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Lazy Cash-ins

Mister Jack

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A lot of publishers are guilty of making it just a little too obvious that all they were after was a quick buck. Whether it's subpar special editions, uninspired DLC, or just plain nickel and diming you for stuff that should have been in the box in the first place, we're often getting screwed. Post the most egregious examples you've seen here.

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Oh man. Have I raged about the 25th Anniversary pack on here before? If not , and even if I have, let me rage again:

WTF? Such a wasted opportunity. Could of had a couple of the N64 n GC titles thrown in. For Marios 25th anniversary they threw out a port of a title that only covers 8 years of their games. It's kind of sickening actually that Nintendo are doing this big '25 years in the family' campaign and all they can do is a shitty port. So little effort. Smooves you should be ashamed.


Also have I mentioned we get a different package that's kind of toned down on the 'All Stars' stuff?



I nearly bought it for my siblings Xmas present. Thankfully I got em Toy Story 3 instead.

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I would have been fine with it had it included maybe 3 or 4 more games on it. Mario World 1 and maybe 2. Mario 64. Just...SOMETHING. Hell, The SNES had a Mario All-Stars that HAD Mario World on it, but they didn't even put that version on the disc. I mean what the hell?


Oh wait. Virtual Console.


You dicks.

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I would have been fine with it had it included maybe 3 or 4 more games on it. Mario World 1 and maybe 2. Mario 64. Just...SOMETHING. Hell, The SNES had a Mario All-Stars that HAD Mario World on it, but they didn't even put that version on the disc. I mean what the hell?


Oh wait. Virtual Console.


You dicks.

Nintendo NOT rehashing the same stuff over and over to pry a few more coins from the dedicated gamers pockets? Where have you been for the past decade? Nintendo seems to pride itself on releasing something, then releasing a superior product six months down the road. In a few years, there will be the Mario Brothers 30th anniversary edition with the "left out" Super Mario World.

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I don't mean to hate on Nintendo, they do make some amazing games, but seriously, they need to get past this idea of rehashing stuff. I bought a Wii hoping Virtual Console prices could ween me away from Roms, but sadly that was not the case. I even bought a first generation DS, then when they announced a better version, I sold that off and swore not to buy a DS until they finish releasing the damn thing.

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It wouldn't be so bad if the prices were varied, like 200 point games and stuff, but with all the games being 500+ points, it's just so insane when I can just hook my laptop to the TV and use an emulator to play the game. I was also disappointed when Nintendo forced Team Meat to cancel Super Meat Boy from being released on WiiWare due to the size of the game. Apparently Nintendo has a strict 50MB limit on games on WiiWare.


Going back to cash-ins, Dragon Age 2 already has announced DLC at launch, even when the game isn't even out yet. Why, Bioware, WHY.

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Pokémon Trading Card Game: The Video Game




A cash-in of a cash-in.


Also, in terms of lazy cash-ins, basically any non-main series or stadium PKMN game. So, Mystery Dungeon, Dash, Box, etc.


For the Pokemon Trading Card game on Gameboy, and somewhat in general of all the Pokemon games, is the fact you cannot attain a 100% collection rate without two copies of the game and two gameboys (and don't say "What about friends that have the game?" because THEY DON'T EXIST)

For the Trading Card game, you had to use the IR thing on the Gameboy, and use the "Bump" trade/swap thing, or whatever it was called, and you got a random card, and this was the only way to attain some of the cards.

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Pokémon Trading Card Game: The Video Game




A cash-in of a cash-in.


Also, in terms of lazy cash-ins, basically any non-main series or stadium PKMN game. So, Mystery Dungeon, Dash, Box, etc.


There are two problems with it- one, it wasn't lazy, because the game actually clearly had a lot of work put into it, and two, it was way more fun than the actual card game, sooo....


Hell, I've still got it. Despite all logic, it's a great game.

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Going back to cash-ins, Dragon Age 2 already has announced DLC at launch, even when the game isn't even out yet. Why, Bioware, WHY.

This kind of thing doesn't actually bother me. I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that the DLC was developed separately on a separate budget, and actually is additional content rather than removed content, until I'm given reason to believe otherwise.

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See most folks apart from separate budget n such also go with separate time frame. If it's made during the games production there's absolutely no reason to not include it. Unless it's lazy cashing in.

(Or one of those shop exclusive things which I've recently found out are generally shop enforced so most studios make shitty things that appease the shop but don't do anything to the game)

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I agree with you, Ethan, but the thing is, companies like Capcom have screwed people often enough that now most gamers are super paranoid about it. Super Street Fighter's first trailer contained costumes and such that ended up being cut and released as DLC despite the fact that they clearly were completely done, and had been for months. That sort of thing leaves people a little gunshy.

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What is 'developed separately'? Different studio? what?

All elements of a game are made separately. Then at the end brought together in one clump. Especially modular titles like DA where the quests are made separately then tied onto the main framework.


If DA2 was made last gen and they had ideas for extra quests, characters etc for the game during production of the game, they'd put them in. It's only now that they can sell snippets of the game ontop of the price of the main game that this kind of stuff is happening.

If it's something that after the game is released they're "Oh wait this would be awesome to add" then previous gens they'd be buggered or make 'Super Street fighter alpha ex'(is that one?) or FFX International Edition. Now they can release it post-release DLC. But stuff made during production has no excuse.

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EX is different than Alpha, dean, but we fighting game people appreciate the effort =P Street Fighter 2, Super Street Fighter 2, Street Fighter 2 Championship Edition, Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Street Fighter 2 Hyper Fighting...


Huh. Somehow, I prefer DLC to that. Sorry, wasn't creating this post to be sarcastic, but as I wrote that list up, I realized how much that shit used to piss me off.

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