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what are you doing tonight?


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I have no idea what I want to do tonight.


My options are:


1) Drink the beer I have here and watch movies/netflix shows online

2) Go to the cafe nearby, get some tea and work on this latest story

3) Work late

4) Go jogging/exercise, shower

5) Try to beat Uncharted/play other games as desired

6) A combination of these things

7) Something undefined


I don't know what I will choose! But I'm not feeling very energetic tonight, so I'm thinking it's going to be a combination of the lazy options.


What are you folks doing tonight?


(And tonight in tomorrow land, when you find this thread at a later date, etc)

Edited by TheForgetfulBrain
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No, it is not wrong to envy the snowpocalypse.


I plan on spending tomorrow night all cozied up at home with warm cocoa and a book or Netflix Instant Watch movie.


Extreme envy, right here.




Really? It'll quite a modest evening in any regard. You must lead a very difficult life, Mr. TheForgetfulBrain. Very difficult, indeed, if you envy me for my meager comforts.

Edited by Mr. GOH!
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Well, Seattle has 4 inches of snow, which means the city is shut down for about a day, and on top of that I live on a GIANT hill, so anything social's out the window. Since there's no possibility of me working tomorrow, I'm going to game the night away, and chip away at my daunting backlog, hopefully finish Amnesia, get a bit further into my current playthroughs of Mass Effect and Dragon Age, then put some BC2 and MNC time in for good measure. I'm going to try to pop over to the game store and pick up Uncharted 2 so I can play with some of you guys, but seeing as how the city's going to be in lawless anarchy for the next few days, I don't know how possible this is. We got 3 inches in a half-hour, and it doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon. Weather reports say it's going to rain overnight and clear all the snow out, but I'm skeptical. And have my fingers crossed. I hope there's a gamestream later tonight.

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Tonight I am attempting to expand my depreciated knowledge of PHP.


Thus far, Japanese has been the easier language. :P


Ohhh, PHP.


I suck at PHP. Badly. I try to defer intensive PHP work to my co-workers when I can.


HTML and CSS primarily, please!

Edited by TheForgetfulBrain
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Tonight I am attempting to expand my depreciated knowledge of PHP.


Thus far, Japanese has been the easier language. :P


Ohhh, PHP.


I suck at PHP. Badly. I try to defer intensive PHP work to my co-workers when I can.


HTML and CSS primarily, please!


CSS is another thing. I've been doing stuff in CSS for this site, but when it comes to my personal site/Wordpress, I'm still using tables and standard HTML. I feel like I'm the most outdated Californian ever and still "thinking" in 1999. :(


Ohh, tables. Hee, yeah, I started learning web design about four years ago, and started with Divs - I haaaate having to go back and work with tables because I never learned them and am terrible with them. Once you get good with Divs though, you'll fall in love with them.


Thing about web programming though is languages are constantly being updated and old methods are constantly being deprecated, so you're always having to relearn some of the most fundamental aspects of how you program something.


I haven't worked with wordpress much, though I'll have to learn eventually. That's what the blogs we set up for our clients are on. Man, editing massive, complicated software (like forums, as you must know well by now) can be such a maddening pain.


I'm pretty impressed with all the upgrades and tweaks you've done to this place - I hate working with forums, the code pretty much always goes way over my head.

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Is it wrong to be envious of your snowpocalypse?


That's like my wishing I needed glasses because I think they look cool.


I'll probably spend a fair amount of time on the internet tonight as well.

Snow is pretty awesome if your not driving in it. If the snow is just wet enough, you can roll up quite a massive snow ball. Think about half your height before it gets too heavy to roll any more.

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