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Mass Effect



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I completely agree that it's stupid that the multiplayer has such a major effect on the singleplayer (edit: or any effect at all), I'm just saying if you're not buying their game why should they care what you think?

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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If everybody else is complaining it is fine. I complain then all of a sudden "no fuck you, you don't get an opinion?"


Please leave that elitist bullshit out of the way. I've kept PLENTY of games from renting them, like Dean has mentioned, but won't be keeping this one due to principles.


So your argument is " I bought it I don't give a fuck?" That's a shitty mentality. What about those that did buy it but don't want to be forced to play the multiplayer? Their opinion matters right? So don't focus on my complaints as me complaining because I didn't buy the title.



Edit: Hell by that logic, you'd argue that what Rocksteady did with the catwoman content is a-ok. it's not. It's convenient to you because it doesn't affect you, doesn't make it right and that is what the argument is. It's not like I pirate the fucking games, I pay for a service and keep the game if it's worth the price. But blocking singleplayer content or fucking you over isn't right, doesn't matter who is complaining.

Edited by Waldorf And Statler
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Wow, you completely did not get what I was saying.


*Edit* - As I said, I agree with you that it's stupid that multi has an effect on singleplayer. And I don't think you don't get an opinion, I was expressing the view that many devs/publishers seem to take.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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So in multiplayer should I be buying Veteran packs or saving up for Spectre packs?


Well, look at it like this:


Recruit packs: Great for getting consumables

Veteran packs: Good for building up your mod/weapon collection. Chance to score class/race combos as well (class/race combos are marked as uncommon in the full game, instead of rare like in the demo)

Spectre packs: Best possible chance at getting the rare goodies. I've gotten some special items out of these, like a permanent increase to the amount of medigel I can carry into missions, as well as some pretty snazzy weapons. You can also pick up multiple rare items out of these (I got the Carnifex and Revenant from the same Spectre pack). As mentioned in a previous post I made, there's an additional quality tier beyond rare, and Spectre packs are your best chance at grabbing those.

Edited by Vargras
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Alright, so what I should probably do is buy recruit packs until I have a decent store of consumables, then start buying Spectre packs.


Well, the only bad part about that is that both the recruit packs and Spectre packs are sorely lacking, as far as weapon mods go. Don't be surprised if you have to start buying veteran packs, just to get some.

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Ok so I am starting to see why people keep saying that the points are utter bullshit when it comes to Effective Military Strength.


I have done EVERY SIDE MISSION. Scanned every planet, had more than enough paragorn points to choose those options, and gotten every effective alliance save one in the beginning where they basically ask you to fuck over someone else.


Right now, without the ability of playing multiplayer or buying the ioS game I stand at around 3200 EMS at my current point in the game.



I'm about to go find Cerberus and attack them which I've read is pretty damn near the end of the game.



I've done every N7 mission and there is literally no way in fucking hell I can get the 1500 points necessary to get 4000 points.


What I want to know is why the fuck did keeping the collector's base not have any effect on my total war assets? That should give me at least a couple of hundred points so where is it? If somebody else kept it, am I simply not seeing it in the list? Or do its assets become obvious after the certain spoiler I mentioned above?

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Hehe. Funny little line from Vega. "My father's last name was Sanders...no relation."


Although, I have to wonder why he does not have his father's surname...


I'm guessing because his parents weren't married.


WaS: aside from what dean said, the reason it doesn't give you war assets is because Cerberus has it, and you aren't exactly buddies with them.


*Edit* - Also, as I said on Twitter, supposedly you could get the best ending in a NG+ without multi, because war assets would carry over, but I started a NG+ and none of my assets did carry over, so it looks to me like Bioware just lied.


*Edit 2* - Just looked it up, apparently it is theoretically possible to get the required effective strength for the best ending without multiplayer, but you have to have almost every single war asset, including the ones that are determined by your actions in previous games.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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Niave as in wanting something a bit better, or niave for something else?

The former.


Does anyone have any hard maths on how much war assets can be gathered? I had like 6,500 by the end of the game. More than enough with MP, but only 3,250 without. I'd need another 3,500 (roughly 4 more alien races) to get to the required 10,000 war assets.

Not really a hard math, but here's what I think:

I've completed (almost) every quest and DLC in the first two games, made the best decisions in the third one, but skipped 2 side quests, said "fuck off" to the reporter in the docking bay and didn't bother with reaper heart/brain. And that's what I got by the end of the game.


I am pretty confident you can't go over 7500 points.


So Javik is already in the game and accessible.


It actually works (given ti a test myself)


You can modify any war asset value with this tool, you know. Just find the relic/asset/character and give it the value you need. Problem solved. At least for the master race.

And here's a video I stumbled upon. It starts at about a minute. SPOILERS, off course.

That part with Hitler really got me.

Reaction from general chat in TOR


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You know it's actually quite funny. All Bioware has to do is to come out and say


"Hey guys. We fucked up. The ending is anticlimactic, and we lied about easily being able to get all the war assets necessary without playing multiplayer. In this case, multiplayer DOES actually harm you if you don't play it since your assets are cut in half. What's that? We could've made the EMS a 100, then multiplayer add to this? No don't be ridiculous."


They have to admit their fault with the DLC. I don't give a shit if it's DLC, but give it free to people who bought the game, ala Cerberus Network. But no, admitting they fucked up with the DLC, ending and multiplayer would require them to be humble and human.


And at this point, they have it in their big fat fucking head by sniffing their own ass that they are the best game makers out there and whatever they do is perfect. They can suck a dick. I even bought Dragon Age Fucking II when it came out and thought to myself "hey, at least they can't fuck up Mass Effect 3"


All you had to do Bioware. ALL you had to do, Was not fuck over the singleplayer when you added multiplayer. And you managed to do that.


Good fucking luck with life. Any other game you make, I'll work my hardest to not fucking buy.

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I'm going to take my time with the game, and hopefully multiplayer will be active enough so I can try for the better ending. To think that multiplayer and multiple endings had to be this much of a hassle. If it weren't for the game still being enjoyable to play and a handful of cool characters, I'd rather try getting the true ending in Shadow the Hedgehog for all the effort.


Maybe they were afraid their multiplayer would turn out just like Bioshock 2's multi: a pointless distraction. How do you rectify that? Make singleplayer dependent on multiiplayer!


Think about it... if you ever come back to ME3, it won't be for the multiplayer. Crap, the multi is probably going to die down in the next four months. Are people just going to have to YouTube the "greatest" ending?

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