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Mass Effect



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  1. 1. Do you plan to get Mass Effect Andromeda?

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    • No
    • Maybe, I need to see more
    • Already have it preordered
  2. 2. If you are getting Andromeda, what system will you play it on?

    • Playstation 4
    • Xbox One
    • PC
    • I'm delusional and think I'll be able to get it on Switch

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Finally. Playing really late last night, I told my buddy, "this is my last game," and then I unlock the asari adept, so I had to play another game, and immediately after that, I unlocked the krogan soldier. I was too tired to play another match, but it finally happened. **single tear**


As far as lvl I unlocks I'm missing, I think the Revenant and the Hornet are all that remains. I'm not expecting too much out of those though, anyone really like either of them?

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Finally. Playing really late last night, I told my buddy, "this is my last game," and then I unlock the asari adept, so I had to play another game, and immediately after that, I unlocked the krogan soldier. I was too tired to play another match, but it finally happened. **single tear**


As far as lvl I unlocks I'm missing, I think the Revenant and the Hornet are all that remains. I'm not expecting too much out of those though, anyone really like either of them?


I like the Revenant, but the Hornet is pretty meh. Fairly small ammo capacity, and a very high recoil. Attempting to use a scope with it is an exercise in futility.

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big-ass shotgun

The Claymore. It hits with a LOT of power, but it has only one shot per reload and takes forever to reload as well as being extremely heavy, maybe even heavier than the Widow.


And yes, the Carnifex is indeed among my two favorite weapons right now. I either go with just a Widow or just a Carnifex, if I need more fire rate. The only exception is my human soldier, where I can't not take my Mattock. My sweet'n'sexy Mattock X :D


I like the Revenant, but the Hornet is pretty meh. Fairly small ammo capacity, and a very high recoil. Attempting to use a scope with it is an exercise in futility.


Hmm, I already don't like the scope on the Tempest, I imagine the Hornet won't be one of my favorites. I remember not liking the Revenant too much in ME2, I guess I'll have to try it out once I unlock it.

Edited by jimmuhpage
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Hmm, I already don't like the scope on the Tempest, I imagine the Hornet won't be one of my favorites. I remember not liking the Revenant too much in ME2, I guess I'll have to try it out once I unlock it.


I only liked the Tempest because of the ginormous amount of ammo it could hold, and the Hornet can't even begin to compare in that aspect. Only thing the Hornet really has is a three-round burst, but that's about it.

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So, I'm trying to max out my N7 rank, but I'm not enjoying playing as a turian sentinel at all. Instead, I tried using the human sentinel with warp/throw combo. It's not effective enough to warrant trying silver or gold (which Ethan, a couple friends, and I accomplished earlier today :D ), especially since it means you're putting less points into tech armor, but man is it fun. Maximize the area of effect for biotic explosions and you can easily get a quadruple kill on bronze, with a fireworks show to boot :P.


And my favorite censorship was the first one, Vega's "not supposed to $%#! you either" lol

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Yeah, I realized that after I posed, that Mal was talking about sitting on the DLC itself, when I just meant they intended to sit on the announcement.


Honestly though I don't really get what people are complaining about. My understanding is that this was intended to be CE-exclusive content, and the reason they're releasing it at all is that the CE is sold out everywhere and they want people to be able to get it if they want. If anything you should be happy: the CE costs $20 more than the regular edition, but the DLC only costs $10.


We should be happy? Son, you crazy. They are taking very major, very plot important content, cutting it out of the game, and now we should be thanking them because they are, by grace and goodwill, letting us pay ten dollars for content that should have been included in the sixty dollar game to begin with?


Fuck these guys. I'm not picking ME3 up until it's at least 30 dollars. They can blow me.


Casey Hudson put out the following tweets just the other day:

The Prothean DLC character is really cool, but not at all critical to the main story. #ME3 centers on the Reapers, not the Protheans.
For the many who asked, plot arcs of the Protheans and other races are resolved in #ME3, not DLC. That is after all the focus of the story.


Other stuff:

RT “@RemiosR: who's character has the best dialogue just walking around in ME3?” Love them all but Vega is a blast - great banter!
@KuzeySoldado Yes, you'll be able to fly to planets and choose locations to land as before, but with some new activities.
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New activities like this? :P


Just been reading some stuff about the games and Krogans have '240-degree vision'. So, why is their FOV in multiplayer so limited? :P




The Prothean was one of the scientists awoken by Vigil, and went on to alter the Keepers so they wouldn't activate the Citadel relay.


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People hated scanning for minerals. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING.


So now, we made war assets and fuel. TOTS DIFFERENT YO


It looks better (and faster) than the mineral scanning, if you ask me. Mineral scanning was slowly going up and down the grid, and watching for spikes on the meter so you knew where minerals were. This is just following pings until you find it.

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Nobody's arguing the duck's level of fanciness. We can all agree that when that duck goes to stores, he has so much money he can just open a bill.


But if people are tired of duck, putting a disguise on it wont make it better. I hope there's at least a way to fight the reapers that try to attack you in these galaxies

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Decided to give Adept a go in ME3 multiplayer. It was actually a lot of fun, even at level 1. I'd never really liked the class in ME2 because it involved a bit of care in line-of-sight for the powers, but it works really well here (I think they tend to home in a bit more). The human adept has a good choice of powers too, although I hear the Asari has Stasis which is supposed to be amazing.

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Get Stasis Field for the Asari Adept once you get leveled up. It is the best thing ever. Ridiculously over powered. It works on all enemies, even if they have shields or barriers up, which means Phantoms are no longer a threat at all. The only enemies it doesn't work on are the Atlases.

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I've got enough characters importing from ME2 that I can actually play one playthrough as every class. :D


*Edit* - I probably won't though, the only ones I've really liked so far are Soldier and Adept. Biotic charge as a Vanguard was a lot of fun, but I got sick of dying all the time... though in single player I could just play on an easy difficulty I guess.

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