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Mass Effect



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  1. 1. Do you plan to get Mass Effect Andromeda?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe, I need to see more
    • Already have it preordered
  2. 2. If you are getting Andromeda, what system will you play it on?

    • Playstation 4
    • Xbox One
    • PC
    • I'm delusional and think I'll be able to get it on Switch

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Quick note about Phantoms: if you don't have someone on your team who can stasis, you can cloak, move to a flanking position where the Phantom is taking cover and line up an easy headshot.


Whenever I try that it seems that they remain still until the very instant I line up my crosshairs on their head, at which point they start moving again. It's like they're psychic (which they very well might be).

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The only time you should attempt to revive someone with enemies surrounding you is if you're an Infiltrator. You can easily get to them and revive them only to have the enemies notice you when you and your teammate are up and running.


One match, when it was the extraction wave, we were constantly reviving one another in this near repeating pattern. You're alive, reviving teammate, you die and teammate is alive, so he revives you. Well, you're up and now he's down. -_-



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I unlocked a Scorpion which is classed as N7. Not tried that gun before. Definitely not one you carry on its own...more of a back-up grenade launcher for a soldier maybe.


It's a neat little gun - the sticky grenades also act as proximity mines.


In other news, there's some additional bug fixes coming out next week.

  • Fixed issues when in some cases Shepard’s customized facial features from ME1/ME2 may not be properly imported to ME3
  • Fixed an issue when quickly and repeatedly selecting to Resume a Save could result in Player Level reset and a potential locking of powers.
  • Fixed an issue when selecting Multiplayer in the Main Menu while under a poor network connection could result in an unresponsive state.
  • Fixed a potential crash while accessing an in-game terminal from Eden Prime level.
  • Fixed an issue when attempting to login while Server is down. It would display a Server Down message and accepting the Server Shutdown message would shut down the game.
  • Fixed a potential memory crash while loading a Quick Save of a custom FemShep.
  • Fixed an issue when restarting missions and acquiring an above max amount of weapon mods results in displayed debug text on-screen.
  • Fixed an issue when an unresponsive game state could occur during transition after the Conduit level.
  • Fixed an issue when DLC game saves can be accessed from an account without DLC if another account on the same computer has access to the related DLC. (PC Only)
  • Fixed an issue when saves from different accounts on the same computer may become locked if one account has access to DLC which the other account does not. (PC Only)
  • Fixed an issue when potentially the game could enter unresponsive state when transitioning from the Holding Docks area to the Normandy Docks area of the Citadel. (PS3 Only)

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Unlocked Geth Engineer. Fucking love it. The geth turret does a hefty amount of damage, and also recharges the shields of nearby allies. Already dumped all my points to beef up the shield recharge. Hunter Mode is absolutely incredible too - shows all enemies on-screen, even if they're cloaked or if there's smoke.

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Deleted scene (pretty big, it's a lot of screenshots so I'm not embedding it)


Wow. That actually would've made a hell of a difference of my opinion on Ashley. Before that, she just seemed like an up-n-coming dog of the military who was confused at just about everything that went on around her and never trusted me completely. If this had been there, I would have maybe brought her along with me more. But then again this was one conversation and I've played the game, the rest of the conversations with her were just constant nagging.

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That deleted scene actually makes the Cerberus Lab mission a little more relevant. Being vague here, but...



When you stumble upon records of Project Lazarus. As far as I can remember, it's the only time Shepard had where you see this side of whether he/she has doubts about who they really are. I mean, you either pick an emotional panic Shepard or one who dismisses it all. Because I was never really given the time in Mass Effect 2 and 3 to contemplate on the idea of Project Lazarus, it all boiled down to: "I'm Commander Shepard, and I'm still alive!"


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Some seem gender specific, mainly Liara and Samara.


Either way, I would choose Legion! If for some reason Legion were not possible, I'd have to decide between Garrus and Kal'Reegar. Garrus, like Legion, is a favorite character of mine. That color scheme for Kal'Reegar though, not to mention I like the quarians.


I've always liked Kasumi's hooded outfit, so I think it would be awesome for there to be a hoodie based on it. Seeing her in ME3 again made me want to have a cyber thief hood for my Shep too. :D

Edited by Atomsk88
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I finally broke down and was getting ready to order the N7 hoodie even though it's $75, but then in the checkout process I got to the part where shipping is $15 and I'm sorry, but I can't bring myself to pay $90 for a hoodie.

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In other news, there's another event this week - Operation Resurgence. Folks playing on the two new maps will get bonus exp, and as long as you play on either of the new maps over the weekend, you'll get a pack the following week that has one of the new races in it, guaranteed.


Are PS3 players getting screwed again? I hate these events not coming to the PS3, due to some technical issues re PSN apparently. :(

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