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Crysis 2


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I'm honestly just waiting for more info on it before I judge. But anyways:


Some beautiful pictures for you to look at (taken from a PC Gamer preview)!


City vanity shot!

Some Marines dropping (in first person). Also, very pretty. If you have to pick one to look at, look at this one.

Jeeps with guns!

Ebil alien robot!

He's got a car! Shoot him!


An actual (probably early) representation of the ingame HUD.

Early representation of the ingame HUD.


Pretty, yes?

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Only HDR could ever pull off such an insane glare like that.


Oh, Oblivion, you HDR poster child you.


That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking like an actual HDR edit like a photographer would do.


First GIS hit:




HDR in games is nothing like that (yet) except for the damn sun effect.

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Getting kinda specific there. And surely if they wren't pimping Crysis 2's 3D prowess they wouldn't of bothered making a 3D trailer for E3?

There's plenty of games out there with 3D support, I can't think of any that went out of their way to equip several thousand game journous with glasses at E3.

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Crysis 2 has been on my most wanted list since I saw this...



It's hasn't been confirmed that this will be used in game yet, but one of the developers of this demo works for CryTek and one of the Crysis trailers prominently features a skyscraper falling down. I'm willing to bet it's pretty likely that we'll be able to blow shit up on a whole new level in this game. They better add cheats so I can just load up on rocket launchers right off the bat and tear shit down.

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But, do many people actually have a 3d monitor and glasses?


And like I have said other places, 3D is a no go for me (especially for gaming) until it's glasses free, like the 3DS. I don't want to have to wear my glasses, then a pair of 3D glasses, and then have a massive headset on at the same time. No way.

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