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Small research business, of course they're not churning out stuff on the large scale yet. As they said it'll be 15 years until it's at the scale of an oil refinery, which makes sense. Needs a lot more than £1million to start that off and all the infrastructure and such in place. Tiny acorns n all that. It's same with fusion, only a few seconds of energy now, and not all that useful, but given enough push. And this is a lot simpler to scale up since the chemistry has been laid out.

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I look forward to my cloned body parts allowing me to hold on to life long after I should have been rotting in the ground.


I look forward to them allowing me to hold on to life while the bits they replaced are rotting in the ground. :)

Edited by Thursday Next
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Playing Assassin's Creed Liberation on the Vita has made me want an OLED TV. That display is gorgeous.


*Edit* - And yeah, white pixels are one of those obvious-in-retrospect kind of things.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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Sounds like a scaled up Windows Phone with Xbox branding (which they seemed to be spreading the Xbox brand out, see Windows 8). I doubt it'll run Xbox games (beyond any ported XBLA games). Seems a weird idea, though I would never expect them to make a handheld console, so I guess if they're wanting a portable a tablet makes sense of sorts.

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I've been thinking for a while that I'm sure it won't be too long before smartphones begin to replace credit cards as the primary payment method, and then the end of that article says this:


However, smartphone manufacturers will be hoping that enhanced credit cards will be quickly replaced by NFC - near-field communication - alleviating the need for physical payment cards altogether.However, smartphone manufacturers will be hoping that enhanced credit cards will be quickly replaced by NFC - near-field communication - alleviating the need for physical payment cards altogether.


My other thought was that it doesn't seem very secure to use your card as the one-time-code generator, because then if someone steals your card they've also got that generator.

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The readers arewn't unique devices though, and banks hand em out like they're going out of style. I had three at one point.


And yeah it's likely NFC will gain ground, but a huge issue is for those without phones and you're still having to put a PIN in anyway. Also issue of perception too, a card is something folks are used to having, they're small and simple, and don't run out of battery. I don't see it taking over for a while though, at least in UK. Sure there's plenty of NFC phones, and contactless cards (my bank even has stickers as a halfway house too), but the readers are near non-existent. I'm in a city atm and I ain't seen a single one (though it says McDonalds have them and I've not been in a McDs for a fair while). Still I go in Greggs often enough and you'd think they'd be great place to just swipe n be done.

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Looks like the equivalent of an RSA SecurID fob... May as well, if it's cheap enough, since the CVN is already printed on the card, and static until the card's reissued. This way, someone could copy your whole card number and still not use it without the card itself.

Edited by fuchikoma
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Microsoft is researching what they call "Differential Privacy", which would be a technological solution to allow researchers to query large databases of personal or demographic information, but with a reduced chance of personally identifying anyone with the anonymous data that is returned by the queries.

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UK guy has had a hand transplant. It has been done before (though the US dude stopped taking his meds and surprise surprise ended up with no hand again). I'm not sure the operation is worth it. A lifetime of hand-related puns, and constantly being aware your hand has scratched someone else's butt, has wanked someone else's cock, picked someone else's nose. It's the very epitome of "you don't even know where it's been".

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