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Resistance 2/Killzone 2


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Ha, all this Uncharted 2 this week actually made me want to get back into Resistance 2. I was thinking of making a thread for it, but you beat me to it it seems :lol:

The coop was pretty fucking fantastic, and I think it was an 8 player deal, so if other people have it, that has some serious potential to be awesome.


As for Killzone 2, I've been meaning to get back into it and try to get some more of the mp trophies for a long time now.

But with Killzone 3 less than 2 months away, I've kind of accepted that I'm never going to get the platinum :(


So yeah, anyone else still has Resistance 2?

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Ha, all this Uncharted 2 this week actually made me want to get back into Resistance 2. I was thinking of making a thread for it, but you beat me to it it seems :lol:

The coop was pretty fucking fantastic, and I think it was an 8 player deal, so if other people have it, that has some serious potential to be awesome.


As for Killzone 2, I've been meaning to get back into it and try to get some more of the mp trophies for a long time now.

But with Killzone 3 less than 2 months away, I've kind of accepted that I'm never going to get the platinum :(


So yeah, anyone else still has Resistance 2?

Unless they patched it, ands you have the DLC, you can get them all in a private game. Make it password protected, and invite your friend. Use Skype, or call them so you can hear each other even though you're on other teams.


I got the boltgun trophy the hard way, in a real game, but the flamethrower one is masochistic. Just do it the easy way.


Plus, the maps aren't too good, so there usually weren't too many maps open for either of them. You can get all the ribbons this way too, but that, I would cry foul at, go get them in game. xD

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