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Fucking Kotaku

Mr. GOH!


100 members have voted

  1. 1. Who's your least favorite Kotaku writer or contributor?

    • Brian Crecente
    • Brian Ashcraft
    • Stephen Totilo
    • Mike Fahey
    • Owen Good
    • Luke Plunkett
    • Tim Rogers
    • Lisa Foiles
    • Mike McWhertor [ex-editor]
    • Kirk Hamilton
    • Joel Johnson
    • Evan Narcisse
  2. 2. Who's your favorite Kotaku writer or contributor?

    • Brian Crecente
    • Brian Ashcraft
    • Stephen Totilo
    • Mike Fahey
    • Owen Good
    • Luke Plunkett
    • Tim Rogers
    • Lisa Foiles
    • Mike McWhertor [ex-editor]
    • Joel Johnson
    • Kirk Hamilton
    • Evan Narcisse

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I never really went to Kotaku for gaming news that mattered. If you did, even in their "glory days", you were doing it wrong. But once that new design hit... I just couldn't do it. I could not suffer the... the... abomination of design. That and Owen. Not because I didn't like him, because — oh, wait. I didn't. No, I did. No... friggin'. He was very hard to read.


Even after being banned twice, I still came back. There was some fun to be had in the comments and speak-up. Then well, you know. Again. Website. Design. Horrid.

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To be honest, I just read the headlines and skip the articles themselves.


You do make sure to comment on the article once you've read the headline though right? I mean you have to read the headline and then comment a strong opinion for or against. It's just not Kotaku otherwise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been starting to get really tired with Kotaku. Their stupid unblockable ads. Their buggy design. Their over sensationalized articles about stupid shit. Bloggers posing as journalists.


I tried putting up with their redesign, figured it would get better. It hasnt.



What gaming news sites do you guys usually go to? I usually get my news from 4chan, sadly. But theyre quick on the ball.

Edited by Altima NEO
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I just have a bunch on an RSS feed. I can supply you with the subscription file* if you want to have a peek at em. I used to update theTAY news feed, but I haven't as of late, doing other things instead.

There's Reddit, which is a bit cleaner than 4Chan if you want your news that way.


And to toot my own horn there's PXOD, but we're like only just getting off the ground proper and not exactly for your main gaming stories, but we've got our own niche. It's written for by a bunch of guys from here n around n about.


Then there's this place which tends to aggregate from around the net on specific games.



*there's a proper name, OXML I think. You can open it in Google Reader or any desktop based reader.

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Been starting to get really tired with Kotaku. Their stupid unblockable ads. Their buggy design. Their over sensationalized articles about stupid shit. Bloggers posing as journalists.


I tried putting up with their redesign, figured it would get better. It hasnt.



What gaming news sites do you guys usually go to? I usually get my news from 4chan, sadly. But theyre quick on the ball.

Saw you got unstarred today. Bummer deal.


Rock Paper Shotgun for PC news, PC Gamer also. I check Joystiq for general gaming news, but their comments are terrible.

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Been starting to get really tired with Kotaku. Their stupid unblockable ads. Their buggy design. Their over sensationalized articles about stupid shit. Bloggers posing as journalists.


I tried putting up with their redesign, figured it would get better. It hasnt.



What gaming news sites do you guys usually go to? I usually get my news from 4chan, sadly. But theyre quick on the ball.

Saw you got unstarred today. Bummer deal.


Rock Paper Shotgun for PC news, PC Gamer also. I check Joystiq for general gaming news, but their comments are terrible.



Yeah... that didnt help the situation either. I like that Deanb runs this site on the side. Lets me rant and vent out my Kotaku frustrations. Thanks for the suggestions too.


Though I havent been on this new forum yet. The old forum pretty much had a giant Kotaku section. Does this forum not have that?

Edited by Altima NEO
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What gaming news sites do you guys usually go to? I usually get my news from 4chan, sadly. But theyre quick on the ball.

Personally, I use between PC Gamer, RockPaperShotgun, and reddit's gaming section.


Sure, reddit isn't perfectly, but it's filled with reflexive-OCD people who feel the need to have their finger literally on the pulse of gaming news, so there's always news posts to look out for.

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Though I havent been on this new forum yet. The old forum pretty much had a giant Kotaku section. Does this forum not have that?


You're in the Kotaku section... don't think many folk here have much nice to say about them. :)


Nope. Theres not much good to be said about Kotaku, short of how much they update, which was nice, and the community there. But even now, it seems theres less people around, and the few that stuck around are idiots who reply with bullshit comments like they strolled straight out of GameFAQs.

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Either quit posting articles with galleries or fix the notification links so that I can see who replied to me in gallery articles without having to alter the url to take out "/gallery/" manually.


It's been this way for months and I keep thinking to myself they'll fix it. How foolish I am to think that.

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The emails are amusing sometimes, like the one that said that unlike Greek Mythology in God of War, Norse mythology in Too Human and Thor, there were no games of note about Christian mythology released in NA apart from El Shaddai Rise of the Metatron, despite the fact that they spent a whole 3-4months burning cheques, opening boxes and so forth during the Dante's Inferno advertising campaign.


I mean seriously, how can you talk about Christian mythology in videogames without referencing Dante's Inferno? Especially where the games are similar in genre. I get that a lot of it is quotes from the guy making the game, so why not put the question to him? How does your take on Christian mythology differ to Dante? Would it be that hard? Slap-dash, shoddy reporting as usual.

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So they should quit posting galleries simply to benefit commenters?


Actually it's a case of some of them should learn how their gallery system works. Most of them are able to put it on the same page, but some, especially Luke, made a habit of it being on a separate /gallery/ page to the article. Which meant separate comments, but I image more page hits for him.



@Thursday: It's a pre-requisite of most game journos to completely forget anything they covered more than a week ago. CVG are particularly bad for this covering 'news' they posted only a few months before.

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