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  • 2 weeks later...

So the new tribes game is going F2P. Not sure if I'm ok with that, paying for upgrades is going to be annoying.

Currently playing in F2P: Spiral Knights, Arma 2, World of Tanks, Global Agenda (not so much), TF2 ( already owned it and was playing alot, but have to add it to the F2P cat now). Im also going to be trying out AvA now that it was added to steam, seems a good CSS - COD fusion.

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For anyone who's interested, Hellgate F2P is opening its doors today.


Though, from what I see from it, they're literally cutting out half the content from the original game and charging players in order to access it. I assume the general consensus from original Hellgate owners will be mostly negative. Paying yet again to get access to the same game definitely does not float my boat (I'm an original owner, thankfully wasn't dumb enough to buy the exorbitant MP fee the first time it came around).

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So the new tribes game is going F2P. Not sure if I'm ok with that, paying for upgrades is going to be annoying.

Currently playing in F2P: Spiral Knights, Arma 2, World of Tanks, Global Agenda (not so much), TF2 ( already owned it and was playing alot, but have to add it to the F2P cat now). Im also going to be trying out AvA now that it was added to steam, seems a good CSS - COD fusion.


So you're going to pay for them?

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  • 2 weeks later...



I had quite a bit of fun with this. If you want something to fill in a few hours, I recommend it.




(shame I didn't upload one of my prettier images)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got a list


-Vindictus (Very fast paced fun)

-Champions Online (the free 2 play model is definately one of the best ever)

-Dungeon Fighter Online

-TF2 (pretty obvious one)

-Mods for the Source engine

-Peggle Extreme (http://bit.ly/pts8Ht)

-Peggle WoW edition (http://bit.ly/npsNA7)

-Meat Boy (http://bit.ly/osdonj)

-Rainbow Unicorn Attack (doesnt really count but its too epic not to include)

-The GOG freebies they give you to sign up with them (http://www.gog.com/)

-Google Earth Flight Simulator (another that doesnt really count but i found it really fun)

-Flash Games (any you can find thats fun play em)

-Emulators for classic games like (Some people find it to be similair to pirating, i dont but thats just me)

-Octodad (http://www.octodadgame.com/)

-N game (very challenging platformer (http://bit.ly/o8JSfB))

-Fotonica (http://www.fotonica-game.com/)

-Proun (http://www.proun-game.com/)

-Rockstar Classics (GTA 1, 2, and Wild Metal (http://www.rockstargames.com/classics/))

-Kerbal Space Program (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/)

-Cave Story

-Elder Scrolls Daggerfall (http://www.elderscrolls.com/daggerfall/)

-Elder Scrolls Arena (http://www.elderscrolls.com/arena/)

-Minecraft (though do note the free version is nothing compared to the actual game)

-WoW (its not really free to play but the Starter edition allows you to level up to 20)

-Starcraft (also not really but it lets you play alot)

-Battlefield Play 4 Free (but its actually more of a Pay 2 Win model)

-Realm of the Mad God

-Super Crate Box (Annoyed the fuck out of me but i keep hearing its fun...)

-Trackmania Nations

-Desktop Dungeons

-Alien Swarm

-Dwarf Fortress

-Lastly Minesweeper!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heroes/Vindictus is the best free to play game out there, imo.

the removal of the tokens really freed up the gameplay,

along with a lot of details. admittedly i preferred the old

system of using a full SP bar and 10AP to transform versus

the limitation of 1 transform per hour. i realize how slow it

is now to level the path skill. especially if you play casually...


i was coerced to try Silk Road for a while.






do YOU say no to cute japanese girls?


you might, but i dont.

Edited by _S0MA_
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Silk Road is a Korean MMORPG. P: But let's not say no to adorable Korean girls either. Hnngh. Can't even begin to number the amount of free Korean affairs I've been digested by. The latest was Aion, but that was an NCSoft game, so the production value is much higher. There are many of decent free Korean-birthed MMORPGs out there if you're willing to deal with grinding. Played this prior to Aion, and it has some absolutely lovely music.

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But let's not say no to adorable Korean girls either.


i get your meaning. in my case, it was a Japanese girl trying to get me to play Silk Road.


my life is weird.


in turn, i was trying to get her [and her friends] to play Vindictus. the reason i got

around to this whole mess was i stumbled into a chat one day and she was berating

WoW players as a whole for continually paying to play what she [and her friends]

considered to be a terrible game. so it started there.


i wonder if shes back from yokohama...

do YOU say no to cute japanese girls?


you might, but i dont.


I do, but I only know the English for 'no'...




it makes this sound that is phonetically: ee-yeh


theres a bit of tone to it also to convey it to be a negative. surely someone here is fluent.

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(Reformatted and haven't reinstalled Asian language support) iie works fine. It's formal, and that's good. You can cut it short by saying ie and be less polite, or be even less polite with uun. There are also other ways of saying no in different situations, such as chigaimasu or the less polite chigau. I'm by no means fluent, but I'm learning.


The Yotsuba image was just there because she's cool. And saying no.


Oh, and anything for a scrumptious Asian girl! x:

Edited by Saturnine Tenshi
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