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Mass Effect



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  1. 1. Do you plan to get Mass Effect Andromeda?

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  2. 2. If you are getting Andromeda, what system will you play it on?

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    • I'm delusional and think I'll be able to get it on Switch

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ME3 is a rental from me so even if I wanted to I can't touch the multiplayer [i'm assuming since it was asking me to input a code at the beginning].


Nice to know I can get it completely full without touching the multiplayer. Maritan how many hours have you played man haha. Didn't this thing just come out yesterday?


I maxed the bar out as well, without touching multiplayer. Ended with roughly 25 hours played. It's not hard to do - just scan planets and do side quests.

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ME3 is a rental from me so even if I wanted to I can't touch the multiplayer [i'm assuming since it was asking me to input a code at the beginning].


Nice to know I can get it completely full without touching the multiplayer. Maritan how many hours have you played man haha.

Well, about 25 hours, just resolved the second big conflict in the game and I think it'll be over pretty soon.


Didn't this thing just come out yesterday?

I have no life.

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I agree, but since they've said you can still get the best ending without playing multiplayer I'm assuming you only have to get that bar halfway full, since it's impossible to get it more than halfway full without multiplayer.





Forgive me for not having finished the game yet. :P


I was just making an inference based on the way the information is displayed.

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Ah shame about the ending being disappointing. I'm gonna assume the next title in the Mass Effect universe will take decades if not hundreds of years after this trilogy and that'll be their excuse for "whether your shepard wins or not he wont be around"



then again I havent seen the ending but from what I hear, I'm gonna squeeze in as much of the game as possible

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They could also do stuff before this trilogy. The First Contact War was like 30 years before ME1.


*Edit* - I'd like a strategy game set during the First Contact War, with gameplay somewhere between Homeworld and Nexus: the Jupiter Incident.

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Posted to Reddit as "ME3 isn't out here, just killing time in ME2"


WRT Tuchunka:


Anyone had him survive? It seemed on Renegade he'd survive due to not knowing to disable the sabotage, so he wouldn't go to the top of the tower. I had a feeling he'd survive too given the earlier bit with Grunt n his "sad music plays as he seemingly goes to his doom, but then he turns up anyway" bit.


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I'm happy that so far I've had one decision from ME1 and one from ME2 make a significant impact on how this is playing out. I'm sure there have been more that impacted it in less obvious ways.


*Edit* - I mean this beyond the really obvious ones like whether Kaiden or Ash died.

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So I know in multiplayer the Widow sniper rifle is amazing, but a word of advice for singleplayer: don't waste your money. It's only advantage over the Manits is that you don't have to reload between every shot, but it does less damage and weighs a shit ton more.

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So I know in multiplayer the Widow sniper rifle is amazing, but a word of advice for singleplayer: don't waste your money. It's only advantage over the Manits is that you don't have to reload between every shot, but it does less damage and weighs a shit ton more.


While we're on the topic of weapons - the Spike Thrower is downright incredible. Seriously, if you use shotguns at all, use it. It's incredibly accurate for a shotgun, and I've actually sniped enemies with it. You can charge the shots, and even if you have no ammo powers at all, the spikes cause bleed damage over time. It's a truly amazing weapon. I don't regret shelving my Claymore at all.

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Seriously it's like Bioware doesn't realize that one can't possibly care about a character you saw for a total of 2 minutes.


The whole "it's a little kid" angle only works irl. It almost feels like everytime an alien needs to question Shepard about how he doesnt know how it feels to not fight for their race to go save earth, Shepard brings this out. This is Shepard's "race" card.


Turian: I dunno Shepard it seems like a waste of time to go save Earth while my planet is dying


Shepard: Listen, we could spend the entire mission discussing how to save your planet in the longrun we need to save earth but I just want to say you're a piece of shit because I saw a little earth boy, couldnt have been more than 7, die right in front of my eyes as I left Earth.


Turian: I saw my own family get disintegrated as my baby girl and wife begged me to not leave them but I had to in order to lead our defenses. I saw a whole orphana burn to the ground.


Shepard: That's all fine and dandy, but you don't realize how much of a piece of shit you are because this earth kid looked so darn cute.


Turian: AH SHIT HE WAS CUTE?! You're right Shepard, fuck my planet.

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Yeah he does pretty much how WaS described it.


Anywho, Shepard VI is fun.

"We can take down anything if we just join together"

Dean: Hmm, wonder what other boy scout lines it has. *hits spacebar*

"Except the Reapers. Have you seen them? Those things are huge!!"


Over-arcing story is a bit sucky but the dialogue within it is pretty damn sweet.


I've a feeling that the Bioware writing room conversations went like so:


"Bob, will you have a browse through the forum and note down any party member that appears top of "Favourite party member" lists"

"Why Bill?"

"Well for maximum emotive drive in the game we're going to kill them all!"


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Yeah Ethan, pretty much whenever an alien is coping with the fact that their planet is being attacked and Shepard has the option to say how he can relate, he brings it up. Or whenever someone needs to ask Shepard how he's doing [after the whole earth being attacked] I can guaranfuckingtee there's an option there to mention the kid.


And yeah the VI Shepard came out of nowhere and is awesome. I laughed so hard when he said something along the lines of "I can predict what Shepard would say with a 7% accuracy". Not even one in ten times, I love this thing.


Also I know it's hypocritical after all the shit I was giving Ashley of wearing too much make-up, but fuck it I'm going back to her as a love interest. It just seems more human, especially after we had the Miranda conversation and Bioware gave me the option to say what I wanted to say which is basically "fuck you you left me, I moved on". Plus I've seen how boring the other love interests are in the game. It's basically one sex scene and that's it. In a game that is so character driven, they really shouldn't have shafted so many characters from ME2 as a side NPC you can find. I appreciate the thought they weren't completely forgotten, but come on man.


Can't remember if it was in this forum or another, but somebody posted an image of the perfect game and I gotta say I agree with the statement of story vs dialogue. Let Bioware come up with the lore/background and the dialogue. But let people like writers from Obsidian come up with the story.

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