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Final Fantasy XIII-2


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Holy crap. The platforming section in 500 AF is the most tedious, annoying, and frustrating section (to an otherwise great game) that I've seen this entire generation. It sucks on so many levels. First of all, for most of the game, when Serah is at an edge, she won't fall down unless you make her jump (and only sometimes will she jump). At this point though, she'll just happily walk over the edge of the blocks. And then when she does fall, she restarts WAY further back. To the point where it's easier to save, and if you fall, restart the game. That's just bad game design. I didn't even mention the switches/cactuar statues that are never explained exactly what they do. If they want platforming sections, which I think is a good idea, breaks up the gameplay but still compliments the Final Fantasy formula, they need to take a serious look at Uncharted or Assassin's Creed or something. Dammit Square!

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Agreed! It should give this game a lot of life even after the main quest is finished. I was up till 2 am last night (I don't do that often) trying to catch a blue chocobo and then a green chocobo. So now my Serah is a Ravenger/Sabotuer/Medic, Noel is a Commando/Synergist/Medic, with Nuggets my (new) golden chocobo as a commando, Chirps, my blue chocobo ravenger, and Buster, my green chocobo medic.

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So I've been playing this yesterday. I do get the "this could be FFXV" comments. It really is rather different apart from a couple of the characters and the battle system. Just change the characters and you'd have a different game. And that's just the supporting characters. Serah n Noel are pretty new. It'd just require a bit more set-up on the people you meet.


The Paradigm shifts are much snappier now, I kinda like the creature collecting thing, dunno if you can end up with more than two beasts though, not had any yet. Cos I wouldn't want to "fusion" two beasts if I'm only going to get one. It makes me long for SMT: Lucifer's Call again actually. Money drops free n fast, the CP fills up quick and they're not really holding back on big beasties early on. The loading times in the Historia Crux are fucking loooooonnnng though. I like being able to hop back to earlier areas though, neat system. Yet to reverse time though. They're missing a trick in not having quests involve getting things from other time zones. Like the guy wants a retro PC, it'd be cool to be able to get one from the past. Though as of yet the different time periods are in different locations too. Missed a trick with that one.

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So that "previously on FFXIII-2" stuff is good when it works. Which would I guess be the first time. Then it all goes to shit when you start hoping about timelines and it fails to take into account that you've been to many other places not in the right order.


Also found out why they're 23MB for a file (Which having a single save slot annoys the hell out of me). It's cos it saves your location not at that moment of the game when you save. It saves your location in every time-zone in every location. Meaning when you go back to different places/times you end up popping up at the place where you last left off, not out of a standard location like the gate at the start of a level.


For the non-FFXIII-2 people It'd be like if you fast travelled to Whiterun and instead of landing at the city gate, you're outside the Companions cos that's where you last fast travelled from.


On one hand neat, on the other hand it absolutely destroys the saving and loading times.

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I'm two trophies away from platinuming this one. imho it's easily in the top 3 FF's to date, possibly even number 1. I've got the collectors edition, but been without internet at home for the past couple of weeks and I have to say that even without the DLC extras it feels like a very complete package. Looking forward to the Sazh DLC. Hopefully we'll get a Snow one too, I want to know what he's been up to while I've been gallivanting up and down the time stream.

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I didnt play past the ending. I usually do but I HATE finding items without a checklist. I hate going back to do something I probably already did. Fuck those wild artefacts. I just lack the patience for it right now.


Not only that, but I NEVER got Lightning. Fought that bitch over 30 times and nothing. After fighting her 30 times you should just get her automatically.

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Didn't have to grind any trophies apart from getting a lucky coin, which requires gil, time and cellotape, and going 10,000 steps on a chocobo (riding chocos seems counter intuitive when you have to fight enemies to get strongerer) which necessitated an elastic band. Some people struggle with 100 preemptive strikes in a row, I got it through normal play cos I'm a flipping ninja.

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God my schedule sucks. Got this plat about a week ago and have been meaning to comment, but I've barely had time to do much gaming. Truly tragic. If you're still curious for a count Cowboy, it took me about two weeks in 99 hours. A good 8-10 of those were spent when I went out and left the slot machine running. Oddly enough, I was way down when I got home, and less than 30 seconds after I turned the TV on it went nuts and started jackpotting left and right. I'm pretty sure I had something like 150k coins when I finally stopped it.


Anyway, I was pretty darned pleased with the game experience overall. The story kind of had me yawning in the early stages, but it eventually got kind of interesting and entertaining. The side missions helped with that sometimes too, providing some interesting supplemental information and such. I felt the biggest blow to the quality of the story was really Serah and Noel.


Noel in particular was boring, especially for someone who has such an incredibly unique background. When he wasn't boring, he was just weird; either inexplicably aggressive, or coming off as a little creepy. Both of those could be justified by his upbringing, but I'm certain that that isn't what was intended. It's just poor dialogue, and a character that wasn't nearly as fleshed out as I felt he should be.


While the combat had some nice improvements, I was pretty disappointed with how infrequently I was required to call on customization or unusual tactics to deal with difficult enemies. There were very few fights that forced me to change my paradigm setup, and even fewer fights that deviated from a repeating A-B-C pattern of attack on the part of the enemies. I feel like XIII made me work for it a lot more during the endgame where I had to hunt down all the badasses in the game.


My biggest complaint here is the handling of the DLC, which I am seriously irritated about. It sounded lame at first that Lightning was only playable as DLC, but it made sense once I started playing the game. What doesn't make sense, is the fact that the game shows you:


1: A Colosseum

2: A costume section of the menu


and you cannot do anything with either of them. With the latter it's something that wouldn't be as offensive if it was presented differently. If it was somewhere in an options or extras menu, it wouldn't feel so much like something that you're missing. With the former, it comes off as if they worked something into the game that is essentially a DLC teaser in the form of a necessary fragment (which is supposed to be story-related). In both cases I would be totally ok with it if they gave you something in each of those areas to begin with. Unlockable costumes for accomplishing certain things, with special DLC costumes for sale. An arena where most of, all of, or just some monsters from the game can be fought, and where unique enemies/members can be purchased as DLC. With the Colosseum it's especially fucked up since it's something that has appeared in several FF games, and been a source of a good chunk of endgame pursuits. I'm sure I'm not the only one who kept checking up on it, waiting for it to open, only to beat everything and discover that it's still just an empty (though slick looking) arena. I don't like it, not the idea of a FF Colosseum that is only populated when you populate it one purchase at a time, nor the idea of them selling you a feature that most games include, while only selling you additions to it. It's possibly the most unarguable case of withheld content that a developer simply decides should be DLC instead.


And yeah Dean, "The story so far" wasn't quite capable of keeping up as the story progressed in different directions, and was rendered somewhat ineffective after a point. I had a feeling it might wind up being the case. I still dig the style of it though, I hope that the trend of games doing things like that continues to rise. For appropriate games, anyway.


I know that looks like a lot of complaints, but really, I dug the game overall. Good times. 90 hours is pretty healthy, and I had a good time through the majority of it.


Which is promising I guess, since XIII-3 is apparently already in the works.


Edited by FredEffinChopin
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The coliseum does jack shit after that tinsy cut-scene, and the clothes don't change without DLC? Wow, bull-shit.


Blerugh, tad like ME2/AC in that regard, you complete the game and there's just sort of a hole missing. Sure the game could be awesome, but you're left with a deep feeling that you're missing out on something.

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