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The fact that it's coming to Steam day and date (or at all, really) is genuinely shocking news. Especially in these dark times where Epic are trying their hardest to fuck the PC market up. I would've skipped a Win10 store release because I still constantly hear stories of how much of an unusable fucking nightmare it is. But with a Steam release, sure, I'll give the series a shot.


I'm surprised by the episodic release, though. It's been so long since the initial MCC release that I figured they had plenty of time to port the whole thing at once. For a newcomer like me, is it optimal to start with Reach? I know it's a prequel but those aren't always the best intros. Like, I'd never recommend anyone start with MGS3.


1 hour ago, Malster Chief said:

Now I need to find a echo-y bathroom to hum the theme.


I got you, Mal!



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5 hours ago, TheMightyEthan said:


They're porting it to PC! And it will be on Steam! Also they're adding Reach to it!


Apparently it will launch episodically on PC, with Reach coming out first, then progressing in chronological order from there. No news yet on a release date, but there's supposed to be more info coming this weekend.


I was hoping it was going to be one of those simultaneous announcements/releases...


HELL YEAH! \m/ \m/ :P 




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I think starting with Reach is fine. It fleshes out the universe some more which Halo 1 staged up but I believe wasn't keen on fleshing out since, you know, it was a new IP. Also as Ethan said, Reach's story itself isn't a big thing. It ends as you would expect after hearing about it from Halo 1.

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  • 2 months later...

The main thing is AI behavior. Changing how they act fundamentally changes the game. It being Halo 1, doubly so since I have fond memories of how the AI acted. 


Visually, I think the most jarring thing would be the Jackel's shields. They really should change color and stuff. This game is old but not primitive in that it didn't have those effects or ahead-of-its-time visuals. I do support fixing these visuals in part to pay respect to the original. It may seem anal but preservation of games as they were is culturally important. OG Xbox hardware and Halo 1 disks will only last so long. 


Oddly this involves Gearbox who had their own AI issue a year or two ago. 

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Yeah, I had kind of skipped through the video the first time (I was at work), and missed the part about the shields not turning red, but once I saw it I remembered that from Anniversary, and how weird it was. That was the only issue mentioned that I actually noticed on my own though.

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  • 2 weeks later...



With Halo releasing on PC now, I am glad that I am going to be able to have the chance to enjoy Infinite. Holiday 2020, BABY. Glad to be back in the fold. AI rampancy and maybe Cortana going rampant has been like a thing since 2 or 3 in the expanded universe with the books, I believe. Going to be nice to see how it all plays out.

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Might get that Game Pass thingy, after checking the local price, it's actually really fucking good. :P 


I might update my PC this year (been saving... pretty much since I built my current system :P ) so it may be able to run it properly, otherwise, this just made Scarlett that much more tempting. :P 

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  • 1 year later...


Either this is Halo Wars 3 (which would be awesome!) or Infinite is just going to pretend Halo 5 didn't happen. :P 



Remember when Cortana was "I control the Guardians now!" and threatened the galaxy? Yeah that was fun. :P Atriox and his followers coming back doesn't seem like a big issue when compared to that. :P 


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On 6/9/2019 at 9:07 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

Yeah buddy! I'm fuckin stoked for this. Making it a launch game is smart, because it means I'm actually tempted to get a Scarlett at launch, since I'm sure my GTX 1080 won't be able to do it justice.


Weird how much can change in a year. I don't even remember being this excited for Infinite, and can't imagine why I was. I'll still probably get Infinite, but I'm sure as hell not getting a SeX, nor am I going to upgrade my PC for it...

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  • 4 weeks later...



A lot of people are saying that the thing on his forearm is a grappling hook. I don't know, and honestly, it'd be kinda weird. It worked for DOOM Eternal because of how it combined with glory kills, traversal and just the forward combat approach of it, but I'm not sure it would work with Halo.


Either way, we'll find out soon. :P 

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If they give Chief a grappling hook I know I can officially nope out on this one. There's no way that won't change the way the game plays enough to make it not feel like Halo to me, and since I don't really like non-Halo shooters if it's not Halo there's no reason for me to play it.

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Well... Do I have some news for you...


Open world game, with a grappling hook. :P 


The stuff they showed look cool, but yeah, too far from Halo for me, also they do seem to have left the Guardians, Cortana and the Mantle of Responsibility behind, the Banished are the main enemies now.


Will still keep an eye on it, just, it went from DAY ONE HELL YEAH to, eh, I'll buy it, maybe. :P 






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Yeah, I was not impressed with the graphics, other than when the elevator started to rise I was impressed with how much detail was maintained into the distance. But overall yeah it doesn't look any better than current gen PC games to me. And I'm only on a GTX 1080 so it's not even like I have a bleeding-edge card I'm comparing it to.

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Things look plasticky and low-detailed, except for some of the environments which I thought looked cool, maybe not next-gen cool though. I don't know if it's due to performance reasons or a design choice, but still, the more I watch that trailer the worse certain things look. :P 






In many ways they do seem to be going for that Halo CE look/feel, but I'm not sure that's the right move right now, specially if that means just abandoning the Guardians storyline. Given how 5 ended, suddenly jumping into another completely different war and fighting these dudes from Halo Wars 2 just feels weird, a bunch of brutes don't feel that threatening even if the trailer mentions they've already won, compared to Cortana pointing a gun at the head of the galaxy. :P 

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Yep. The Halo 5 story was stupid, but they needed to resolve it. Either that or they needed to full-on reboot. This soft-reboot nonsense is the worst of both worlds.


Also, that "gameplay" was obviously so scripted, everything so perfectly choreographed, that I don't even feel like it indicates what it would be like to actually play. It was more like a first-person cutscene.


And the grappling hook is still stupid.

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