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Little weird shit you do.


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So I don't know about you all and shit, but I do weird stuff without realizing it until I do.


Then I keep doing it.


On tiled floor, I like to move like a knight would on a chess set.


I either move up the one and horizontal for the two or vice versa. I have it down so well here in my house that you'll actually think I'm dancing at times because I spin when I get to my next step.


That's fucked.

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I generally do a lot of spins and contortions while moving, spinning on heel as opposed to turning gradually. I often chew toothpicks, especially at work, where they are plentiful. I also have some very strange gestures that mean "thank you" and "after you" and that sort of thing (not THAT strange, just not... what most people are used to, I guess)- my coworkers have them downpat, but whenever someone new gets hired, it takes them a week or two to figure out what the fuck I'm doing.

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I don't do it often, but I too move on tile/squares like a knight and avoid cracks.


I've recently picked up clicking, probably due to Fantastic Mr. Fox. Other times I'll make a "nothankyou.jpg" face if I think about something undesirable. At work, I get coworkers asking what the eff is wrong, and that's when I realize I expressed my thought "outloud."


Oh, but I will talk to myself most often. I don't really think it's "talking to yourself" if you're not referring to yourself. To me, I'm just thinking outloud. I have to have some noise, and so my thoughts are vocalized.

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I sing nonsense syllables interspersed with random sentences about what I'm thinking or doing. I can get quite loud. I only do this when I'm alone or when I'm intoxicated in very, very comfortable company. I've seriously startled roommates whom I thought were gone with my abrupt nonsense songs while going about chores or my routine or just puttering around the apartment. I guess sometimes I just feel exuberant and need to express myself or something. Or perhaps I'm going mad. :unsure:

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I sing nonsense syllables interspersed with random sentences about what I'm thinking or doing. I can get quite loud. I only do this when I'm alone or when I'm intoxicated in very, very comfortable company. I've seriously startled roommates whom I thought were gone with my abrupt nonsense songs while going about chores or my routine or just puttering around the apartment. I guess sometimes I just feel exuberant and need to express myself or something. Or perhaps I'm going mad. :unsure:

You're not alone. :lol:


I think it must be the house and trance music I've listened to, but I'll have a phrase in my head that I'll sing, repeat, and then expound upon. I really only do this at work because 1) It can be really slow and 2) No one can hear me sing, even if I'm loud.


I haven't done this in a while, probably because there's more interesting people to talk to at work now.

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I sing nonsense syllables interspersed with random sentences about what I'm thinking or doing. I can get quite loud. I only do this when I'm alone or when I'm intoxicated in very, very comfortable company. I've seriously startled roommates whom I thought were gone with my abrupt nonsense songs while going about chores or my routine or just puttering around the apartment. I guess sometimes I just feel exuberant and need to express myself or something. Or perhaps I'm going mad. :unsure:

You're not alone. :lol:


I think it must be the house and trance music I've listened to, but I'll have a phrase in my head that I'll sing, repeat, and then expound upon. I really only do this at work because 1) It can be really slow and 2) No one can hear me sing, even if I'm loud.


I haven't done this in a while, probably because there's more interesting people to talk to at work now.


Oh, when I sing like this, I'm very, very loud. I have a pretty strong voice as it is and when I sing it just gets louder.

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I eat just about anything in one bite. Or as many big bites they can fit into. My parents and relatives have constantly asked me why I eat so fast. Most of the time, I don't even realize I eat that fast.


Likewise, it pisses me off when somebody takes forever to eat something. Like that stupid punk-ass munchkin in 7th grade that took 17 bites to eat a fucking chip that was 2 inches in diameter.

Edited by Pirandello
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Whenever I wash my hands before eating, I have to hold them in front of my face surgeon style, and if I touch anything exactly before eating I have to start over. I have no idea why.


Maybe it's because I was diagnosed with OCD. :lol:


You sure you don't have a surgeon alter ego or something? Maybe his mind is bleeding into yours!


As for me, I have a penchant to blow my nose... anywhere. And I have a crazy obsession with washing my hands whenever they feel filthy. They don't even need to BE filthy, all I have to do is think they are and I have an urge to wash them.

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All volumes must be even numbers and/or multiples of five.


When out in restaurants I always stack the menus the right way up before handing the pile back to the waiter / waitress. I flinch if they pick them up and some are upside down or rotated through 180 degrees or what have you. My friends know this and will purposely mis-stack menus and refuse to let me have them so as to annoy me.


I also stack plates when everyone has finished eating and always return emptie glasses to the bar when getting a round in or leaving.


That last one is because I used to live in a pub. When in the UK this is normally acknowledged by the staff, but not considered "odd". When I did this in a restaurant in America the manager (who happened to be serving our table) asked me if I wanted a job. I'm not 100% convinced he was joking. :P

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I don't think it's weird so much as just that most people don't do it. I mean, so it's weird in the literal sense of "not normal", but people wouldn't think you were weird for doing it, they just wouldn't expect you to do it either.

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