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Mass Effect



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  1. 1. Do you plan to get Mass Effect Andromeda?

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  2. 2. If you are getting Andromeda, what system will you play it on?

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    • I'm delusional and think I'll be able to get it on Switch

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I've been thinking about Mass Effect 3 lately... I think this is the first time I've thought about it objectively since my initial joygasm over the announcement trailer during the VGA.


I HATE THE ME3 TRAILER. I imagine there are two distinct possibilities:

- the trailer is simply a marketing approach that makes the game look like Halo, or

- the game actually does have a strong "war for Earth" focus.


I'm dying for Mass Effect to return to roots. I want to explore another Prothean planet like Ilos. I want to visit the Turian homeworld. I want the codex to be full of new primary entries.


It's probably just some momentary pessimism, but I'm worried that ME3 will just be ME 2.5; a lot of combat and ugly ruined worlds.


I think it's time for Bioware to show us a trailer that actually involves space.

Edited by HotChops
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Yeah, that Earth comment, not great. Starting to really lean to a "you're defending Earth n only Earth in ME3" kind of stuff. Sure London could do with saving, but there is a whole galaxy.

I'm still hoping for some RPG/Strategy game combo. So RPG side is getting the forces together, negotiating with the merc like blue sun n such, getting Geth on your side etc etc. Then latter half have some TBS style thing moving the various fleets around n defending outposts n such.


Also anyone aware of any deus ex machina openings in the last two games. Arrival may introduce it, but in general the reapers have been described and shown to be a virtually unstoppable force. It was only the arrival of the earth fleet and close quarter battles that helped them take out Sovereign, a single reaper. So I'd guess there's going to be some kind of "hey they're really weak to the common cold" type deal going on. Just hoping it's not lumped in suddenly. Like there's some hint in the past of a way to stop em. All I can think of is the massive rail gun mentioned that took out the dead reaper you meet legion on.

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The only other thing I'm aware of was that thing to do with the Geth messing with stars and making them unstable, maybe so they possibly explode.


Which vaguely reminds me of some Ultimate Extinction storyline where Reed Richards uses the energy from some other universe's 'big bang' to repel Galactus (shown as a horde of planet-eating creatures).


Not sure how that would work in Mass Effect though.


Also anyone aware of any deus ex machina openings in the last two games. Just hoping it's not lumped in suddenly. Like there's some hint in the past of a way to stop em.


The very nature of 'leaving an opening' runs contrary to what an actual deus ex machina is.


Considering what has been going on across two games already there must be at least some grounding for what defeats the reapers.


It's not like some magic new alien army will warp in through an as yet undiscovered relay and save the day...right? :unsure:

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The only other thing I'm aware of was that thing to do with the Geth messing with stars and making them unstable, maybe so they possibly explode.

It's actually unknown whether it was the Geth doing that or whether it was something else.

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I just finished it and I thought it was pretty good! ^_^


The second half reminded me of the first Mass Effect. There's a great set piece at the end, a few intense fire fights, and some of the

I've ever heard.


Spoilerz Stuff:





I thought this was awesome; space-fighting on a planet that's hurtling toward the galaxy's oldest mass relay. I love how if you use pull, shockwave, etc. you can break the enemies out of the station's gravity and send them flying over your head.




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I thought it was good, but it wasn't as epic as I would have hoped the last bit of Mass Effect 2 would be.


Also, I was pretty close with my guess based on the screenshots.



I had guessed that you would have to destroy the Charon relay, trapping the Reapers in the Sol system, setting up the events for Mass Effect 3. I really was only wrong about the system.


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Question with Arrival spoilers: Does anyone know what happens if


you don't contact the Normandy in time? Does it just show the game over screen, or is there a cinema of the asteroid crashing in to the relay with you on it?


Also, I thought it was a really nice touch that the relay gets visibly closer as you're standing there.


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There's a place later in the level where


the countdown jumps down to like an hour and 52 minutes, after Shepard has reawakened. That would be a better place to let it idle, IMO.



Yeah, I noticed. It's a little weird to have a real-time countdown, but then to have the game take control of time.

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A question for those of you who have beat the game: about how far along in the main plot are you when you get the IFF? I got hugely sidetracked and just recruited every character (including the DLC ones), did all their personal sidequests, and exhausted every planet of minerals.


While that earned me a lot of experience, credits, and over a million each of platinum and palladium, it took me around 75 hours. This has really made me think about my pacing for the next time I play this sort of game. I feel so disconnected from the earlier events of the story and with the characters I looked after first.


Maybe I shouldn't try for near 100% completion on my first play for ME3.

Edited by SanaEquiesterer
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A question for those of you who have beat the game: about how far along in the main plot are you when you get the IFF? I got hugely sidetracked and just recruited every character (including the DLC ones), did all their personal sidequests, and exhausted every planet of minerals.


While that earned me a lot of experience, credits, and over a million each of platinum and palladium, it took me around 75 hours. This has really made me think about my pacing for the next time I play this sort of game. I feel so disconnected from the earlier events of the story and with the characters I looked after first.


Maybe I shouldn't try for near 100% completion on my first play for ME3.


I've never bothered to go for %100, but I usually have all the characters and their loyalty missions done -- except for Legion.

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