all that great (and I'm the farthest from being a graphic novel connoisseur), but at least they didn't mess up the proportions to make angles look unnatural. Wrex is the biggest disappointment for me in those panels, and anytime he was shown, I could barely focus on what was going on, I just kept staring at him:




I understand that from a quantitative perspective, Genesis is better than nothing, but if quality is of any concern, Genesis may be the single worst piece of Mass Effect available (haven't played Galaxy, can't know for sure).


And just to add insult to injury, you only get to make 6 choices:


- Who Shepard bangs

- Rachni's destiny

- Wrex's fate

- Human sacrifice on Virmire

- Council's survival

- Shepard's Council nomination


The last of which you had to make in any version anyways since Mass Effect 1 never saved that.


Of note here is that Feros gets completely ignored, as well as the fact that there are multiple inconsistencies (necessary to cut time, but still, wtf?). You never meet Gianna Parasini, you only know who you banged (not really who they are), and a bunch of other things that get left out.


Obviously, you can't fit a 30-hour space opera into a 12 minute comic, but I'm a firm believer in "if you're gonna do something, do it right"; and I feel like Genesis is an insult to what Mass Effect 1 represents: a deep and fantastic introduction to the almost incredible universe of Mass Effect.


"What about the Codex?"


GTFO, I've read both of them multiple times, but I'm not naïve enough to believe that most people who play Mass Effect read all of it.


- Mass Effect 2 on PS3 delayed Mass Effect 2 DLC


Mass Effect 2 had a slow but steady stream of DLC coming out ever since the game's release. Some of it was worthwhile, and others not so much (looking at you, Alternate Appearance Pack). However, it was constant, and the worthwhile ones were some of the best DLC I've ever played. Unexpectedly though, the releases stopped. BioWare kept saying they had more DLC on the way, but kept quiet after Lair of the Shadow Broker. The PS3 version got announced, then Mass Effect 3 got announced, then the PS3 version got released, and it's been 4 and a half months since a DLC release with no further DLC announcements.


It doesn't take a genius to figure out that they wanted the next couple (maybe more?) packs to come out at the same time for all versions to rake in more money. After all, any further important DLC would have had no reason to not be included in the PS3 version. Keep in mind, I don't think having Mass Effect 2 available for PS3 owners was a bad decision in itself, but it is directly responsible for keeping more Mass Effect 2 DLC from being released, and that peeves me.


Last, and probably least:


- My special content isn't special anymore


I preordered Mass Effect 2: Collectors' Edition from Amazon and was looking forward to having the non-GameStop bonus as well as the Collectors' bonus and the Dragon Age armor (even though I didn't like Dragon Age all that much). The night of the release though, news reached my ears that due to a glitch in the system, all downloadable Mass Effect 2 content was free to download through the Xbox Marketplace on the internet. Quick as a fox, I jumped on the opportunity and got the rest of the DLC, including the Dr. Pepper specials and the GameStop preorder bonus. Feeling satisfied with myself, I gloated in the fact that only the most hardcore of Mass Effect fans and/or people who were awake at the right time, had the complete Mass Effect 2 special content, and I was one of them.


Months went by, and little by little, BioWare decided to release most of the bonus content in paid DLC format. It bummed me out a bit, but not too much, because the sacred Collectors' bonus were still locked to Collectors' and Deluxe Digital Edition owners (and late night prowlers). I never even use the armor, although the rifle came in handy for a while, but I enjoyed knowing I was one in a relative few.


Then the PS3 version comes out, and I find out that anyone can simply buy any and all DLC for Mass Effect 2 ever released, including my beloved Collectors' equipment.


Call me childish if you wish, but I felt betrayed and a bit angry (thus, the rant). Why bother releasing super special content if you're only going to offer it to anyone willing to pay later on?


My only consolation is that no one can take the physical specialty from my Collectors' Edition away from me. The poorly printed DVD's, the grey-scale booklet (whose cover is mangled a bit by the case itself), and the default Shepard on the tin can will always remain the difference between a standard edition owner and myself.




tl;dr: Sad is he who measures his happiness with possessions.


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okay, while you made some decent points to begin with, you quickly devolved into just console war flame bait troll territory, imo.



Do you know for sure the PS3 version really delayed DLC? The amount of DLC to support ME2 is way beyond that of ME1, which only had... one expansion? Also; iirc the next dlc is supposed to be something that serves to pave the way to the events of ME3, and is the only forthcoming expansion.




and your final point, which you admittedly said is the last on list of issues, is the one I take biggest issue with.


Welcome to the current generation.



Your collectors edition isn't so special anymore? People are buying the DLC that you got a timed exclusive on with your extra edition? Be glad you didn't have to wait, or pay extra for it (beyond the collectors premium price).


With Fallout 3 I paid for each of the DLC expansions, $10 at a time. Then the GOTY edition comes out, with all the DLC on the disc.


Same with Borderlands.


Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate edition?


Countless games have had console specific dlc or preorder bonuses that later have become available to all gamers at an extra cost.


If its going to bug you, you might as well wait a year to buy a game for when the goty / ultimate edition comes out with all the dlc at no extra price.

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I highly doubt BioWare is gonna tack on a multiplayer component to ME3. It seems incredibly odd to add multiplayer content to the final part of a trilogy, when there wasn't any multiplayer at all beforehand. If anything, Dragon Age always struck me as a game better suited to have multiplayer. And BioWare, could we PLEASE have some additional options in ME3 if we start a Shepard from scratch without importing? Starting a fresh game in ME2 essentially made Shepard the biggest asshole in the galaxy - every event that happened was Renegade, save for the love interest.


My thoughts on Mass Effect 2:


BioWare did an excellent job making the majority of the classes fun and engaging to play (as they seemed to do with all combat). A few of the classes still lagged behind, though. Infiltrator, Soldier, and Vanguard proved to be incredibly fun to play, using a mixture of weapons and biotic/tech attacks to wittle things down. All the pure biotic and tech classes didn't seem quite the same, however. Many Adept players frequently complained about how weak their biotic abilities felt in comparison to other things, and Engineer gameplay was a snooze-fest, consisting of nothing but sending your drone out to wittle away at an enemy's health while your team mates (who were better equipped than you) did the same. Sentinel gameplay also felt quite weak - while you were nigh invincible thanks to Tech Armor, you didn't have much firepower either.


The devs already addressed this and said mining won't be necessary to complete the game in ME3. Why wasn't this done earlier? Something is seriously wrong when an action that was originally optional becomes mandatory, just for the sake of finding enough minerals to complete ship upgrades.



Though I do miss some of the lengthier vehicle sections from ME1, I sure as hell don't miss the Mako. The Hammerhead was an absolute dream to drive in comparison, and I hope it makes a return in ME3.


Squad Mates:

This is, quite possibly, my biggest complaint. Squad members were either horribly balanced or horribly written. You can admit otherwise all you want, but let's be honest here - some of the squad members were absolute trash and were never used at all. The most glaring example is Jacob, who is both horribly bad and horribly written. A bland story with no real addition to the plot at all, and he's basically replaced as soon as you get your first new squad member. It doesn't matter if you get Garrus, Mordin, Jack, or Grunt first (or even one of the DLC characters) - they're all better than Jacob. Everyone is better than Jacob.


In comparison, you have Miranda (who can strip down every type of defense within the game AND passively boosts either squad health or squad weapon damage), Grunt (who makes for a stupidly good meat-shield due to his high health), and Zaeed (who has an outrageously high weapon damage modifier. The guy can seriously rip enemies to shreds, sometimes better than you can).

Edited by Vargras
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Squad Mates:

This is, quite possibly, my biggest complaint. Squad members were either horribly balanced or horribly written. You can admit otherwise all you want, but let's be honest here - some of the squad members were absolute trash and were never used at all. The most glaring example is Jacob, who is both horribly bad and horribly written. A bland story with no real addition to the plot at all, and he's basically replaced as soon as you get your first new squad member. It doesn't matter if you get Garrus, Mordin, Jack, or Grunt first (or even one of the DLC characters) - they're all better than Jacob. Everyone is better than Jacob.


You might find this interesting http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2010/05/20/messiah-complex-prt-1-leaving-mass-effect-2/


Also, Jacob was a sort of tie-in from Mass Effect: Galaxy, wasn't he? Partly explains why he wound up so bland (going from a player-controlled character/stand-in to an NPC).

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First of all, maybe I'm not as astute as I thought I was, but I have no idea what that "so... bad" promotion is trying to say...


Secondly, I'm surprised that a late night rant from an engineering major gets tested out as an article.


Next up, multiplayer:


I highly doubt BioWare is gonna tack on a multiplayer component to ME3.


I thought the same thing, until the teaser video released last year was indeed for Mass Effect 3 and not a spinoff. This is old (about June of last year), but I feel it's a pretty good indicator that it will have multiplayer.


okay, while you made some decent points to begin with, you quickly devolved into just console war flame bait troll territory, imo.


Yeah, I knew that's the way it was gonna go, but I just had to vent some. I do think my claims were partly justified though, and weren't borne from some blind hatred of Playstation 3 owners. Besides, if I ever get a comfortable amount of money, one of the first things I'll buy is a PS3.


Also; iirc the next dlc is supposed to be something that serves to pave the way to the events of ME3, and is the only forthcoming expansion.


It is true, it does seem there is only one left. I must have gotten confused with the fact there are 2 total pre-ME3 DLC, Lair was the first one:

Posts #2 and #4


It just makes me think though: If Lair was the first pre-ME3 DLC, why wait so long to release the second one? Shouldn't both of them have been released closer to ME3's release if the second one is going to come out less than a year before the three-quel? I'm not budging on this point. I'm almost certain the PS3 version delayed this next DLC.



Countless games have had console specific dlc or preorder bonuses that later have become available to all gamers at an extra cost.


Yeah, that's just me being butthurt about my special content not being special. There are games that do keep console/preorder exclusivity though. It just bummed me out that the only thing that couldn't have been downloaded... Actually, the Dr. Pepper visors were also unavailable. Except now, all the visors and the Collectors' equipment are available through the Recon Operations Pack, which is only available on the PSN. That's another thing that bothers me: Why only PSN? If you're going to sell previously locked content to people, why only on one system?


Meh, w/e :P

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  • 1 month later...



New DLC called "The Arrival" coming. More info on the link.


fucking awesome! I wondered if ME 3 would show the arrival of the reapers or just start in the midst of their attempted genocide of galaxy. It looks to be the latter.


You know what's lame? I couldn't even talk very much about the ME3 teaser trailer when it debuted a few months ago because most of my lame-ass friends hadn't even finished ME2 yet.


I hope ME3's dialogue constantly offers Shepard a "I told you so" option.

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New DLC called "The Arrival" coming. More info on the link.

hahaha. I was going to see if anyone had shared the Joystiq link in the Newsfeed, and Dean, the guy who put the link in the Newsfeed, has shared a different link. :lol:


I still don't own ME2. I borrowed it from a friend, and didn't bother with DLC or Cerberus content because I knew I had to give the discs back. I definitely wanted to pick up a dirt cheap 360 copy over the holidays, but no one in the states who asked me what I wanted for Christmas actually picked me up ME2. (I have three siblings, and ME2 was one of two things I was interested in...none of them delivered) I'll probably replay ME2 (with DLC?) before ME3 comes out...so hopefully this DLC is good, and I'd love to grab a GOTY edition with all the DLC. :D

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