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  1. 1. Do you plan to get Mass Effect Andromeda?

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Well, I keep unlocking weapon and mod upgrades, just maxed out the Avenger, got sever other guns on level IV, so I guess eventually there won't be anything for me to unlock BUT more classes.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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Well, I keep unlocking weapon and mod upgrades, just maxed out the Avenger, got sever other guns on level IV, so I guess eventually there won't be anything for me to unlock BUT more classes.


I love my Mattock far too much to ever use any other rifle.


I have Mattock IX and am very happy with it, but when I use a power-heavy character, my Carnifex I satisfies me to no end.

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I'm with Hot Heart, I don't care much for competitive generally but I am all over any kind of coop.


Is the Mattock the one-shot rifle? I liked it a lot in single-player, but I didn't care for it in multiplayer. By the time I unlocked it I already had a scope for ARs so its accuracy wasn't much better and its low rate of fire meant I couldn't do nearly as much dps as I could with the Avenger.

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I'm with Hot Heart, I don't care much for competitive generally but I am all over any kind of coop.


Is the Mattock the one-shot rifle? I liked it a lot in single-player, but I didn't care for it in multiplayer. By the time I unlocked it I already had a scope for ARs so its accuracy wasn't much better and its low rate of fire meant I couldn't do nearly as much dps as I could with the Avenger.


Mattock is the semi-auto rifle. I only liked it because of how accurate it was compared to the Avenger.

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Managed to play a few games with a Krogan Soldier in the party, or as I would call him 'Shot-blocker'. Basically, if you hadn't killed an enemy within a few seconds of seeing them, there's a good chance there will suddenly be a Krogan charging in and nutting them one. :lol:


It was good though because we cleared about 4 missions in around 13-14 minutes, and I gained 5 levels.

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Managed to play a few games with a Krogan Soldier in the party, or as I would call him 'Shot-blocker'. Basically, if you hadn't killed an enemy within a few seconds of seeing them, there's a good chance there will suddenly be a Krogan charging in and nutting them one. :lol:


It was good though because we cleared about 4 missions in around 13-14 minutes, and I gained 5 levels.


Yeah, at first I was irritated that you couldn't make a Krogan Vanguard, but now I'm beginning to see why. Stupidly powerful combo.


I've also been making several dummy facebook and Origin accounts to cheat at that recruitment app. For every person you recruit who completes the demo, you get a recruit pack in multiplayer when the full game comes out, with a limit of five packs per person. I've got all five lined up and waiting for me. :P

Edited by Vargras
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So I just now finished the singleplayer portion of the demo. I'm like a week late on this, but I've been busy playing ME2. I wrote down my thoughts while I was playing it and I'm just going to textdump them here, then try and explain them later.




First off, the kid. Why the kid? I mean, I understand I'm supposed to feel bad that the reapers are fucking up earth now, but please, there are a lot better (and less stereotypical) ways to do it than making me watch a kid die. I thought it was kind of cute at the beginning, seeing as how him playing with the toy spaceship did have me fooled, but the vents and the death ray shuttle accidents didn't seem necessary to me. You shouldn't have to put children dying in your game to make someone care about what happens.


Anderson is also in remarkably good shape for sitting at a desk for the past game and a half. Whatever. Also, why earth? This kind of goes back to my point above, but earth never struck me as the center of anything in the prior games in the series. I feel like this particular segment being added to the demo, and the sudden appearance of earth as a cultural center for humans was mostly just to push the "save earth" marketing and tug at the strings of those playing. Personally, I would've preferred to be fighting for the citadel or even some noname colony rather than some planet I had never seen before, even if it was earth.


Aaaand, on to the second segment. Wrex's dialog was absolutely awful. I cringed and laughed way too hard at the "I'm going to make you an honorary Krogan" part. My issue with his lines in particular wasn't even that they were poorly acted, they were just out of character. Where's the gruff, unfriendly Wrex I know and love? Mordin sort of lacked his jumpy, spastic dialogue too. Good to see Liara and Kaidan back, though, even if the thing with Kaidan was beyond weird.


Oh, and Kirrahe. That was such a weird cameo. I understand they really tried to cater to the ME1 lovers with this demo, and I'm glad they did, being one of those people, but no need to throw him in there like that. His cameo was pretty much just him and Shepard brofisting and then Kirrahe showing off his swank little grenade launcher while Garrus drooled all over the place. Neat, but unnecessary.


Gameplaywise, though, it felt pretty good. I got really confused when I tried to bypass a door and all I had to do was hold down the space bar, but I suppose I can live with that. The shooting felt good, and the addition of hitmarkers was great alongside smoke grenades. The cover system felt weird at first, as I kept pushing Liara and Garrus out of cover when I tried to just get out of cover, but I seemed to get used to it pretty fast, even if it is a bit too sticky for my tastes. One main issue, though, when playing Vanguard, was with the weapons they gave me. Never once in 2 playthroughs of ME1 or ME2 have I wanted an assault rifle as a Vanguard, and then they give me a fucking assault rifle. Didn't like that.


All in all, I'm not as disappointed as I thought (and sort of hoped) I would be. The animations and voice acting, my two main gripes, are hopefully just alpha code being alpha code. I know I'll play this eventually, as I want to see the end of the story (here's hoping it doesn't revolve around saving earth), but I know I won't preorder, and I'm going to try and avoid Origin in whatever ways I can, whether that be console or whatever.



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I can understand a slight change in character for Wrex. He has spent the past two years acting as a leader and rebuilding Krogan society, so I'd expect a slight change in attitude there.


I'd be miffed at the Kirrahe thing but... POSSIBLE ME3 SPOILER


rumour has it, he has a far larger role in the game than that


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I'll agree with Sporkwaffles that some of the characters are a bit out of character.

Though worth noting that as far as we know Mordin is different actor and I assume there's a fair bit of development with Wrex. The Kaiden thing was....creepy. I don't actually get it since in ME2 he's like "well fuck you Shepard, you killed Ashley!" and now he's all *the look*. I don't even know what it was, he seemed rather happy to see you now, and the character creator was even "there's a bond between them cos Shepard had Ashley killed instead". Then just as Shepard leaves Kaiden is "I used to know the captain"(or along those lines), which fits with the "I hate you" Kaiden of ME2.


As for Anderson I doubt he was "well. I'm leader of the council now, lets just stop going to the range and the gym n such and eat loads of doughnuts".



As far as the kid goes, no one remember this:

and the huge amounts of attention it gets. I bet there's a ton of sites chomping at the bit to make free advertising for ME3 by going "



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Well, in ME2, they seem angry when they bump into you but then you get that apologetic email afterwards. So I don't think it's too much of a stretch for them to be glad to see you, away from Cerberus.


Thing I find funny is that Kirrahe is in the demo but, as far as I'm aware, for PS3 players he is dead. I guess Wrex won't be making an appearance for them either? I can't remember what elements were set in stone for PS3 players.

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My only dead person on any of my playthroughs is Kaiden (except the one playthrough where I wanted to romance Kaiden, in that one it's Ashley).


That's really stupid that there's no way for PS3 players to have Wrex alive.

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I don't know much about protection on savefiles for consoles but maybe problems would arise?


Like you said, I shouldn't think BioWare deliberately removed content based on these 'fixed' elements (cutting Wrex's dialogue and model, for example). Had people been able to 'cook' PC saves to work on ME2, or anything like that?

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FYI You can choose between killing Ashley or Kaiden in the PS3 version, but Wrex was alive in my game. I forget if they let you pick that or if it just happens automatically.

I have no idea who the Kirrr whatever person is though.


Honestly, after playing through ME2 multiple times, the game hardly ever references ME1 in any meaningful way. Aside from cameos by old ME1 party members, I never felt lost in ME2. I never felt references were being made that I couldnt get.


Except Ashley. I dont know how ME1 people feel about her, but to me she acted like a total bitch in ME2 and I really dislike her now.

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