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Fucking Kotaku

Mr. GOH!


100 members have voted

  1. 1. Who's your least favorite Kotaku writer or contributor?

    • Brian Crecente
    • Brian Ashcraft
    • Stephen Totilo
    • Mike Fahey
    • Owen Good
    • Luke Plunkett
    • Tim Rogers
    • Lisa Foiles
    • Mike McWhertor [ex-editor]
    • Kirk Hamilton
    • Joel Johnson
    • Evan Narcisse
  2. 2. Who's your favorite Kotaku writer or contributor?

    • Brian Crecente
    • Brian Ashcraft
    • Stephen Totilo
    • Mike Fahey
    • Owen Good
    • Luke Plunkett
    • Tim Rogers
    • Lisa Foiles
    • Mike McWhertor [ex-editor]
    • Joel Johnson
    • Kirk Hamilton
    • Evan Narcisse

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How personal you wanting to go?

The bio is a bio, it kind of gives you all you should need to know, gaming habits, old sites they've written for. What information exactly do you wish to know about VG writers? Their kids names, schools, holiday retreat, home address?

Since we're on the topic and in the Fucking Kotaku thread I will point out there's only so much your readers need to know about you, and it's extremely creepy to post pictures n growing up tales of your kids on a VG site millions read. Keep it to Facebook for family n friends.

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I think you missed the point. A bio is typically convoluted and full of information I don't care about. Plus, the writing for that sites bios is particularly bad even though the articles are fine. To get back to where this originated from, there's still nothing to indicate why they are a "hell of a crew."

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So when you say it's full of info you don't care about, what info are you wanting to know?


Name, Gaming Habits, Resume of sorts. Pretty much all I care on and they've pretty much covered it. But you don't care for that apparently.

So yeah, back to first question, what info do you want to know that their Bio doesn't have? I may of missed the point because you've yet to define it.

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That Penny Arcade link shows Kotaku's page visits taking a HUGE, and I mean absolutely mammoth drop over the last week or so. Does anyone know if Joystiq's numbers have gone UP recently?

The issue with the sitemeter thing is they disabled it (Can't imagine why....). They yanked all the code to allow Sitemeter to track it. Hence the drop in hits on it.

However, despite a few days lag, Alexa still tracks it fine:




Seems it's stabilised at that, going through it's usual up n down. It's a 50-60% drop.

I think they're hardest hit in the fluff articles. Since it's now just headline n image. I get uk.kotaku.com when visiting so I'm unsure what the frontpage stories are, but I'd wager the ones showing with high hits are the front page stories. (also now forcing over to the new site I see it no longer shows page hits even on the "Blog Roll" view. That used to be the Gawkers little thing, they'd openly gloat on each story how many hits it was getting.)



I want something easy to read that gets right to the meat of why anyone would want to read anything on that site.There wasn't a link in the post that originally mentions it.


"There's a new group blog on gaming called No High Scores that has a hell of a crew behind it"

There, easy to read n gets right to the meat on why you'd want to read it.

And thats where I'm leaving it cos you've jumped from asking who the writers are, to then wanting something "more personal" than a bio, to Facebook (pretty personal) missing the point, the bio has too much info, to you wanting something simple.

You either want to know who they are or you don't. Or you could skip that step entirely n just read the articles. I dunno.

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I never mentioned FB. More personal means that I wanted something from SOMEONE ELSE and not just throwing a link at me (which is all anyone has done at this point.) The original quote has no meat. It gets me interested and that's it. Considering the overload of gaming blogs in this day and age there's really not much to go on here. Mr. Goh seems to get my point. Why are they a hell of a crew and not just a team of writers?

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I don't know. Ask Jerry Holkins. Here ask: http://twitter.com/#!/tychobrahe


Brain just supplied the quote and link, he didn't personally suggest them, just passed on PA's recommendation. We tried to accommodate your insatiable queries but I think you're jsut going to have to go to the source if you want your answer cos I don't think anyone else is going to be able to provide you with your answers.


tl;dr don't shoot the messenger.

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I grinned when I saw Dean's dead Cupid avatar. I haven't switched to any other gaming news site yet but I like the newsfeed on top. Some rather lengthy articles in there... good ones too!


NHS could use a bit of a wallpaper/layout change... just the pictures though and maybe the font. Otherwise, not bad. I haven't read any of their articles yet since nothing has caught my eyes just yet.

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I never mentioned FB. More personal means that I wanted something from SOMEONE ELSE and not just throwing a link at me (which is all anyone has done at this point.) The original quote has no meat. It gets me interested and that's it. Considering the overload of gaming blogs in this day and age there's really not much to go on here. Mr. Goh seems to get my point. Why are they a hell of a crew and not just a team of writers?


Yeah, I dunno what all the hubbub is about. Are you and Dean on bad terms or something?

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I never mentioned FB. More personal means that I wanted something from SOMEONE ELSE and not just throwing a link at me (which is all anyone has done at this point.) The original quote has no meat. It gets me interested and that's it. Considering the overload of gaming blogs in this day and age there's really not much to go on here. Mr. Goh seems to get my point. Why are they a hell of a crew and not just a team of writers?


Yeah, I dunno what all the hubbub is about. Are you and Dean on bad terms or something?


Faiblesse tends to have some antagonistic posts here and there, so I think Dean sort of misread his question, which was as you clarified - what makes them so special.


I just posted the link because I thought it was funny that PA plugged that blog as a replacement over Kotaku, without really pondering why they were a 'hell of a crew,' though I do think it's a valid question, and the Bio doesn't (to me) address that.

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I'm looking into that NHS site. I might see if it's worth pressing F5 every few minutes for it. Yeah, I like it old-school! :)


I normally get all my news from Twitter. Little bugger just keeps churning with news it's scary.


Has Joystiq seen a massive influx of new commenters there or what? Anyone know?


Joystiq's commenters remind me a lot of IGN's...Whiny kids who spam a lot!


Every time I see that Kotaku page drop meter I cringe a little. I mean it's so massive a drop I don't think I've seen anything like that happen. Well, the big dot com crash had a similar feeling but on a different level.

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I just posted the link because I thought it was funny that PA plugged that blog as a replacement over Kotaku, without really pondering why they were a 'hell of a crew,' though I do think it's a valid question, and the Bio doesn't (to me) address that.

Wouldn't "hell of a crew" be a subjective opinion no matter what?


It's not like there's a set criteria that we all agree on for what is and isn't a "hell of a crew".


There's plenty of information on the About page, and more elsewhere if you want to track down the other works of each crew member. Yeah, there's a lot of fluff in the bio, but there also a section along the lines of

Michael has written professionally about games and gaming for nearly ten years for a number of print and online publications with his weekly gig at Gameshark.com writing the Cracked LCD tabletop gaming column representing his longest standing assignment. He also is a founder of FortressAT.com, a popular gaming Web site.
in each bio. So, yes, we can see the basic credentials/history of each person.


If someone wants to debate whether or not they're a "hell of a crew", that sounds like pointless bickering, because regardless of what the majority may or may not think, no one can prove that Tycho doesn't think they're a "hell of a crew", and that's how he chose to describe them. ;)

Edited by peteer02
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See Peter gets it.

If you want to know why Tycho/jerry (You guys prefer comic names or IRL names?) thinks they're a hell of a crew, you can ask him, they're pretty easy to contact.

If you just want to dig for yourself the Bios are an excellent starting point for anyone who is capable of a little research, it drops a fair few sites names where you could go track down their old work. I dunno, maybe it's cos I'm still at uni and it's pretty much second nature to go digging, but I'd of thought it'd be the more obvious thing to do.

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To clarify:


On one hand, Faiblesse took the phrase 'hell of a crew' as meaning that there must be some reason that the average gamer would recognize the staff behind the blog, in which case, the Bio did not address - and I believe this is a reasonable interpretation of the phrase.


On the other hand, I can see that Dean thought Faiblesse was just stirring up some shit - in this case, he wasn't, it was a straightforward question that got misinterpreted.


I am neutral to the matter, and posted the quote for the Gawker reference.


Now - back on topic!

Edited by TheForgetfulBrain
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To properly clarify:

Dean took it as Faibllesse asking why they might be a "hell of a crew". Then linking the Bio page where they've quite handily included past sites they've worked on allowing anyone to go to these sites and check up on their work to potentially see where they might be a hell of a crew.

Then Faiblesse when to his usual self. Where I decided to act in kind.


Then to top it all off Brain then audaciously claims himself neutral to the whole deal when he was the one who started it. tophat.gif

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I think I need to stop following Totilo. About only reason I've gone back of late is cos he'll link a story some point.

Annoyingly this one wasn't done by him


It was Crecente.

Now I'm mostly taking issue with this because of a trick I know Kotaku do quiet often when I notice that "develop A spoke to kotaku and said "blah blah blah"" And I'll be all "well that's fucking strange, because Develop A 'spoke' to PressXorDie n said exactly the same thing. Well by 'spoke' they sent us a press release with those quotes on". So they do that. Thing is with this one they say they spoke with Mojang a month ago on this matter. Except I know for a damn fact from my doing the stuff for that games feed they were the last of 20 million other sites that reported on this. And surely if they were told this last month, why then didn't they post it last month, and how if it was Kotaku that was told this, did every other site beat them to the chase?


Also Crecentes "even the android" attitude won't be winning him any fans. I've not looked recently but I know before the design change he was getting stick for doing "app of the day", even tagging with 'android, yet they did fuck all for any Android apps.

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So...Seems like the Ca.kotaku site is getting killed. Or at the very least not getting updated anymore.


Sigh. Might browse the new site a bit...But I doubt it. The ad rape is a little too much, no?

Not sure what's on the new page that isn't on the ca.kotaku.com site...but it looks like ca.kotaku.com is updating to me? I don't visit much any more, so maybe I'm missing something, but I'm not getting rid of my redirect settings and if that means I won't see it at Kotaku, if it doesn't make it into the Gappoi Newsfeed or get linked to by someone, meh, probably not that important.


FWIW, the last two visits I made before this one were Beefychu's new sig, and No High Scores offering a Kotaku link for an alternate POV on Homefront.

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So...Seems like the Ca.kotaku site is getting killed. Or at the very least not getting updated anymore.


Sigh. Might browse the new site a bit...But I doubt it. The ad rape is a little too much, no?


Just booted up the UK one, and yeah, it's latest news is "6.15PM" on the iPad 2. It's got Crecentes note as the next one when that should be a fair way down the page.


Hah totally forgot I had APB turned off when going to the new site. DA2 picture for a Minecraft advert. Also very tasty image their Bash, front page a guy with half his head missing. I'm sure jsut the kind of thing I want to see after a bowl of rice krispies.


Anyway checking the blog roll page, there's half a dozen pages missing. Seems they've killed it off.





This is my image I grabbed yesterday





Here is another readers. They did the math, including White space, the front page had 45% of it dedicated to showing adverts.

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