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Crysis 2


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Glitches a fair vit at 3:30, but other than that looking pretty good.

I'd say part of C2's problem is dropping the sunny vivid green canopies for dull, confined grey n square streets of New York. Also the pacing on C1 let you take more in, and mess about kinda sandbox style more. Blowing up buildings n such. Considering Crysis is pretty much their tech demo to sell the engine on you'd think they'd want folks to have more change to look around.

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Speaking of graphics:

The guy who made the original video could have held still for one freaking minute so we could get a better look at the uber-high-res-realistic crap. But, no, he just had to run around like a 12-year-old hopped up on sugar with ADHD.


EDIT: I liked the song, though.

Edited by Pirandello
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Crytek declares war on Crysis 2 cheaters



"We do take cheating very seriously here at Crytek," it said. "We are currently taking steps to permanently remove exploits from Crysis 2 and to penalize those individuals that choose to utilize them."


They take cheating so seriously they released the game with absolutely no safe guards to stop client side config files over riding the (I'd guess non-existent) server side settings.

You can't punish people who tweak their own single-player game. If those tweaks carry on over to the multiplayer side the blame lies entirely on the developer for not making sure that stuff doesn't happen in the first place.

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Crytek declares war on Crysis 2 cheaters



"We do take cheating very seriously here at Crytek," it said. "We are currently taking steps to permanently remove exploits from Crysis 2 and to penalize those individuals that choose to utilize them."


They take cheating so seriously they released the game with absolutely no safe guards to stop client side config files over riding the (I'd guess non-existent) server side settings.

You can't punish people who tweak their own single-player game. If those tweaks carry on over to the multiplayer side the blame lies entirely on the developer for not making sure that stuff doesn't happen in the first place.


I dunno, I was thinking of "trying it out" this weekend, you know...

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I grabbed the game this week. Just played the singleplayer so far. Where do I start. Overall, I don't think it's a terrible game but there's so much wrong with it that it's hard to pin down any one thing. Let's start with the AI. I thought the AI in the first Crysis was dire. It's even worse here. Even having started on the hardest difficulty, I find myself just strolling through levels, dying here and there from some enemy I didn't see getting me with his aimbot-wallhack (I hate when developers do this - it's just lazy). The Crysis Advanced Graphics tool helped me to find the right balance for the graphics but it certainly doesn't look as good as the original. I think it's the textures mainly...everything just has that low-res blur to it if you know what I mean. Oh yeah and for some reason, disabling motion blur makes the screen go partially black during explosions and critical health. Really? Really?! WTF Crytek?! I hate motion blur.


Another thing that annoys me is the weapons. Why do I have to use the Scarab if I want the silencer? Why do I have to use the Scar if I want the ACOG scope? It's just pointlessly limiting. Oh and the "Hold Mouse 2 to lean" and shit. Yeah, thanks for telling me. Once. I don't need to see it every fucking time! Why can't I choose my own crosshair like the last game? Why can't I choose to turn off the suit voice? Why can't I quicksave? I find myself asking a lot of whys playing through the game.


It's not without it's merits however. I like the ledgegrab and the fact that you don't need to jump to get over small obstacles (*looks at Bad Company 2*). Also, from what I played, the story seems to be better (or at the least, more present) than in the original game.


On a related note, when I went onto MyCrysis to enter my LE code, I found this far too long thread with people complaining about the removal of auto-aim in multiplayer. Warning: Contains major lulz and major fools (from both sides): Why no auto-aim?

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Maximum Troll?


I wish it was but sadly, the thread is super-serious. Some comments just made me facepalm. Like there was one along the lines of "Add back in auto-aim and I'll show these PC elitists how to shoot!". Sadly, there's a few people in the kb+m camp posting with a complete lack of grammar and intelligence and letting the whole side down. It was a great way to waste half an hour though, lol.

Edited by MasterDex
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I wish it was but sadly, the thread is super-serious. Some comments just made me facepalm. Like there was one along the lines of "Add back in auto-aim and I'll show these PC elitists how to shoot!". Sadly, there's a few people in the kb+m camp posting with a complete lack of grammar and intelligence and letting the whole side down. It was a great way to waste half an hour though, lol.


Wow. How can you admit that M&K is superior, play on a platform that uses it, and not M&K on purpose? I mean, I'd flippin' love it if more developers allowed M&K on PS3, the right tool for the job and all that.

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I don't really think it looks much better or worse than the first game. If it does, it's not enough for me to notice while I'm playing it. The game definitely runs better than the first one, which I appreciate. I do miss the advanced PC settings and quicksave, though. Sometimes you just gotta take the bad with the good.

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I don't really think it looks much better or worse than the first game. If it does, it's not enough for me to notice while I'm playing it. The game definitely runs better than the first one, which I appreciate. I do miss the advanced PC settings and quicksave, though. Sometimes you just gotta take the bad with the good.


Yeah, it doesn't look much worse than the first game but, I don't know, the textures just seem to be a lower resolution or something. they don't "pop" as much as in the original game or something.


Here's the best image I could find from a quick scour around the interwebs that shows what I'm talking about.



The game doesn't look bad by any stretch but it definitely doesn't look as good as the original....or maybe that's just because we still don't have DX10/11 (though I doubt there are new textures coming along with the addition of DX10/11 support).

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  • 2 months later...

DX11 patch was up and died quick.



Looks pretty. Subtle but pretty.


POM was the only one that looked like a marked improvement to me, I may not know what I'm looking for though. SSDO / SSAO looked like they had the brightness set at different levels, if anything I preferred "Off" on that one as I could see more.

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SSR notice the reflection off the panel.


Tesselation is usually not hard to see but I can't see it on the first pic. On the bricks it's easy to see though.


POM gives the dirt texture some depth through shadows.


SSDO makes the shadows more complex and the lighting a little more dynamic.

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