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  • 3 weeks later...

There's a proposal in the European Parliament's committee on legal affairs to establish a legal framework for "electronic persons"




Seems pretty ridiculous at first, but from reading the article it seems like really the point is establishing things like who is responsible when a robot goes haywire and hurts someone or causes property damage.  Obviously that's going to be an issue for self-driving cars, this would just be broader so it would cover robots in all kinds of situations.  There's also stuff like potentially requiring companies to pay in social security for their robots too, not to benefit the robots but because of concern that work will become progressively harder for humans to obtain and they need a social safety net.

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The latter being the "basic income" stuff which has to happen some point. It's something mulling on my mind a while cos I'd like to hear some actual political debate around the automation of the workforce, and certainly one that doesn't go "but we invented the freezer n ice delivery men got other jobs!" type responses.


Not that much of this will apply to us depending on the trouser leg we end up in on Friday.

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  • 1 month later...

For a more popular culture focus.


TED talk with some caveats like say "Do we really know what gene(s) causes XYZ?".


You know, I feel bad for any potential long-lived children or grandchildren of ours. They will be living in and cleaning up our climatic mess. Sure they could engineer the hell out of the problem but you're essentially telling them to dip their toes in directed terraforming. Then again they potentially won't have to deal with cancer and other fucked up diseases. It's a fair trade...

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So I took pictures of the moon a couple nights ago with our camera just to try it out.  It's not nearly as impressive as that Nikon, but I don't think it's too shabby.  I think much further a zoom would be pretty much useless without a tripod.  I made cropped ones too so you can see the difference in detail without having to open them in a new tab or anything.














Also, does anybody else see the creeper in the moon?





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It'll be quite interesting to see how the trucking industry adapts. It is anybody's guess. My hunch is where most truck stops are now will still be there but now it's more of a function of checking if everything is kosher with the cargo and truck. Could be as simple as checking if the seals on the truck cargo hold is intact and what they should be. Could be more involved. The checkers could be from the owners of the trucks like UPS, Swift, U-haul or some new contractor companies. These places also could be where come a representative is based that can go to accident sites. In the end though, it'll be (I suspect) less people employed in this industry.

Edited by MaliciousH
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Man, this is pretty wacky. I remember back at uni it'd take hours to process motion tracking, then you'd have to build all the point data in a 3D application. You wanted to scan a 3D object? You needed to book the laser scanner. These days you can use a free Autodesk phone app to just take a handful of photos and hey presto (and the results are about on par with what we got on the laser scanner).


Now just take a stationary video n hey look it produces a 3D physics simulation about as good as you'd get with basic skills (heck probably better given you'd have to cut out and manually model a lot of the stuff...and well as it covers it's much easier to make the thing you want to simulate from scratch in your 3D program).


And another video

(not watched this fully yet).

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  • 5 weeks later...

For things to come...


Space X just fired off a very bold proclamation I suppose. Lifting 20 people and the supplies they need at once with 42 rockets with the combined thrust equivalent to 3.4-ish Saturn V rockets (The real big boys that sent Apollo mission to the Moon). My mind has trouble grasping how it will all work but it sounds doable. Reason why I put this in this thread. We can crunch out the numbers and physics. Space X just need to get the funding to do such a thing. There's some science that needs to be done before hand like regarding human being in space for so long but it can all be worked out.

Still... part of me thinks a space elevator is easier in the long run. We just got to find the suitable material to build it with...

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  • 1 month later...

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