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A new ending?? Thats awesome! Gotta finish it myself, I got like near the end on the old family PC aaaages ago. Gonna go through it to the end after I've finished the half life 2's.

Also getting the mods to work on consoles is fantastic. Every new bit of Portal 2 news gets better every time

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We're doing some maths in steam chat and:

UK gets the PC version cheaper, but the console version (due to shifiting conversion rates between $=£) for more.

Only $5 more console and $10 less on PC. It does make it less of an incentive to get the PS3 version. It's a $15 gap between the 2 in US. £15 in the UK ($25)

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  On 2/14/2011 at 11:39 PM, Deanb said:

We're doing some maths in steam chat and:

UK gets the PC version cheaper, but the console version (due to shifiting conversion rates between $=£) for more.

Only $5 more console and $10 less on PC. It does make it less of an incentive to get the PS3 version. It's a $15 gap between the 2 in US. £15 in the UK ($25)


Ugh, not in the rest of Europe D: Portal 2 is a whopping €45 on Steam. Seriously that's the worst pricing ever. not only is it at least €10 cheaper to get the PC version from online shops, but EVEN worst the PS3 version IS CHEAPER TO GET.


So to get the PS3 version and its included PC version together is cheaper then buying the lone PC version directly from Steam.


I know this isn't the place to complain about this shit but God damn

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  On 2/15/2011 at 3:22 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

I still need to figure out how the PS3/PC version thing works. Do I have to tie the PS3 version to my Steam account, or can I just take the PC version out of it then give the PS3 copy to a friend?




"SteamPlay support has been announced. If you buy Portal 2 for the Playstation 3, you can link your PSN account with your Steam account. This will grant you access to the PC and Mac versions of the game at no additional cost"


Some people have emailed Valve asking if what you're saying is possible, but so far it seems like you'll end up with 2 copies for yourself, which kinda doesn't make sense IMO.

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Thanks metal, that did actually clear it up for me somewhat (and Dean's right about what I was really trying to ask).


Based on what metal posted, I imagine that the PS3 copy will come with a code that lets you tie your PSN account to your Steam account, or if anyone can do that then the code will be what lets you activate your PS3 copy of Portal 2 on Steam. Then probably anyone will be able to play the PS3 version of Portal 2 as long as they have the disc, but only people who've "activated" it with the code will be able to use the Steam features, whatever those might be (probably cross-platform coop, for one).


This is all just my conjecture, though.

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I'd imagine it's like a U-Play title, so on Portal 2 menu on PS3 will be "Steam" or something, input your steam account (or it'll offer to make one) and that'll add Portal 2 to your account or whatever. Then means any achievements you get will go to PSN trophies,and Steam account too (like Up=-Play having it's own achievement system). As for co-op I'd guess that will connect up via Steam regardless. I'd guess there will be a setting to let you only play with PS3 users (and PC only on Steam version)


I guess if you nudge me this afternoon(my afternoon) I can use PXOD account email Gabe or Doug n see if we get a response. Just find out how the whole thing works.

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  On 2/15/2011 at 10:19 PM, MetalCaveman said:
  On 2/15/2011 at 3:22 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

I still need to figure out how the PS3/PC version thing works. Do I have to tie the PS3 version to my Steam account, or can I just take the PC version out of it then give the PS3 copy to a friend?


"SteamPlay support has been announced. If you buy Portal 2 for the Playstation 3, you can link your PSN account with your Steam account. This will grant you access to the PC and Mac versions of the game at no additional cost"


Some people have emailed Valve asking if what you're saying is possible, but so far it seems like you'll end up with 2 copies for yourself, which kinda doesn't make sense IMO.

It does make sense. Instead of wondering if I should buy a game for a console or PC, I could just "buy the game". (Letting people give away a copy of the game is where it wouldn't make sense to me.)


I'm already considering buying a gaming PC for single player games later this year or next year if I don't hear of any new consoles coming out in the next few years, and if I had a few games that were ready and waiting for a new PC, I'd be that much more likely to buy the gaming PC, which, in turn, makes me that much more likely to buy more PC games. :)


(The whole thing reminds me of including download codes for Blu-ray/DVD movies. The idea is that it doesn't cost them anything to provide you with an additional way to enjoy the content/game, but if you're even a little bit more likely to make the purchase as a result, it makes sense to offer that option. :) )

Edited by peteer02
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I'll do that now I guess :P

Wonder if they'll respond to the site that let loose their little secret :P


Anywho, seems the PS3 version of Portal 2 is getting Move support, or at least they've developed it. I'm unsure if it's coming in the game on launch, in a patch, or at all.



This may push me to getting the PS3 version.



Sent to Doug Lombardi (since he's down as PR)


A few of our readers and myself are wondering how exactly the free PC copy works with the PS3 version of the game.

Some are wondering if there will be separate achievements (assuming Steamworks integration on PS3 version gets you Steam Achievements too).

Others are also wondering about the implications with trade-ins and such. Some have suggested they might want to buy the PS3 version use the Steam code to get Portal 2 on their Steam account then either trade-in the PS3 game or give to a friend. Now Steam games can't be traded, but they wonder if you'd get the game taken off your Steam account if you did trade it in. Or maybe if the friend would need to use your PSN account to play the game, Steamworks functionality being stripped if they don't.

They're also wondering if they got the PS3 version and passed on the code to a PC gaming friend, with the Steam and PSN account tied would it mean in future if they get Portal 3, HL3 etc on PS3 that offered a similar deal, would the Steam version only be able to go onto the friends account?

And lastly from myself only (since I've only just seen the Move news pop up) would the Move support mean the PS3 may get the Razer Hydra levels, or do they remain exclusive to Razer?

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