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Portal 2 is now available for pre-load. Seems a bit odd, given that the official release is still a week away.


It's also worth noting that some of the content in the on-going Valve ARG hints at a possible early release for Portal 2.


EDIT: Also, as far as file sizes go:


Portal: ~1200 MB/1.2 GB

Portal 2: ~9900 MB/9.9 GB

Edited by Vargras
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Only PlayStation®3 split-screen co-op can be played using a single copy of the game. When you purchase a new copy of Portal 2 for PlayStation®3, you will receive an in-box code which provides your linked Steam account with access to your copy of Portal 2 on your computer. The game is still owned by only a single Steam account--another copy will be required to play online co-op with a friend.

Well then. That's stupid.

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It makes sense since in what people were hoping for, they were really giving a game away. Can't really have it like that... having the PC copy is just a nice "buy it new, instead of used" sort of thing.


Now I'm wondering about returns and such. If me and my brother can overall save money from not buying another copy, we'll look into it. Not like that I would mind to pay for this game at launch... or near launch. I have been giving Portal a whirl, and man, it still looks great (with everything maxed).

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Only PlayStation®3 split-screen co-op can be played using a single copy of the game. When you purchase a new copy of Portal 2 for PlayStation®3, you will receive an in-box code which provides your linked Steam account with access to your copy of Portal 2 on your computer. The game is still owned by only a single Steam account--another copy will be required to play online co-op with a friend.

Well then. That's stupid.


It's only stupid if you're stupid enough to not read through the lines :P

(and we all know you're fucking retarded :P)

All it says is you can play on Steam copy, just make sure that the person using your PS3 copy isn't doing that while logged into your PSN account then you can play together online. Or buy tic-tacs and you can both play Co-op on PS3/PC(thursday reckons it's got splitscreen on all versions but I got no follow up on "you sure?" so we'll assume that includes PC)

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The way I read it is that the PS3 version has a code that lets you tie it to your Steam account, and then you'll have to be signed in to the Steam account on the PS3 in order to play online coop with someone on the PC. Since you can't be signed in to your Steam account on PC and PS3 simultaneously, you'll have to pay for two copies in order to play coop like that.

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It has a code to give you a free copy of Portal 2 on Steam. The code isn't required to tie your PSN and Steam accounts. That would lock used owners out of Steam. Valve wouldn't want that ;)

Just make sure the PSN account playing your PS3 copy has tied their PSN account to their Steam account.


Also Thursday ain't wrong. This is a glimpse of the future. Sony never read any vampire stories when they grew up. The vampire can't come in your house unless you invite them in. Once you've done that in come the mummy n frankenstien n the rest of the circus.

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The code isn't required to tie your PSN and Steam accounts. That would lock used owners out of Steam. Valve wouldn't want that ;)

I take issue with this assumption. Granted, even if you do need a code to tie it to your Steam account you'll probably be able to buy that code fairly cheaply.

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Why would Valve lock the potential 50million or so PSN users out of Steam?


The instructions split apart the:

-how to log into steam on your PS3

-how to use the code in the PS3 box to install Portal 2 on Steam.


How would the loose code in a random box help know what PSN account you have. And the game activation process on Steam doesn't request your PSN ID.

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The way I read that is: local is split-screen and requires one of the copies. To play with someone online, use one of your copies.


So yeah, I don't think you could hypothetically have your friend jump on your PC copy for co-op if you're using the PS3 copy. Then again, if there's local, why would you want to play on two different platforms?

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You could link your main Steam account (SA) to your main PSN (PA). Then create a new PSN (PB), link it to another Steam account (SB) and redeem the free copy code then PA can play against SB.


I don't have any codes (only got a promo copy at the mo) and my PSN and Steam account are linked up.


Also, not sure if you need to be logged into Steam on PSN to play online (fairly sure you don't) so maybe you could not log in on PSN and play with the Steam account that way... though... to see the Steam friend you would need to be connected... Sneaky Valve.


If (haha! "If") anyone gets hold of a copy on Steam when it releases, we can have a mess about with this.

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Then again, if there's local, why would you want to play on two different platforms?

So you don't have to play splitscreen?


Also, my computer is in the same room as the PS3, so it's not like it would be "hey, come over to my place so we can play the game from different rooms."

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Well, that kinda thing happens when one person owns the game and wants to play co-op with another sans copy.


I know it seemed like this would be a unique occurrence to literally have two games, but from the start Valve always intended the free PC copy to be a PS3 user's portable copy, and if any luck, "Please join Steam" copy. So yeah, when you're playing one copy of Portal 2, you yourself are playing Portal 2. To switch to Portal 2 on PC, you get off your PS3 and, through that special linking, you can pick up where you were on the PC.


I'm sure you can set up hoops and thus jump through them to make it so perhaps someone else can play the PC copy, but something tells me you would be giving up that copy simply because of all the "user account" hassle.

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