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Game Storage


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I have a physical collection, but I don't do too well in trying to keep it all tidy. Most likely due to the fact that my room is really messy and is mostly filled with the parents' crap already instead of mine, so I have to make do and stick them all in a box.


Here at college, though, all I have is a drawer. Not really a problem, since I only brought two games with me anyways. ME2 and Starcraft 2.

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I have all my D2D games backed up safer than they would be if they were on disc. IIRC, GOGames stuff can also be downloaded and backed up on media of your choice as well.


Valve has promised to provide users with playable versions of their Steam games if Steam ever shuts down. But I suppose it's your right not to trust Valve. But if you can't trust them, then what company can you trust?

I don't have enough hard drive space to keep all my games backed up like that.


And I know Valve has said that, and I'd be more inclined to trust them than most other companies, but the only real trust I'm willing to put in any company is trust that they will do whatever they perceive to be most financially beneficial to themselves.

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Yeah PC games I can continue to play, regardless of Valve going down. Valve go down, 90% of my library is more than likely acquirable on Demonoid.


PS Store/XBLA games? Not so much (maybe a few of the disc games may play in future if things like this PS3 hack prove to be useful, but setting up console to play those is also fiddly)


If I'm buying a PC game, and it's the same, or >£1 difference between disc n digital, I'm getting the disc. Means I save bandwidth, I can install whenever,(and wherever as far as HDD goes), and part of DD is in reducing the physical printing, packaging n shipping costs, the game should be cheaper. So if it isn't, I ain't rewarding that.

(Also in the "show your collection" kind of things it does sometimes suck that my shelf is short of a possible 70+ boxes)

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I know all of that, and I do have quite a large number of digitally-purchased PC games. I'm just saying that unless there's a significant price difference, I prefer the physical copy because, as I said, I don't have the hard drive space to back up all my PC games, and so I would prefer a method of storing them that did not rely on someone else's servers.

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Tali, your bookcase looks awesome like that. (Must..stop..looking..at..Fallout 3.. lunchbox..)

Also, +rep'd because of the dinosaur eating a lollipop.


As for me I keep some games near my consoles for quick access too. The rest are stored in either a DVD rack or a shelf. Oh, and I had no idea it was called an ottoman, but I have one of those as well.

Edited by rainetemplar
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The picture is kind of old and my bookcase is way less cluttered now, but meh. :s


Also, nearly all of my figures and plush were gifts. <3 So I display them.


The thing that those figures are standing on in the right corner is actually a mouse shaped like a Dragon Quest Slime. I got all of them for free for being a subscriber to a Korean game called RO.



I have that Godzilla as well as that Snoopy jar. I have no idea where the jar is but I have it somewhere.


Oh and U-S-A!

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Why am I not surprised that you have the same Godzilla as me. :lol:


It is really old too. I've had it since I was little, and my Mom had it since before I was born (I want to say 60's or 70's). The Snoopy Jar is about that old too. I think the date on it is 1979 or something. The front of the jar says "Goodies" (I guess for candies and stuff), but I use it for storing lipgloss. *L*


I don't know, is it obvious that I am that big of a Godzilla fan? Mine is missing a finger IIRC.


The front of the jar says "Goodies" (I guess for candies and stuff), but I use it for storing lipgloss. *L*

That is so girly I think reading it made me a little more gay...


I used to keep actual goodies in mine; either that or short colored pencils.


My future mother-in-law was actually a little concerned that in ten years I'd come out as a gay man or something. Ignoring the fact that I am in no way attracted to men the idea that I like a few things that aren't considered "totally masculine" and assuming I'm a homosexual or even metrosexual is a bit idiotic. Some straight people do like watching Meet Me in St Louis or Rudolph Valentino films and think cars and football are wastes of time.

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I feel bad for guys. :lol:


If a girl likes something stereotypically masculine, it earns her brownie (bronie?) points. At worst, she's called a "tomboy".


If a guy likes anything remotely girly on the other hand, he gets mocked relentlessly for it.


Double standards generally tend to work in my gender's favor! :wub:


Yeah well it also worked out in my favor that growing up I had more female friends than male friends and women are much better to look at than men. :D


And I guess the key for me was to find friends who really didn't care. My brother has many of the same interests so at least I know I'm not the only one. :-P

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