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My Nintendo posters and Daft Punk poster arrived in the mail just fine. ^_^


I hope the poster won't cost too much. The co-op poster is less than $10, but this new one is a sight to behold. I usually like to frame my posters, so I'm already spending quite a bit of money for just one poster.

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So I have a friend who supposedly I guess must know a friend. Portal 2 1970's poster in it's glorious 378megapixels.

it's 50mb and that means if too many grab it it will destroy my dropbox, so only grab it if you intend to.


Also one of the guys on steam knocked this up:





(if the image doesn't show, it's a sign folks have raped my dropbox)

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How do you not have access to Steam?

I didn't set up a Steam account before Portal 2. I let my copy of Portal 2 on PS3 auto-create one in-game. After downloading Steam on Tuesday, I did the whole "PS3 - First time sign-in" process.


While all of PSN fell apart Wednesday evening, bits and pieces of it were falling apart beforehand. The process didn't work as it would give me the "PlayStation Network is undergoing maintenance" screen.


So while I have a Steam ID (Sheikah88), a password wasn't created and so I don't have access to, what I assume exists, my Steam account. EDIT: I mean, that's how me and my friend did co-op: Steam.

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http://steamcommunity.com/id/Sheikah88 - nope it didn't make the Steam account. And if it had you could always just sign in, choose "Forgot password" and it'll send it to your email account.

Well, I can't sign in...


The PS3 sign-in is suppose to set up the credentials, so it makes sense I don't have a full profile. Still, I was able to play with my friend when he was using his Mac. I guess it only works in Portal 2 for now. <_<

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That "Portal 2: Final Hours" thing is out on Steam for £1.50 if anyone is interested



"Destroy Aperture Science by wiping your fingers over the screen."


OMG! Valve have betraaaaaaaayed PC gamers! A pox on all touchscreen noob scum for they have doomed us all. Doooooooooooomed!

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I'm about to give up on journalists altogether and start consulting a crystal ball.


"This just in, parents are being forced to talk to their children about life!"


Oh my god... Are we stocked on canned goods? This could be it!!

Edited by FredEffinChopin
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