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Crysis 2


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Finally played the PC MP Demo.


Graphics settings are confusing - they put them in a loop so you can't tell what is supposed to be the max.


I played about 4 matches at 2048 resolution with V-Sync on Hardcore, and it ran pretty well. Weird how everything looks so 'smooth.' They had better have full graphics options on release though, or that's ridiculous.


The game itself - horrid voice acting and the gunfire sounds and feel have no weight to them, which sucks - feels like you've got pea shooters, and did not dig that.


I dunno, I'll wait for a Steam sale on this, I've got enough MP shooters and I still haven't beaten the first Crysis.

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The graphical settings are there but man, PC gamers who want to play this game on higher settings have really good PCs, thus they know the ins and outs of anything related computers such as accessing a settings file. Also to know how to pirate the game so why bother making one in game when they already know how to do it by editing a file!? Why make life easier for PC gamers because they're all pirates!!!111! I mean, look at that leak earlier in the year...


I hope I captured how some folks like some folks at Epic and maybe Crytek feel... :(:P

Funny thing is... that graphics setting BS was already in the leaked game. I wonder if leaking that version of the game was somehow linked to how they raped the game, so someone in Crytek leaked the game in protest. I can wonder...

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I wonder if leaking that version of the game was somehow linked to how they raped the game, so someone in Crytek leaked the game in protest. I can wonder...

Before the demo/beta was planned, someone at Crytek was like "man, we are totally screwing our PC cusomters... I KNOW! I'll leak a dev version so they can see how much we're screwing them over so they'll know not to waste their money!"

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I played about 4 matches at 2048 resolution with V-Sync on Hardcore, and it ran pretty well.

Whoa! I guess you have a pretty nice PC.


It's not amazing, but it runs most stuff pretty well. I should run FRAPS and see what frame rate I'm getting at some point.


The real strength is the Radeon 5870 card - runs most games with max settings and frame rate at or around 60fps, except of course for the original Crysis and Metro 2033, etc.


The card's not too ridiculously priced either! I'd highly recommend it, or one of the new 6xxx line that's similar performance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apparently, the demo is ending "soon" because Crytek wants to have everything ready for release.


That does not bode well. I mean I tried playing the demo last night. After more than 20 minutes attempting to get into a game, I gave up. Can they fix this in a week?


So, Xbox and PC get two MP demos and the PS3 gets one but it's borked. I think I should do a write up about that... :)

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It's a solid game. The suit adds a bit of variety though I wish they'd focussed more on stealth. Armour mode seems to last forever while you struggle to run from one piece of cover to the next in Stealth.


I love how you can customise your weapons on the fly and change your suit perks about as you upgrade tem.


Not played multiplayer yet. Might give it a bash this weekend.

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So, Xbox and PC get two MP demos and the PS3 gets one but it's borked. I think I should do a write up about that... :)


I don't think the 360 one started off any better. I've not tried either though.


And I'd only do a write-up if I were 100% sure the problems were on their end.


Too late! I already did! :)



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It's a solid game. The suit adds a bit of variety though I wish they'd focussed more on stealth. Armour mode seems to last forever while you struggle to run from one piece of cover to the next in Stealth.


I love how you can customise your weapons on the fly and change your suit perks about as you upgrade tem.


Not played multiplayer yet. Might give it a bash this weekend.


MP is actually not bad. I've only gotten to play a few rounds but it's like MW2 but a bit more balanced. The suits add a whole element of strategy unto themselves.


Good idea by Crytek with the dog tag system for the Killstreak Rewards. You can't snipe and expect to dominate everybody here.


This or Homefront...Hmmm. :)

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In reality, snipers are really quite balanced in Crysis 2 BEFORE you count in the killstreak system, which is really stupid. I've often missed killstreaks because the dog-tag wouldn't pick up at all.

If the your team know what they are doing, taking out a sniper is really not a huge issue at all, as they are pretty useless from medium range and lower. Put on armor so you don't get oneshot and you really can't fail to kill one.

Edited by Johnny
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So, Xbox and PC get two MP demos and the PS3 gets one but it's borked. I think I should do a write up about that... :)


I don't think the 360 one started off any better. I've not tried either though.


And I'd only do a write-up if I were 100% sure the problems were on their end.


I can say with confidence (and you can go back n read this thread) that as someone who's played the PC MP demo, the 360 MP demo and the singleplayer PC demo Crytek were nice enough to release, that yeah the MP demo's were pretty fucked for the other two. 360 version runs like shit in both lag (though that got better) and native frame rate (that might get better in final release). And the PC version had a ton of issues with the server browser making it nigh impossible to join a decent match.


(yeah this bit is more directed as excaliburps)

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So, Xbox and PC get two MP demos and the PS3 gets one but it's borked. I think I should do a write up about that... :)


I don't think the 360 one started off any better. I've not tried either though.


And I'd only do a write-up if I were 100% sure the problems were on their end.


I can say with confidence (and you can go back n read this thread) that as someone who's played the PC MP demo, the 360 MP demo and the singleplayer PC demo Crytek were nice enough to release, that yeah the MP demo's were pretty fucked for the other two. 360 version runs like shit in both lag (though that got better) and native frame rate (that might get better in final release). And the PC version had a ton of issues with the server browser making it nigh impossible to join a decent match.


(yeah this bit is more directed as excaliburps)


Have not tried the other demos. Sucks to hear it's about the same as the crappy PS3 version. I'm going to wait it out and see if it they resolved this upon release first before taking the plunge. :)


@Hot Heart:


Haha! People always get riled up by those...I have no idea how. It is good for revenue though. :D

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@Hot Heart:


Haha! People always get riled up by those...I have no idea how. It is good for revenue though. :D




Oh... I see you already did.


Eh? You mean learn from Kotaku? Saddest thing about being a "games writer?" having to do these fluff pieces (well, not this one) just for revenue. Original content gets no love, meaning, no money...Sad but true.

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@Hot Heart:


Haha! People always get riled up by those...I have no idea how. It is good for revenue though. :D




Oh... I see you already did.


Eh? You mean learn from Kotaku? Saddest thing about being a "games writer?" having to do these fluff pieces (well, not this one) just for revenue. Original content gets no love, meaning, no money...Sad but true.


I mean:


I am disappointed that someone who (I assume as you are here) became disenfranchised with Kotaku's constant inflammatory stories with misleading headlines and a penchant for selective fact picking would apparently follow a similar path.


I was using Kotaku as a verb to mean: Inflammatory, Hit Count Whoring or Generally shoddy reporting.


You've got to pay the bills, I get that, I just don't like this kind of reporting. Yes, the PS3 demo was broken, but as many have pointed out, so were both the Xbox demos and the PC one. As such singling out the PS3 version for an "Uh oh inferior version" story is either lazy or dishonest.

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@Hot Heart:


Haha! People always get riled up by those...I have no idea how. It is good for revenue though. :D




Oh... I see you already did.


Eh? You mean learn from Kotaku? Saddest thing about being a "games writer?" having to do these fluff pieces (well, not this one) just for revenue. Original content gets no love, meaning, no money...Sad but true.


I mean:


I am disappointed that someone who (I assume as you are here) became disenfranchised with Kotaku's constant inflammatory stories with misleading headlines and a penchant for selective fact picking would apparently follow a similar path.


I was using Kotaku as a verb to mean: Inflammatory, Hit Count Whoring or Generally shoddy reporting.


You've got to pay the bills, I get that, I just don't like this kind of reporting. Yes, the PS3 demo was broken, but as many have pointed out, so were both the Xbox demos and the PC one. As such singling out the PS3 version for an "Uh oh inferior version" story is either lazy or dishonest.


People I've talked to said the Xbox demo wasn't as borked as the PS3 one. I got to play maybe around 3-5 games. I waited more than 20 minutes sometimes to get into a match. Some people here will also say that the Xbox demo is as borked. I am talking about my experience. The Xbox and PC getting two demos/beta is a fact. I was actually going to put in my impression of it, doubt the editor would let me as that would mean less than a news piece more of an opinion one.


I never said the Xbox/PC version were better. The PS3 only getting 3 days for the demo is fact. The other versions getting two demos are also fact. Do I want to bitch about it? Hell yes. Concerns for servers being fixed in a week? Hell yes.


Cannot say the Xbox version was borked as well or saying it's an absolute truth. The reason why I "singled out" the PS3 version is because that's the platform I was reporting on.

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From the sounds of it every version is borked and people need to quit arguing what version is borked because it's always going to vary slightly on experience and vary few of us are going to play all 3 versions and thus can't form an objective view. The same thing applies to Oblivion/Fallout games. They're buggy as hell on all systems but people will usually only play it on one. Switching from FO3 on 360 to NV on PC I found the same sort of bugs throughout. The same can be said for whenever I'd watch my friend play FO3 and NV on PS3.

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