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a good JRPG.

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MaliciousH, I can only assume whomever told you to stay away from SMT disliked the fact that he had to actually think during combat instead of pressing the "Attack" or "Strongest Magic I Have Available" button constantly.


Aside from the combat, SMT is the closest thing JRPGs ever come to a really good story. I mean, it still can't touch the likes of Mass Effect, but it sure as hell beat the crap you find in Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest.

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I actually had been told to stay the hell away from the SMT series... okay, maybe not the Persona ones but yeah.


Persona is a sub series of the SMT series.

What makes the persona series so special from the smt series is that

Persona games are more about the story (except the first 1) and less about combat

while in the SMT series its more about the combat and a bit less on the story

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Oh man, I loved the characters for DDS. I thought the voice acting was 70% amazing and that the story was unique and fascinating.


No, the characters didn't start out that way, not even close, but as the game (I count 1 and 2 as the same game, really) progressed, they all developed magnificently.

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