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Yeah, but that's for entertainment. I get people being excited for entertainment. I don't whoop and holler when a new law is introduced. It's just a tool for business. *shrug*


Also find it weird mostly because it feels pretty forced by the Adobe drone.

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Desktop laser cutter/engraver to go with the 3D printer. At $3k-6k they are expensive but as with 3D printers, they should go down in costs in the coming years. Being a maker in 2020's and beyond is going to be awesome. 3D printing and laser cutting and engraving is not just for large factories anymore.

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I like the fact if you're writing AI software to write AI software you must surely know your future job prospects are a bit fucked :P


Also I guess it depends on the kind of "AI". Like I guess joe bloggs on the street AI is like Skynet, Data, etc. But to businesses and such it's more along the lines of Watson. So not really artificial sentient life but more an intelligence that can sift through shit tons of data. They're more akin to video game AI than sci-fi AI.

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At this point they're pretty limited, but they keep getting better all the time, and if the AI can create new AIs that seems like a pretty big step toward triggering an AI singularity, where the AI makes an AI smarter than it is, which makes an even smarter one, etc.


Again, I know we're not at the point where it can make AIs smarter than itself, just saying that's where this is headed.

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Good video about how people are so obsessed with the edge cases of self-driving cars ("What will it do if confronted with the choice between running over a baby carriage and a box of kittens?!") that they ignore the fact that tens of thousands of people die every year from car crashes caused by human error.

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Yeah it's something that actually crossed my mind today walking past some idiot that managed to park right across the crossing. Oh and the issue with all the BMWs, Mercedes and Audis missing indicators.


End of the day in 90% of cases self-driving cars, especially at 100% saturation, will be a bajillion times safer than a flesh and blood mushy dim-witted inebriated tired distracted human driver. Our grand kids are going to be like "people used to drive their own cars, at 80mph?" in the same way we're like "you didn't have a TV?" to our grandparents.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Holy crap. That certainly a way to get around being bipedal while remaining upright. I wonder if it can go up the hill it came down on while upright or if it needs to use its arms to "claw" it way up hill? But shit. In any normal urban/developed area, this thing has insane potential. I imagine if they need to carry more weight they'll just add more legs/wheels. Suddenly, with four legs/wheels we have Tachikomas.



Aww, yeah.


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  • 3 weeks later...


Looks kinda cool, though I imagine some of the practicalities would be less cool. I know a big issue with "touch projectors", there was a keyboard that did similar some years ago, is that a keyboard has springs or rubber mesh in it, your hardwood table less so, and kinda fucks your fingers after a while. So no go on the piano app for long sessions. Also as with most projectors you want ideal lighting conditions, a sunny day is going to make it less effective.


However the high price point does help push it out the realm of average consumer and lets the first users get out most of the issues. I think overall it can be a decent idea, especially for the "making a large tablet" thing. Though for much of the applications your average TV these days is a Smart TV, and stuff like cooking it's not that hard to us a tablet for recipes. It'd be awesome with projection mapping though, go qausi-iron man style and let you project an interface onto objects.


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The future is here.


What I think is actually quite interesting from this (aside from the 3 years of engineering and development) is that even knowing that the dart board is actively helping you score a bullseye (which incidentally isn't the best place to go) people are still excited that they did.

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