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so I know I'm late to the party, but I just got my copy via Gamefly.


Am I mistaken, or is this game way better looking than previous Valve titles?


Source was the shiznit back in 2004, but ever since I've found it pretty tame. But I've been frequently impressed by Portal 2's graphics. How were they able to make them so much better?


It's also worth noting that Valve optimized the Source engine even more with Portal 2. Upon starting up the game, EVERY video setting was maxed out, and ran above 40 FPS the entire time.


I could never do that with Half-Life 2. The recommended settings were always lower, and if I tried to max everything, my FPS lagged behind. I'm astounded that Valve managed to make an engine this robust - 6 years later, they continue to improve it and it shows no signs of being "outdated".

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bun-wah.gif - Eurgh

bun-banned.gif - my hands are tied

bun-snicker.gif - because I know something you don't. (well you do)

bun-cry.gif - it makes me sad inside

bun-ohmagawd.gif - and all a bit "rraarrgh" that I can't say.

bun-facewall.gif - ditto

bun-WTF.gif - so I'm kinda reading the DLC stuff popping up on sites

bun-crazy.gif - margle pargle aeighafslaas fblasuw (kinda translated from an earlier tweet)

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bun-wah.gif - Eurgh

bun-banned.gif - my hands are tied

bun-snicker.gif - because I know something you don't. (well you do)

bun-cry.gif - it makes me sad inside

bun-ohmagawd.gif - and all a bit "rraarrgh" that I can't say.

bun-facewall.gif - ditto

bun-WTF.gif - so I'm kinda reading the DLC stuff popping up on sites

bun-crazy.gif - margle pargle aeighafslaas fblasuw (kinda translated from an earlier tweet)

You know something I don't? TELL ME!

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So I heard that the DLC will be free on all platforms. When the hell did Microsoft and Sony bent over regarding free DLC? Well, maybe its cool with Sony since it has Steam for Portal 2 but Microsoft?

I'm guessing the whole PSN/Steamworks thing did its job. Microsoft wouldn't want to give people any more reason to forgo the 360 version.

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I'm sure everyone in here has it already, but you never know. If not though, today is the day to pick it up, as I doubt it'll be that price tomorrow. I'm glad I waited a little bit. Now to hurry up and borrow The Orange Box from my buddy so I can finally play the first one.


.....I know... please try not to yell at me.



Mortal Kombat is $40 on Amazon today too.

Edited by FredEffinChopin
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I think I should mention here that Valve responded to my complaint about the beat-up poster.


Someone at Valve personally sent me a replacement; opting to send it directly via USPS.


The replacement still is a little worn in parts, but a major improvement from the last one. I'm still not sure if I'll frame it now or not.


This is frustrating. I've been trying to collect gaming art, but it all has to be found and purchased online, and it frequently gets fucked up during delivery. :(

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