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Fucking Kotaku

Mr. GOH!


100 members have voted

  1. 1. Who's your least favorite Kotaku writer or contributor?

    • Brian Crecente
    • Brian Ashcraft
    • Stephen Totilo
    • Mike Fahey
    • Owen Good
    • Luke Plunkett
    • Tim Rogers
    • Lisa Foiles
    • Mike McWhertor [ex-editor]
    • Kirk Hamilton
    • Joel Johnson
    • Evan Narcisse
  2. 2. Who's your favorite Kotaku writer or contributor?

    • Brian Crecente
    • Brian Ashcraft
    • Stephen Totilo
    • Mike Fahey
    • Owen Good
    • Luke Plunkett
    • Tim Rogers
    • Lisa Foiles
    • Mike McWhertor [ex-editor]
    • Joel Johnson
    • Kirk Hamilton
    • Evan Narcisse

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I assume this is the link you're asking for?

Just change it to the correct URL for the site you want to look at. It had it on the old layout too, just they've actually prettied it up this time.


Thanks; I thought it was something internal. I didn't realize Gawker themselves published that data. Ge'ez even Jesus Diaz the linkbaiter/troll has plummeted. He usually gets people clickin' to rage at his absurd posts.

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Yeah, like saying youre going to get a 360 or never buying another Sony product DOESNT make you sound like a childish dipshit.


Seriously, this shit happens. Get over it.

Of course. After all, it's not like they withheld information for one whole day at the least. It's not like they waited three days before taking action. It's not like they neglected to inform others on the potential reasons for why they were shutting down the network, or warned the users about the possible outcomes.


Was it a possibility that the intrusion wasn't serious? Yes. Does that mean they don't have the responsibility to inform their customers about the dangerous possibilities, or report immediately when they are fully aware of the severity? I think the answer is obvious.

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From the Playstation blog


Clarifying a Few PSN Points

+ Posted by Patrick Seybold // Sr. Director, Corporate Communications & Social Media

I wanted to take this opportunity to clarify a point and answer one of the most frequently asked questions today.

There’s a difference in timing between when we identified there was an intrusion and when we learned of consumers’ data being compromised. We learned there was an intrusion April 19th and subsequently shut the services down. We then brought in outside experts to help us learn how the intrusion occurred and to conduct an investigation to determine the nature and scope of the incident. It was necessary to conduct several days of forensic analysis, and it took our experts until yesterday to understand the scope of the breach. We then shared that information with our consumers and announced it publicly this afternoon.

For those who were looking there’s also an FAQ with some more frequently asked questions

Thank you for your continued patience and support.


I was starting to reply with my own 2 cents of assessment of the situation, but noticed that post after wondering if I was talking on dated info and checking the blog. This is something along the lines of what I expected to be the case. Sony has nothing to gain by covering up the extent of a breach for an extra few days, and a lot of sympathy to lose. I think a lot of the reason you're finding people defending Sony though, is that lots of people are putting the blame for the whole fiasco squarely on their shoulders, and there is really very little info about the breach itself, let alone Sony's day-to-day handling of it.


I'm annoyed by the situation, and if it's revealed that they were withholding information about the extent to which PSN users are/were exposed for the purpose of saving face for a few days, I'll be highly pissed, and certainly less inclined to use the PSN at all, let alone spend a dime on it. Right now though, there is no reason to believe that they're making matters worse through their actions, unintentionally or otherwise. Maybe I'll feel different when more news comes.


Anyway, if people's obnoxious opinions were a factor I'd never have lasted long enough on Kotaku to become disenchanted with it later ^^. If you're gonna leave do it for the redesign maaaaan!



....totally joking btw.

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I find it kind of amusing the "journalists" of the industry collectively decided to start using Sony as a punching bag. I guess they started noticing bashing on Sony for this got a few sites a bunch of hits they all wanted in on it.


Nice to see Kotaku being part of the sheeple collective. >_>b

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I just got this. Lovely bit of integrity from our friends at Gawker. Not only do they block two of the articles on the home page with a giant drop-down, uncloseable ad every time you visit the site, but then they start doing the same within the articles.




I know they aren't actually blocking the written piece itself, but it does block the image. It's even time-coded. Fuck, were they not generating enough ad revenue with all the hits Ashcraft's pr0n articles get that they had to resort to this?

Edited by Gyaruson
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I find it kind of amusing the "journalists" of the industry collectively decided to start using Sony as a punching bag. I guess they started noticing bashing on Sony for this got a few sites a bunch of hits they all wanted in on it.


Nice to see Kotaku being part of the sheeple collective. >_>b

Uh, you are aware that this is actually a huge deal, right? When 77 million people are compromised of their private information, it's no longer a small mentionable at the bottom of page A8 of the newspaper. Not when the FBI, the FTC, and Canadian and British organizations are looking into the matter.



I just got this. Lovely bit of integrity from our friends at Gawker. Not only do they block two of the articles on the home page with a giant drop-down, uncloseable ad every time you visit the site, but then they start doing the same within the articles.




I know they aren't actually blocking the written piece itself, but it does block the image. It's even time-coded. Fuck, were they not generating enough ad revenue with all the hits Ashcraft's pr0n articles get that they had to resort to this?

Dude, AdBlockPlus. Install it and never look back.

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I find it kind of amusing the "journalists" of the industry collectively decided to start using Sony as a punching bag. I guess they started noticing bashing on Sony for this got a few sites a bunch of hits they all wanted in on it.


Nice to see Kotaku being part of the sheeple collective. >_>b

Uh, you are aware that this is actually a huge deal, right? When 77 million people are compromised of their private information, it's no longer a small mentionable at the bottom of page A8 of the newspaper. Not when the FBI, the FTC, and Canadian and British organizations are looking into the matter.


I'm not suggesting for people to sweep it under the rug. I'm suggesting "journalists" need to report on this without resorting to childish "let's bash on Sony" parades just because it's the popular thing to do at the moment.

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I find it kind of amusing the "journalists" of the industry collectively decided to start using Sony as a punching bag. I guess they started noticing bashing on Sony for this got a few sites a bunch of hits they all wanted in on it.


Nice to see Kotaku being part of the sheeple collective. >_>b

Uh, you are aware that this is actually a huge deal, right? When 77 million people are compromised of their private information, it's no longer a small mentionable at the bottom of page A8 of the newspaper. Not when the FBI, the FTC, and Canadian and British organizations are looking into the matter.


I'm not suggesting for people to sweep it under the rug. I'm suggesting "journalists" need to report on this without resorting to childish "let's bash on Sony" parades just because it's the popular thing to do at the moment.


I know what you mean. I actually am fucking tired of reporting about the PSN, hackers, etc. I doubt I'm the only one. Other writes for different sites have expressed the same.


Did Sony mess up? Hell yes. Are they the only ones? Nope and they won't be the last. I actually tapered off a bit this week and wrote a few posts here and there and mostly are PSN related.


Hopefully, this coming week will be the end of it.


What's more funny is I'm tired of writing about this thing and people are telling me to I'm biased for reporting about it. This is true! :)


Sidenote: Kotaku lost 2 million views per month? Did i get that right? Holy hell that's a lot!

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Also 66% of viewers go to regualr kotaku.

19% to ca.kotaku.com n 12% to uk.kotaku.com

"56% of sites are faster."




Also they still have their old info:

Talos, Attila

Blogwire Hungary Szellemi Alkotast Hasznosito Kft,

Frankel Leo u. 106-108

Budapest 1023


domains [at] gawker.com

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Also 66% of viewers go to regualr kotaku.

19% to ca.kotaku.com n 12% to uk.kotaku.com

"56% of sites are faster."




Also they still have their old info:

Talos, Attila

Blogwire Hungary Szellemi Alkotast Hasznosito Kft,

Frankel Leo u. 106-108

Budapest 1023


domains [at] gawker.com


I have no idea how that graph works, but I'm guessing it shows that Kotaku lost a TON of hits month per month,yes?


I'm guessing they won't be getting the hits they got before, no? Also, anyone know specific numbers concerning views, unique views, etc?

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You'll have to do the number crunching yourself. But as you see February is where the new look came in.

Gawker have been saying how sitemeter was wrong (And sitemeter does drop like 90% or so), but they've never denied Alexas readings. That's probably because their own internal numbers match right up.

They've gone from 25million pageviews to 10million. New visitors dropped like a stone too.


Also they got more new writers? Just Joel "readers can fuck off" Johnson isn't the only one to pop up on the chart.


p.s fiddle with buttons on top for more stuff. Like how their tag system all but died the day the new system came in, which will be costing them.

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