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what are you doing tonight?


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I am eating this burrito and watching TV. I'll probably play some U2 later, too, but now its time to relax.


Online? Because you should totes add us and visit the Uncharted 2 thread in Event Planning. TAY is unbeatable when it comes to Plunder, and we have a few star players when it comes to Deathmatches.

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I am eating this burrito and watching TV. I'll probably play some U2 later, too, but now its time to relax.


Online? Because you should totes add us and visit the Uncharted 2 thread in Event Planning. TAY is unbeatable when it comes to Plunder, and we have a few star players when it comes to Deathmatches.


Hahahaa. I totally read that as the band, not Uncharted 2.

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Last night I had a nice fish and chips dinner and then the fiancee wanted to show me Quest for Camelot. It was pretty horrid and even she admitted it wasn't nearly as good as she remembered it. Such is nostalgia I guess. Still, it's better than working until after 9 like I had been half the week.


Anyway, after that we went to bed. Tonight we're supposed to do a party thing or what not.

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I am planning a night of epic diedan being an idiot. First, I will go see my friends' band play and begin drinking. They're actually p great so it should be fun. After, around midnight or so, I am planning on going to a friend's birthday party, at the house where the two girls from my absurd story in the drinking thread live. It should be awkward, filled with drunkenness, and who the hell knows by like 3 am or something. It should be interesting and/or a blast.

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I don't know!


I had been going to bed around 5-6 AM for a few weeks before the holidays, so I'm still not used to waking up early for school.


I'm actually tired at night and go to bed at like 2 AM. Then I'm up at 10 AM and I don't know what to do with my day.


Like right now, it's only 9h45PM. I've already watched a bunch of That 70s Show episodes today (been rewatching it over the holidays since everything else was on hiatus) and I've already played Darksiders for a few hours AND Uncharted 2 earlier in the day. Oh and I even did some math homework O_O

So now I'm just not sure what I have left to do...

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Went to a friend's and watched the Jets annihilate Tom fucking Brady's group of prepubescent schoolgirls and then immediately switched to the Golden Globes. Maybe have had too much to drink. *hic*


I hate football but I'm kind of glad to see everyone on my Facebook feed having a fit over the Pats losing to the Jets. As a New Englander living in New York it makes me smile a bit to see all those who couldn't fathom someone hating football see their golden boy losing.


Is it baseball season yet? *puts on Yankee cap*

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Dead Space. My Dad's been playing it and there is a very real possibility that a 65 year old man will beat me to finishing that game. This must not happen. :|


I played the Dead Space 2 demo last night - boy, that is going to be a neeeeat game.


I still don't know how the same team that managed to have such an interesting story in Dead Space, also made Dante's Inferno which had... basically... no story... with alllll that source material... god, that game sucked.

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Went to a friend's and watched the Jets annihilate Tom fucking Brady's group of prepubescent schoolgirls and then immediately switched to the Golden Globes. Maybe have had too much to drink. *hic*


I hate football but I'm kind of glad to see everyone on my Facebook feed having a fit over the Pats losing to the Jets. As a New Englander living in New York it makes me smile a bit to see all those who couldn't fathom someone hating football see their golden boy losing.


Is it baseball season yet? *puts on Yankee cap*


I approve of all intense dislike of Tom Brady, no matter the reason or source.

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